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Thomas Davis DAVIES [12681]
Ann [12682]
David Woodwall DAVIES [12679]
Mary Ann POWELL [12680]
(Abt 1800-1839)

Richard O'Donovan DAVIES [10551]
(Abt 1833-1867)


Family Links

1. Isabella McWHANEL [10552]

Richard O'Donovan DAVIES [10551] 8357,8361

  • Born: Abt 1833, , Wales, England 8362
  • Marriage (1): Isabella McWHANEL [10552] in 1854 in , Victoria, Australia 8361
  • Died: 1867, , Victoria, Australia aged about 34 8362

bullet  General Notes:

Richard survived the "Earl of Charlemont" Shipwreck at Barwon Heads in 1853, but was later tragicially drowned.

I have found some newspaper reports from May 1867 about a Richard Davies (sometimes Davis) who was a correspondent to the Geelong newspapers and a rate collector who lived at Winchelsea, who lost his way and drowned near Inverleigh.

Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1926) Mon 27 May 1867 Page 3 CURRENT TOPICS.
An inquest was held yesterday at the Inverleigh, Hotel, Inverleigh, on the body of Richard Davies, who was drowned in a water hole forming part of Warrambin Creek, on Friday last. The evidence disclosed that the deceased had been out collecting rates, and that he must.have, while on his return, lost his way and rode into the waterhole, and the jury returned a verdict of death by drowning.

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Tue 28 May 1867 Page 6 COUNTRY NEWS.
Richard Davies, a rate collector at Inverleigh, lost his way, on Friday, and fell into Warrambin Creek and was drowned.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Mon 27 May 1867 Page 5 MONDAY, MAY 27, 1867.
A person named Richard Davis, pound keeper and rate-collector, residing at Wichelsea, and a well-known character in the district, was found drowned at Warrambine Creek, six miles from Inverleigh, on the afternoon of Friday last. An inquest on the body was held before Dr. F. Shaw yesterday (Sunday). Davis, whilst returning from collecting rates on the preceding night, lost his way, and accidentally fell into the creek The jury returned a verdict of " Found drowned."

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Tue 28 May 1867 Page 5 THE NEWS OF THE DAY.
Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918) Sat 1 Jun 1867 Page 3 NOTES AND NEWS.

Another member of the Press has left the scene of his earthly labors. Mr Richard Davis, of Winchelsea, for many years a correspondent of the Geelong papers, wrote his last communication on the 23rd May, beginning it with the words, ' In the midst of life we are in death,' and before the close of the day he was accidentally drowned. His writings were of the most genial nature, and displayed considerable ability. He was much respected in the districts of Winchelsea and Inverleigh.

Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1926) Tue 4 Jun 1867 Page 3 WINCHELSEA.
Saturday, June 1, 1867.
THE DAVIES Fund.-In recognition of the valuable services rendered, by the late Richard Davies to the interest of the whole neighbourhood, the Odd Fellows of Winchelsea have taken a step in the right direction to place the family in a comfortable position. Messrs George Anderson, William Stirling, Henry Collins W. McWilliam, M. E. Ball, G. Gullan and G. Lee, have been, appointed a committee of management. They have already opened up subscription lists, . and are. sending them right and left throughout the entire district. We have no doubt but that the appeal will be readily responded to, and that a goodly sum will thus be collected. Mr Davies was. always the first to render assistance both: by giving his time and his means to any who had fallen into adversity; and now that he himself had been suddenly taken away and at an age, when he might have, fairly calculated upon living many years to be the support and stay of his wife and children, leaving them unprovided for, it will be deemed a.duty, by all who knew him, to aid his widow and orphans.

Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1926) Thu 13 Jun 1867 Page 3 WINCHELSEA.

Tuesday, June 11.
THE DAVIES Fund.-The subscription lists issued for the benefit of the widow and orphans of the late Mr Richard Davies are, we are pleased to say, being rapidly filled up. Mr Davies was very widely and most favorably known; those who had not the pleasure of knowing him personally knew him by his intelligent writings, and hence the success attending the subscription.
We might just say to those who have not already subscribed, that all lists will be returned to the treasurer by the 1st of July.


Richard married Isabella McWHANEL [10552] [MRIN: 3475], daughter of Peter McWHANEL [12686] and Janet DRUMMOND [12687], in 1854 in , Victoria, Australia.8361 (Isabella McWHANEL [10552] was born in Nov 1837 in , , Scotland, died on 21 May 1909 in Lake Boga, Victoria, Australia 8363 and was buried on 23 May 1909 in Lake Boga, Victoria, Australia 8363.)

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