Janet Elizabeth LAMONT [3315]
- Born: 21 Feb 1888, Tanjil, Vic, Australia
- Marriage (1): Sydney Henry Victor ROBINS [3314] on 30 Oct 1921 3340
- Died: 12 Apr 1973, Bentleigh East, Vic, Australia at age 85
Another name for Janet was Jen ROBINS.
General Notes:
The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Fri 20 Jan 1922 Page 3 Willow Grove.Willow Grove. At the Willow Grove Hall on Friday, 29th alt., a very enjoyable social evening, to celebrate the marriage of Mr S. Robins, third son of Mr and Mrs H. Robins, of Willow Grove, to Janet, second daughter of Mrs Farquhar Lamont (who at one time resided in this locality), was held.
Mr W. H. Burrage, junr. acted as chairman in his usual efficient manner, and the duties of M.C. were in the capable hands of Mr V. Gibson. The toast of the evening, " The, Bride and - Bridegroom, was proposed by Mr F. Halden in his usual able- manner. Mr Thompson (on behalf of the Bride and Bridegroom, who had left earlier for Lakes Entrance), in a very humorous speech, responded. The toast was enthusiastically received by the audience.
Mr A. Arnott, who was entrusted with the next toast, " The Parents," expressed the pleasure derived by ail present in attending such a function. (Applause).
Mr J. Balfour, In supporting the toast, made a very fine speech, vividly portraying the responsibilities one enters into on marriage. Mr Balfour's remarks were listened to with rapt attention, and, apart from being well received, were the theme of many complimentary references.
In replying, for himself and on behalf of Mrs Robins, Mr Robins thanked the speakers for their very kind remarks. He said that he thought it would be " a good thing to have a pool," as he still had six more to go. (Loud laughter). Mr Geo. Needham, responding on behalf of Mrs Lamont, said that, with the marriage of Miss Janet Lamont, all of Mrs Lamont's sons and daughters had entered the bonds of matrimony. (Applause).
At this stage, Mr Robins thanked his many friends for their attendance, and particularly those who had assisted with the programme and supper.
Messrs Standeven, Chas. Webb and Thos. Webb supplied the music in & very satisfactory manner. Items rendered during the evening were as follow :- Song, Let the Rest of the World Go By," Mr V. Gibson; duet, " Beautiful Ohio," Mrs F. Lamont and Miss Boxall; recitation, " The Inspector," Miss Greta Hume ; comic Song, Let Me Sing," Mr Thompson; dance (Highland Fling), Miss Greta Hume; " Tiny and Tich" in patter songs, Messrs Stratton. https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/264450646
Janet married Sydney Henry Victor ROBINS [3314] [MRIN: 994], son of Henry ROBINS [1268] and Sarah Jane COLE [1267], on 30 Oct 1921.3340 (Sydney Henry Victor ROBINS [3314] was born on 31 Dec 1888 in Woorak, Vic, Australia 3341 and died on 5 Oct 1980 in Heidelberg, Vic, Australia 3342.)