George Henry SCULTHORPE [13345]
- Born: 3 Jul 1864, Bermondsey, London, England
- Marriage (1): Dorothy Mary Jane WOOLGAR [13346] on 2 Sep 1893 in London, Middlesex, England 9568
- Died: Mar 1927, Hackney, Middlesex, England at age 62 9569
General Notes:
in the 1911 census George is said to be a piano case maker who had 5 children with 4 still living. He and his family were living at 55 Sandbrook Road, Stoke Newington.
George married Dorothy Mary Jane WOOLGAR [13346] [MRIN: 4750] on 2 Sep 1893 in London, Middlesex, England.9568 (Dorothy Mary Jane WOOLGAR [13346] was born in 1871.)