James Norbert BONHAM [3389]
- Born: 15 Dec 1856, Castlemaine, Vic, Australia 3432
- Christened: 18 Jan 1857
- Died: 18 Apr 1858, Castlemaine, Vic, Australia at age 1 3433
- Buried: 21 Apr 1858, Melbourne East, Vic, Australia
General Notes:
Handwritten notes of births passed down to myself which are probably pages torn from a family bible headed The Children of James and Anne Bonham James Norbet Bonham born at Forest Creek Monday December 15th 1856 at 8 1/2 am. Baptized January 18th 1857 by Revd Dr Geoghan V.G. Williamstown James and Eloisa Pawlett being sponsors. Died April 18th 1858 of teething and congestion of the brain. Buried in the public Cemetery Melbourne April 21st 1858 age 16 months. The registers of these children can be seen at the Registrar Generals Office Melbourne.
Registered in the office at Castlemaine on Saturday January 24th 1857 a copy of which register can be seen at the Registrar Gen Office Melbourne Emily and Eleneza??? [Eloisa] were Registered it he Office Brunswick Street, Collingwood, Victoria