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Charles O'CONNOR [1174]
Catherine TUBBS [1175]
John O'DONOHUE [12577]
(Abt 1796-1865)
Bridget [12578]
(Abt 1798-1884)
Charles Alfred O'CONNOR [1163]
(Abt 1845-1877)
Margaret O'DONOHUE [956]
(Abt 1850-1922)
Mary Ann O'CONNOR [1173]


Family Links

1. Edward Michael SHEEHAN [12576]

Mary Ann O'CONNOR [1173]

  • Born: 1873, Chewton, Vic, Australia 2065
  • Marriage (1): Edward Michael SHEEHAN [12576]
  • Died: 1933, Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia at age 60
  • Buried: 1933, Binnaway, NSW, Australia

bullet  General Notes:


1. Philomena (Gough) (Frize) Sheehan 1901-
2. James Francis Sheehan 1903-1955
3. Edward Alfred Sheehan 1905-1939
4. Maurice Gerald Sheehan 1914-1999

The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1942) Thu 24 Aug 1933
Page 26
Mrs. M. A. Sheeehan
Mrs. M. A. Sheehan.
Th death occurred at Coonabarabran Hospital on the 7th inst. of Mrs. Mary Anne Sheehan, of Binnaway, who had resided in the district for many years. Born in Newstead, Victoria, the late Mrs. Sheehan, whose maiden name was O'Connor, arrived with her husband, Mr. E. M. (Ted) Sheehan, in Coonabarabran in 1900, and they were popular and prominent residents there for 18 years, during which time Mr. Sheehan was associated with the flour milling business and also a cordial factory. Thence they removed to Binnaway, where Mr. Sheehan became the first licensee of the Royal Hotel, which had just then been built. This business he has successfully conducted ever since. Mrs. Sheehan was possessed of a charming personality and an engaging manner, by which she won the affection and admiration of all whose good fortune and pleasure it was to know her. During her busy life she was an active worker in all public and charitable movements. She was a vice-president of the Binnaway branch of the Country Women's Association, and for many years had been the organiser of the annual Catholic ball, for which she was actively working when her illness supervened. The late Mrs. Sheehan, besides leaving a widower, is survived by a family of four sons and three daughters.

They are: Mrs. W. Heinrich (Delia), and Misses Flo and Ena Sheehan; and Frank, Alfred, Maurice and Vincent, all of Binnaway; the only grandchild is Bernice Heinrich. The cortege left Coonabarabran and the body was taken to the Church of SS. Peter and Paul at Binnaway, where prayers for the dead were said by the parish priest, the Rev. Father McKeon, as
sisted by Rev. Father O'Herlihy, who had attended Mrs. Sheehan and administered the last Sacraments. Afterwards the
funeral took place to the Catholic portion of the Binnaway cemetery. Eloquent testimony of the wonderful regard felt for the
deceased lady and her family found expression in the lengthy, impressive and sad procession, which included over 50
cars, and was almost a mile in length. The prayers at tho graveside were said by Rev. Fathers McKeon and O'Herlihy.- R.I.P.


Mary married Edward Michael SHEEHAN [12576] [MRIN: 4404]. (Edward Michael SHEEHAN [12576] was born in 1874 in Newstead, Vic, Australia, died in 1937 in Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia and was buried in 1937 in Binnaway, NSW, Australia.)

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