George Thomas EADE [12488]
- Born: 1901, , NSW, Australia 5823
- Marriage (1): Annie NICHOLSON [6619] in 1927 in , Victoria, Australia 5821
- Died: 1930, Balranald, NSW, Australia at age 29
General Notes:
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tue 4 Feb 1930 Page 18 COUNTRY NEWS. BRIDGEWATER. As the result of injuries received in an accident on January 27, when the axle of a sidecar broke and the machine crashed into a tree George Thomas Eade, motor mechanic, of Balranald (N.S.W.), died on Saturday in the Inglewood Hospital. At the inquest Mr. Willsmere, J.P., returned a finding of accidental death.
Riverina Recorder (Balranald, Moulamein, NSW : 1887 - 1944) Sat 8 Feb 1930 Page 3 OBITUARY OBITUARY GEORGE T. EADE The very sad news of the death of Mr. George Thomas Eade, who was fatally injured from the accident on his motor bicycle and side car whilst riding to Melbourne with his wife and child on Sunday, 26th ult., reached Balranald on Saturday evening last.
Deceased, who had sustained concussion of the head and a fractured arm, had been admitted to the Inglewood hospital as a result of his injuries, and despite medical attention never regained consciousness and passed away shortly before 5 p.m. on the 1st inst.
An inquiry held by Mr. Willsmere, J.P., resulted in the finding that death was due to concussion, caused by accident, through the axle of a side car breaking, no blame being attached to anyone.
Deceased, who was only a young man of 28 years, was a splendid example of manhood. Of fine physique, temperate, hard working and most conscientious, and greatly respected by everyone who knew him. At the age of 16 years deceased enlisted with the A.I.F., serving with the 34th Batallion abroad. Deceased was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Eade, late of Balranald, and was a native of the town, being born in a former residence which was erected at the corner of Ballandella and Wee streets. Brothers J. E. Russ, P.D.G.M., and H. L. Blake, of the Oddfellows lodge, of which deceased was a member, left by car on Saturday evening for Inglewood and conveyed deceased's mortal remains to the Presbyterian Church, Balranald. Mr. M. H. Harben, employer of deceased, also drove to Inglewood, and conveyed deceased's widow, child and relatives to Balranald.
A short service was held in the Presbyterian Church at 6.30 p.m. on Sunday evening, Mr. Sidney Goddard officiating. The coffin, which was draped with the Union Jack and many handsome wreaths, was carried from the church by Messrs. W. Prentice and G. Rosewarne (representing R.S.S.I.I.A.), Messrs. L. Cameron and D. Farrell (Oddfellows), and Messrs. F. King and D. Sterrey (Buffaloes), who acted as pall-bearers. Over 100 members of the Oddfellows lodge, Buffalo lodge and Returned Soldiers marched ahead of the hearse, whilst thirty motor cars followed the cortege to the burial ground. At the entrance to the cemetery those who had marched ahead of the hearse formed up in two lines, whilst the hearse passed through, followed by the mourners. Mr. Sidney Goddard conducted the burial service, after which Mr. E. R. Russ sounded the Last Post. Bro. Sterrey then read the burial service pertaining to the R.A.O.B., whilst all members joined hands around the graveside, at the conclusion of which each brother deposited an emblem of evergreen in the open grave. Bro. A. G. Leslie, I.P.N.G., on behalf of the M.U.I.O.O.F., further continued with the burial service, members of the order likewise, forming a circle and depositing evergreen in the grave.
It is many years since such a large funeral has taken place in Balranald, which showed the esteem in which the late Mr. Geo. Eade was held by every resident in the town. Deceased leaves his widow and baby boy to mourn their loss, and to whom widespread sympathy is extended in their very sad bereavement.
George married Annie NICHOLSON [6619] [MRIN: 4335] in 1927 in , Victoria, Australia.5821 (Annie NICHOLSON [6619] was born in 1906 in Great Western, Vic, Australia 5819 and died in 1971 in , Victoria, Australia 5820.)