Ward Hall TILLOTSON [6250] 1985
- Born: 1833
- Marriage (1): Emma Mitchell TANGEY [1076]
- Died: 1906, Castlemaine, Vic, Australia at age 73 1988,5611
- Buried: 27 Feb 1906, Campbells Creek, Vic, Australia
General Notes:
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Sat 25 Mar 1882 Page 1 Advertising WARD TILLOTSON would oblige by communicating his address to Rev. C. A. Davis, Bradford, England.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Sat 30 May 1903 Page 14 CASTLEMAINE. The Bendigo Independent (Vic. : 1891 - 1918) Sat 30 May 1903 Page 8 COUNTRY NEWS. At the police court on Friday Ward Tillotson and George Tillotson were called upon to show cause why they should not contribute to the old-age pension of James Tillotson, father of the firstnamed defendant. It was shown that Ward Tillotson, who is a miner, had nine children to support, five of whom were unable to work, and for the last eight months his weekly earnings did not average 8/. In reference to George Tillotson, the police magistrate said that a grandson was not called upon by law to support his grandfather. No order was made against either of the defendants.
Mount Alexander Mail (Vic. : 1854 - 1917) Mon 26 Feb 1906 Page 3 Advertising Funeral Notice. THE Friends of the late Ward H. Tillotson are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the Campbell's Creek Cemetery. The Funeral will leave his late residence, Bull-street east, TO- MORROW (Tuesday), AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. T. ODGERS k CO., Undertakers
Mount Alexander Mail (Vic. : 1854 - 1917) Tue 27 Feb 1906 Page 3 Family Notices Loyal Devonshire Lodge No. 69, I.O.O.F. Funeral Notice. The Brethren of the above Lodge and Order are requested to follow the remains of their late Brother, W. H. Tillotson, to the Castlemaine Cemetery. Brethren to meet at the Lodge Room, Rechabite Hall, THIS AFTERNOON, at 2.30 sharp. By order of the N.G., W. KEMP, Secretary.
Mount Alexander Mail (Vic. : 1854 - 1917) Fri 7 Sep 1906 Page 2 Family Notices DEATH. Moore (nee Tillotson). - On the 2nd inst., at Sydney, Maudie, the dearly beloved wife of Bertram Moore, and third daughter of Emma and the late Ward Hall Tillotson, of Bull-street. Castlemaine, in her 23rd year, of heart failure. Deeply regretted.
The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Sat 23 Feb 1907 Page 7 Family Notices TILLOTSON. - In fond but sorrowful remembrance of Ward Hall Tillotson, my beloved husband and our dearest father, who departed this life on the 25th February, 1906, at Castlemaine, aged 52 years. Sadly missed; Cold lies the heart that once beat so fondly, Oh, how we miss his fond, loving care: Lone is our home that once was so happy. For no husband or father is there. Many a lonely hour, And many a sleepless night. We think of you, our father dear. In your beautiful home so bright '97Inserted by his sorrowing widow, Emma Tillotson, sons and daughters, Castlemaine.
Castlemaine Mail (Vic. : 1917 - 1918) Sat 13 Apr 1918 Page 2 Family Notices KILLED IN ACTION. TILLOTSON. - Officially reported killed in action, somewhere in France, on the 16th or 17th of October, 1917 (previously reported missing). No. 4621, Private James Sydney Tillotson (Syd.), 14th Battn,, the second loved son of Mrs Tillotson. 29 Kay St., Carlton, and the late Ward Tillotson, late of Castlemaine. Aged 31 years.
Ward married Emma Mitchell TANGEY [1076] [MRIN: 1983], daughter of Richard TANGEY [1015] and Jane MITCHELL [1014]. (Emma Mitchell TANGEY [1076] was born in 1860 in Donkey Hill, Vic, Australia 1984 and died in 1952 in Carlton, Victoria, Australia 1985,1986.)