Albert Edward JUPP [7713] 6494
- Born: 1905, , , England
- Marriage (1): Dorothy Maud BARFORD [7712] in 1926 in , Victoria, Australia 6491
- Died: 12 Oct 1973, , Victoria, Australia at age 68 6494
General Notes:
The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Tue 16 Apr 1935 Page 16 RIVAL YARRA FERRIES. RIVAL YARRA FERRIES, Leads to Charge of Using Insulting Words. A dispute which was alleged to have arisen as a result of keen trade competition between two ferry services operating on the Yarra was aired before Mr. Bond, P.M.. in the City Court yesterday, when Albert Edward Jupp. confectioner, of Charles-street, Northcote, was charged with having used Insulting words. Walter William Barford, marine motor driver, Princes- bridge, said that on 6th April he was "spruikiny" for ferry passengers at Princes-bridge, when Jupp shouted out. "No scabbing here." Witness went up to Jupp and asked him if he would repeat the words before witnesses, and Jupp said, "You are my own brother-in-law, but you are a scab." Jupp assumed a fighting attitude. In answer to Mr. J. Lynch (for Jupp), witness said that, his firm charged 1/ for a trip up the Yarra, compared with 3/ charged for the same trip by the firm which employed Jupp. Witness denied that he was annoyed that Jupp had enticed away three of his passengers. Jupp denied that he had used the word "scab." All he said was that the actions of Barford's firm amounted to that. Mr. Lynch submitted that even if the word "scab' had been used, it did not amount to an insult. It was merely an Industrial term. Mr. Bond said that to call, a man a scab was the biggest insult, industrially, that could be offered to a man. He fined Jupp £2.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Wed 7 Dec 1949 Page 22 Advertising NOTICE is hereby given, that the PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Freda Leah Abrahams, Albert Edward Jupp, and Vernon Ronald Pearl, carrying on . business as manufacturing confectioners at 408 High street. Northcote, under the name of "The Marilyn Confectionery," has been DISSOLVED as from the fifteenth of November, 1949, so far as concerns the said Freda Leah Abrahams, who has retired from the firm, and the said Albert Edward Jupp and Vernon Ronald Pearl will continue to carry on the said business under the same firm name. All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be received and paid respectively by the said Albert Edward Jupp and Vernon Ronald Pearl. Dated this sixth day of December, 1949. PREDA L. ABRAHAMS. A. E. JUPP. V. R. PEARL. W. H. Flood Se Permezel, 379 Collins street, Melbourne, solicitors.
Albert married Dorothy Maud BARFORD [7712] [MRIN: 2443], daughter of George David BARFORD [7707] and Janet Matilda CORBY [7684], in 1926 in , Victoria, Australia.6491 (Dorothy Maud BARFORD [7712] was born in 1908 in Rushden, Northamptonshire, England 6492 and died in 1983 in Fitzroy, Vic, Australia 6493.)