George Patrick O'DONOHUE [10745]
- Born: Abt 1896
- Marriage (1): Edith Adela McINTOSH [5463] in 1922 in , Victoria, Australia 5132
- Died: 1943, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia aged about 47
General Notes:
The Corowa Free Press (NSW : 1875 - 1954) Tue 5 Oct 1943 Page 3 MR. GEORGE O'DONOGHUE
MR GEORGE O'DONOGHUE ------------ The death occurred at Wagga on Sunday, after a short illness, or Mr George O'Donoghue, J.P., of Brookong Avenue, Wagga, at the age of 47 years. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Donoghue, of Brown Plains Rutherglen, and after successfully conducting farming operations in that district for a number of years, he purchased the Brookong Stores at Wagga, where he took up residence with his fairly. He is survived by his wife (Edith), who is a daughter of Mrs Lucy McIntosh, of Albury, and the Late Mr. Alex McIntosh of Chiltern Valley (Vic); also two sons and three daughters, George and John, Eileen Jean and Mary. The funeral was held at Wagga yesterday (Monday).
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Wed 22 Jul 1942 Page 2 ITEMS OF NEWS ITEMS OF NEWS JUSTICES SWORN IN Before the start of business at the District Court held at Wagga yesterday. Messrs. Martin Joseph Kelly. Alfred Edward Hlpgrave, Charles James Noakes, Leslle Gordon Purcell. George O'Donohue. Norman Rollins and. Richard Thomas Stephen Leslie Crane, were sworn in as justices of the peace by His Honor, Judge Stacey.
George married Edith Adela McINTOSH [5463] [MRIN: 3536], daughter of Alexander Claude McINTOSH [5450] and Lucy ( Fanny ) Bertha SHUTTLEWORTH [5398], in 1922 in , Victoria, Australia.5132 (Edith Adela McINTOSH [5463] was born in 1899 in Chiltern, Vic, Australia 3853,5133 and died in 1960 in Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia 5134.)