- Born: Abt 1813, , County Clare, Ireland 8233
- Marriage (1): Mary FIELD [10508] about 1845 in , Victoria, Australia 8346
- Died: 11 Sep 1887, Camperdown, Vic, Australia aged about 74
- Buried: 13 Sep 1887, Camperdown, Vic, Australia
General Notes:
The Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918) Tue 13 Sep 1887 Page 2 NOTES AND EVENTS. Two old and well-known residents of this district passed quietly away on Sunday Mr. Sylvester Cahir, and Mr. Joseph Trotter. Both gentlemen were old pioneers of the colony, and their loss will be regretted by a large circle of friends
Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1877 - 1954) Wed 14 Sep 1887 Page 2 Family Notices Death. TROTTER - On the 11th September, at Carpendeit, Joseph Trotter. Aged 78 years. A colonist of 48 years.
Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1877 - 1954) Sat 13 Oct 1888 Page 2 Family Notices Death. Trotter - On the 11th inst., at Elingamite, Mary, relict of the late Joseph Trotter, aged 66 years. The funeral will leave, her late residence for the Camperdown cemetery to-day at 9 a.m., passing through Camperdown at 2p.m
Joseph married Mary FIELD [10508] [MRIN: 3446] about 1845 in , Victoria, Australia.8346 (Mary FIELD [10508] was born about 1822 in , , Ireland and died in 1888 in , Victoria, Australia.)