Lavinia GODBER [8834]
- Born: 1889, Diamond Creek, Vic, Australia 7026
- Marriage (1): Saffrey SIMPSON [8835] in 1914 in Perth, WA, Australia 7025
- Died: 1962, Perth, WA, Australia at age 73 7027
Another name for Lavinia was Veen SIMPSON.
General Notes:
from "Godbers Wilson: 150 years of Settlement and Growth", Leila Simpson, 1988
Lavinia married in 1914. Saffrey Simpson's family had been in W.A. (Swan River Colony) since the Foundation year of 1829. He started as an office boy at the Perth City Council in 1900 and worked there for 25 years, resigning in 1926 to go farming in Popanjinning. Before the farm got properly going the depression came (wool 15d a pound, wheat 3/- a bushell, eggs 6d a dozen), and things were tough, but for all that we had plenty of happy times. Lavinia had a lovely singing voice so was in great demand to sing solos, and we had great sing songs around the piano. We got our first motor vehicle in 1936 (before that we had a horse and cart), a wireless in 1938 and we had to wait until well after the War for our first fridge.
When the War came Saffrey joined the Army Pay Corps and we left the farm and lived in South Perth. After the War Saffrey worked in W.A. Forests Dept, and on retirement in 1953 came out to live at Gosnells.
The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Sat 21 Nov 1914 Page 1 Family Notices SIMPSON-GODBER.-On September 23, 1914 at Charles-street Methodist Church, by the Rev. Thos. Allan; assisted by the Rev. P. H. Taylor, Saffrey, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs Walter Simpson, of West Perth, to Lavinia, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Godber of Graceburn. Gosnells.
Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954) Fri 29 Oct 1915 Page 30 Family Notices SIMPSON (nee Godber).-On October 21, at Nurse Smith's, Highercombe, 572 Newcastle street, Perth, to Mr and Mrs. Saffrey Simpson, of 19 Carr-street, Perth-a daughter.
The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Thu 23 Sep 1954 Page 32 Family Notices RUBY WEDDINGS. SIMPSON--GODBER: THE FAMILY of MR. and MRS. S. SIMPSON. of Bert-street, Gosnells. have much pleasure in announcing the 40th Anniversary of their parents' Wedding, which was solemnised at Charles-street Methodist Church, on Sept. 23. 1914.
Lavinia married Saffrey SIMPSON [8835] [MRIN: 2867] in 1914 in Perth, WA, Australia.7025 (Saffrey SIMPSON [8835] was born on 25 May 1886 in Perth, WA, Australia 7028 and died in 1965 in Perth, WA, Australia 7029.)