Frances BARKER [13124]
- Born: 12 Sep 1767, Nassington, Northamptonshire, England 9317
- Christened: 15 Sep 1767, Nassington, Northamptonshire, England 9317
- Marriage (1): Francis BLACKWELL [13123] on 5 Aug 1794 in Nassington, Northamptonshire, England 9310
- Died: 6 Mar 1858, Nassington, Northamptonshire, England at age 90 9318,9319,9320
- Buried: 9 Mar 1858, Nassington, Northamptonshire, England 9321
General Notes:
Francis Blackwell and Frances Barker both signed their names in the Parish Registers. Francis and Francis are the parents of John Blackwell. 12 Dec 2023: Today I have woken to find several DNA matches with Geoff Blackwell and other descendants of Francis and Frances Blackwell, proving my theory to be 100% correct. It's party time after 40 years to find them at last.
Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser, London, 11 Dec 1821 page 3 On Friday eening the 30th ult. the Nassington carrier (Mrs Blackwell), on her return from Stamford market, was stopped near Whitewater toll-bar by two ruffians who demanded her moneyl As she happened to have her son (a lad ) and another person riding in the cart with her, a dispute and struggle arose with the highwaymen, during which the Newcastle coash was fortunately heard to approach, on which the offrenders made off towards Barnack, withoug having effected a robbery. We understand a warrant has been issued against two persons of Whittering who are suspected of this attack.
Cambridge Independent Press, Cambridge, England page 8 Births Marriages and Deaths Blackwell - at Peterboro', on the 6th inst., Mrs Frances Blackwell, widow, aged 91.
Frances's death certificate states she died at Boongate Peterboro at the age of 91. She was the widow of Francis Blackwell a cottager. Jane Cox was present at the death.
Frances married Francis BLACKWELL [13123] [MRIN: 4671], son of Francis BLACKWELL [14439] and Elizabeth HILL [14440], on 5 Aug 1794 in Nassington, Northamptonshire, England.9310 (Francis BLACKWELL [13123] was born in 1769 in , Northamptonshire, England, christened on 26 Mar 1770 in Farcett, Huntingdonshire, England,9311,9312 died on 31 Jul 1844 in Nassington, Northamptonshire, England 9313,9314,9315 and was buried on 4 Aug 1844 in Nassington, Northamptonshire, England 9313.)