Angus James GODBER [8838]
- Born: 1900, , WA, Australia 6975
- Marriage (1): Lilian Peace LATHWELL [8845] in 1939 in Perth, WA, Australia 6974
- Died: 1982, Perth, WA, Australia at age 82 6976
General Notes:
Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954) Thu 24 Nov 1938 Page 26 IDEAS FOR PARTY GAMES. The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Fri 18 Nov 1938 Page 6 ENGAGEMENT. ENGAGEMENT. (Notices must be signed by both parties.) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lathwell, of Leonard-street, Victoria Park, announce the engagement of their daughter Lillian, to Angus James, son of Mr. and the late Mrs. David Godber, of Teague street, Victoria Park.
Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954) Sun 25 Feb 1940 Page 19 Family Notices Pastel Embroideries On White Organza AT Wesley Church, Perth, the wedding took place yesterday afternoon of Miss Lillian Lath well, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lath well, of Leonard-street, Victoria Park, and Mr. Angus Godber, youngest son of Mr. D. Godber and the late Mrs. Godber, of Victoria Park. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. C. A. Lloyd, the service being fully choral and the solo being rendered by Mr. David Lyle.
The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a picture frock of white organza over satin with uplift waistline and strapped bodice, and filmy bolero to match. The full skirt was embroidered with appliqued trails of colored organza outlined with blue stitching. Long white gloves were worn and she chose a large white sisol picture hat. Her sheaf was of tuberoses and delphiniums to continue the color scheme of the frock.
The bridesmaid. Miss Alary Lathwell, wore delphinium blue satin backed crepe, uplift style with fitting belt, and with this a short sleeved coat with buttons trimming the front. A navy hat and navy gloves were worn, and she carried a sheaf of pink gladioli. The floral work was from Miss Mack's floral studio. Mr. L. Gribble was best man. Reno's was chosen for the reception, Mrs. Lathwell receiving, and wearing a navy sheer ensemble with white piping, and the coat finished with white braid. A navy hat was worn, and a spray of tuberoses was a smart finish to her frock. Mrs. S. Simpson (sister of the bridegroom) assisted the-hostess. The bride's travelling frock was of powder blue figured georgette, with blue lightweight wool coat and white accessories.
The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Mon 28 Aug 1944 Page 1 Family Notices GODBER.--On Saturday, August 26. at St Ives. Victoria Park. to Mr and Mrs Angus Godber-a son (David Charles).
The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Wed 17 Apr 1946 Page 1 Family Notices GODBER. - At Kensington, on April 15, to Lillian and Angus a daughter. Both well.
The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Mon 23 Jun 1952 Page 20 Family Notices LATHWELL (Charles): On June 21, 1952. at Perth. loving husband of Elizabeth (deceased). late of 5 Leonard-street. Victoria Park. loving father of Doris. Vera, Mary and Lillian. LATHWELL (Charles): Dearly loved father of Doris. fond father-in-law of Arnold Hume. loving grandfather of Beryl. Brian and Ian. LATHWELL (Charles): Dearly loved father of Vera. fond father in-law of Bill Hopkinson. and loving grandfather of Jilllian, Judith. Carolyn and Bill. LATHWELL (Charles): Dearly loved father of Mary. fond father-in-law of Charles Freeman. loving grandfather of Margaret. LATHWELL (Charles): Dearly loved father of Lillian. fond father-in-law of Angus Godber. loving grandfather of David and Ruth.
Angus married Lilian Peace LATHWELL [8845] [MRIN: 2869] in 1939 in Perth, WA, Australia.6974 (Lilian Peace LATHWELL [8845] was born in 1918 in Perth, WA, Australia 6977 and died in 2011 in Perth, WA, Australia 6978.)