Hanora CRUICKSHANK [386]
- Born: 1882, Maryborough, Vic, Australia 856
- Marriage (1): Frederick HENDY [7063] on 2 Jul 1906 in , WA, Australia 853,854,855
- Died: 1932, Perth, WA, Australia at age 50 857,858
Another name for Hanora was Norah CRUICKSHANK.
General Notes:
The Ballarat Star (Vic. : 1865 - 1924) Tue 20 Apr 1920 Page 4 METEOROLOGICAL. Divorce Cases. - Two divorce cases are set down for hearing at the next sitting, of the Ballarat. Supreme Court. Frederick Hendy will petition for a divorce from Norah Hendy, and Edith Olive Robertson will ask for a dissolution of her marriage with William Henry Robertson. In both cases desertion is stated as the ground of the petition.
The Ballarat Star (Vic. : 1865 - 1924) Fri 11 Jun 1920 Page 3 A HUSBAND'S PETITION. A HUSBAND'S PETITION. DECREE NISI GRANTED. Frederick Hendy petitioned for a divorce from his wife North Hendy, on the grounds of desertion. Mr M. Lazarus appeared for the petitioner. The respondent was not represented. Frederick Hendy returned soldier, living in Talbot street; Ballarat east, said, he married the respondent, at Kalgoorlie (W .A.),on the 2nd July, 1906. They lived in the West until he went to the war, and when in England he saw in a newspaper cutting his wife's name in connection with, some divorce proceedings. On his return to Australia he came to his mother's house in Ballarat and wrote to his wife, who was still in Kalgoorlie and invited her to come over and see if they could come to some arrangement. He received a reply from his wife saying she would not go to his people's. place as they might go against her but if he would send her £25 she would come across and if they did not come to any arrangement it would be a holiday for her. He next wrote and told her he was going to Adelaide where he would meet her, and would pay her fare if they could not come to an arrangement and he had not heard from her since. A decree nisi was grant.
The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Thu 20 Oct 1932 Page 1 Family Notices HENDY. - On October 17, at Perth, Nora Hendy, dearly beloved daughter of Mrs. A. Cruickshank, loving sister of Jim, George, Alex, Harry and Bob, Ada (Mrs. Kirby), Mary (Mrs. Harris); aged 48 years. Privately interred by Messrs. Gibb and Co. in the Anglican portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. At rest.
The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950) Mon 17 Oct 1932 Page 2 WOMAN GASSED HOME EDITION WOMAN GASSED Dead With Head in Oven Smelling gas fumes coming from an adjoining flat early today, John Layton, occupant of a flat in Hay-street, Perth, opened the door to find the room full of gas, and the occupant of the flat, Mrs. Nora Hendy (48), sitting on a, chair apparently dead, with her head almost in the oven. The gas jet was turned on. A doctor arrived and pronounced life extinct. The police were informed by the occupants of neighboring flats that Mrs. Hendy had expressed her intention of taking her life. .She left a letter for her sister, a resident of South-street, Fremantle. An inquest will be held.
The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950) Fri 4 Nov 1932 Page 1 HEAD IN GAS OVEN HEAD IN GAS OVEN Woman Suicides in Flat A finding that Nora Hendy caused her own death by gas poisoning on October 17, was returned by the Coroner (Mr. T. Y. A. Lang, P.M.) today. Mrs. Hendy was found dead in her Hay-street flat with her head on a gas stove, and the jet turned on. Medical evidence showed that, death had been caused by gas poisoning. A sister of Mrs. Hendy said that deceased, who was a barmaid, had been subject to despondency through having been unemployed for some time. SHOCK FOR NEIGHBOR Mrs. Elizabeth Roe, occupant of a flat adjoining Mrs. Hehdy's, said that on October 14 Mrs. Hendy received news concerning a friend which upset her greatly. For several days Mrs. Hendy who said that if she had a revolver she would kill herself, was not left alone. On the morning of October 17, when witness knocked at Mrs. Hendy's door, she noticed a strong smell of gas. With her husband and another man witness went into the flat arid saw Mrs. Hendy, clad in pyjamas, sitting with her head on the gas stove, and a rug over her head and shoulders. The gas jet was turned on. Mrs. Hendy was dead.
The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Sat 5 Nov 1932 Page 13 GENERAL NEWS. At the Perth Courthouse yesterday; the Coroner (Mr. T. Y. A. Lang, P.M.) conducted an inquiry into the death of Nora Hendy (48), an ex-barmaid, who was found dead in a lodging house in Hay-street on October 17.- She was seated on a chair in her pyjamas, with her head on a gas oven. It was stated that deceased, who was a native of Victoria, had been depressed just prior to her death owing to the fact that she had been unemployed for 15 months. The Coroner found that deceased came by her death from gas poisoning, by her own wilful act. Sergeant Lynes assisted the Coroner.
Hanora married Frederick HENDY [7063] [MRIN: 2220] on 2 Jul 1906 in , WA, Australia 853,854.,855 The marriage ended in divorce in 1920. (Frederick HENDY [7063] was born in 1882 in Ballarat, Vic, Australia and died in 1950 in , WA, Australia.)