Daniel LEARY [1179]
- Born: Abt 1802, , , Ireland
- Marriage (1): Mary SULLIVAN [3164] on 17 Feb 1822 in Curnow, Kerry, Ireland 2057,2058
- Died: 18 Sep 1876, Gundagai, NSW, Australia aged about 74 2059
- Buried: 19 Sep 1876, Gundagai, NSW, Australia
Another name for Daniel was Daniel O'LEARY.
General Notes:
Convict shipping indent NSW 1834 Ship Blenheim - Archives Office of NSW x 636 Reel 907 P. 145 and 146 printed indent - Blenheim I (1) per Trissia Waddingham Dip F.H.S. Genealogical Consultant Earlwood NSW.
Info from shipping indent of male convicts on the Ship Blenheim, James Temple Brown, Master, James Wilson, Surgeon Superintendent, arrived from Ireland 14th November, 1834. Convict No. 34-2314 ident no 83 Daniel Leary aged 32, able to read and write, Roman Catholic, married with 1 son 1 daughter born Cork, trade/calling Waterman-offence, stealing money-tried at City Cork on 16 August 1833, sentenced to seven years with no prior convictions. Height 5' 4 1/2 ", sallow complexion brown hair and bluish eyes. Particular marks and scars as follows:- scar front of head, St. Patrick, Red & Serpent on Upper, (tattoos) 7 stars, half moon, sun, crucifix, 'INRIDOL' and two human figures in a kneeling posture inside lower right arm, man, woman, in r an arch, 'LOVERS' on upper, mermaid, two hearts pierced with two darts , and two wreaths inside lower left arm.
Marilyn Handley (her husband is a descendant of Daniel and Mary's daughter Ellen, who married William Remington) of NSW supplied further information on Daniel to me in 2009.
Daniel was married to Mary Sullivan (possibly the sister of John Sullivan). Daniel petitioned the Colonial Secretary for his wife Mary and 2 children to join him in the colony. Mary was granted free passage to NSW per the Isabella in 1840.
In 1837 General Returns of convicts notes that Daniel was assigned to Alexander Berry, Illawarra District.
In 1838 Daniel and others made application to have their wives join them in NSW State Records Reel 1051 4/3686 page 76. 1 Nov 1838 reel 699 page 22 Colonial Secretary's office Sydney. Application to have wife join him in Sydney.
31 December 1839 Mary Sullivan granted free passage to NSW Feb 1840 - Return of Free Settlers embarked on the Isabella for NSW. Wife's name Mary Sullivan. 'Ireland-Australia transportation database'. According to 'list of convicts who have applied for their wives to be sent to NSW at the expense of the Government recommended as worthy of that indulgence by His Excellency Sir George Gipps", Mary Sullivan resided in Cork City, St Annes Fair Lane.
30 April 1840 Daniel received Ticket of Leave (copy supplied)
July 1840-Mary Sullivan arrived free on the Isabella. unfortunately the Isabella indent only listed the convicts on board and therefore no children were named.
August 1840-Daniel's Ticket of Leave was cancelled due to his drunkenness.
A death in Gundagai, NSW, in 1876 has been found, but it is uncertain if this is the correct Daniel Leary as it has nil family details though the age is close to correct. The death certificate shows that Daniel Leary died of exposure and debility ( 6 weeks).
possible children, requres further proof and investigation Jeremiah Leary 1835- John Leary O'Leary 1835-1914 Margaret O'Leary 1839- Male Leary 1840- Female Leary 1841- Daniel Lawrence O'Leary 1843- 1908 John Leary 1843- Ellen Leary 1846- 1912 Catherine Leary 1850- 1941 Julia Ann Leary 1852-1912 2060,2061,2062,2063
Daniel married Mary SULLIVAN [3164] [MRIN: 937] on 17 Feb 1822 in Curnow, Kerry, Ireland 2057.,2058 (Mary SULLIVAN [3164] was born about 1802 in Knockacorrin, Kerry, Ireland.)