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Thomas ROBINS [3520]
(Abt 1796-1863)
Eliza STEVENS [4205]
George PASKE [3540]
Joanna SMITH [3541]
George ROBINS [1301]
Susanne PASKE [1300]

Henry ROBINS [1268]


Family Links

1. Sarah Jane COLE [1267]

Henry ROBINS [1268]

  • Born: 12 Mar 1858, Armstrongs Rush, Vic, Australia 2091,2092
  • Marriage (1): Sarah Jane COLE [1267] on 26 Feb 1884 in Ni Ni, Victoria, Australia 2085,2086
  • Died: 26 Feb 1930, Moe, Vic, Australia at age 71 2093
  • Buried: 28 Feb 1930, Moe, Vic, Australia

bullet  General Notes:

Henry and Sarah Jane were married at Ni Ni by Alfred Jolley, Wesleyan Minister. Witnesses to the marriage were Harry Smith and Aaron Cole. Henry's address was given as Kiata and his occupation was farmer, and Sarah Jane's address was given as Ni Ni and occupation as private live. Henry's father was said to be deceased and Sarah Jane's father was said to be a farmer.

Henry and Sarah moved to Willow Grove in the late 1890's.

The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 19 Jan 1910 Page 3
Messrs Pope and Went (Hill End), G. P. Williams and H. Robins (Willow Grove) were nominated. Two only were required, and after some discussion, and some of the nominees declining to act, it was decided (on the motion of Mr M. Mitchell, seconded by Mr M. Hitchins) that Messrs J. Went (Hill End) and H. Robins (Willow Grove) be appointed.
It was moved by Mr M. Hitchins, seconded by Mr W. Mitchell, and carried .- " That No. 7 on sketch plan of Organization, re annual balance sheet and report, be accepted."
Mr J. Went then moved - " That sketch plan (with alterations as moved), be accepted, and incorporated in the minutes.- Seconded by Mr F. Fechner, and carried.
The Chairman now read the minutes of the meeting, and (on the motion of Messrs W. Mitchell and J. Went) the same were confirmed.
A hearty vote of thanks (moved by Mr C. H. Williams, and seconded by Mr J. Dogral)-was accorded the Chairman, and the meeting was adjourned at 11.15 p m.

The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 13 Mar 1912 Page 3
Willow Grove.
Willow Grove.
At a social held in the Willow Grove Public Hall on the 23rd ult, Mr H. Robins (on behalf of subscribers) presented Mr W. Lamont with a purse of sovereigns. It will be remembered that " Will" had the misfortune to have his left arm badly crushed in a chaffcutter, as a result of which the arm had to be amputated between the elbow and shoulder. A few of his friends then set to work with subscription lists, in order to assist in giving him a fair start in life, and as a result of canvassing, the neat little sum of £65 was collected. This was contained in the purse handed to him at the aforementioned function, which was fairly well attended.
" Will" expressed his thanks to his friends for their kindness and sympathy, while his father (Mr H. Lamont) voiced his appreciation - and also that of his wife and family - of the effort put forth by their friends to assist the afflicted young fellow. Mr Lamont supported the remarks made by Mr Robins as to the aid rendered by Mr Hall, who - by his first-aid work - he believed to have been the means of saving Willie's life. - Dancing was the chief amusement during the social, and was kept up till the wee small hours of the morning. Refreshments (served at midnight) were kindly supplied by the ladies. The music was provided gratuitously, by Messrs W. Burgess (piano) and Westneat and Monger (violin),while Mr B. Cadden officiated as M.C.

The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 7 Aug 1912 Page 3

(From Our Correspondent).
A meeting of ratepayers was held at Willow Grove on Saturday evening last to consider the above matter.
-Ratepayers were in attendance from Moe, Hill End, Yarragon (Cr. O'Toole), and Willow Grove, Mr H. Robins
(Willow Grove) presiding
.-Mr W. H. Burrage, Junr. was appointed secretary.-Mr D. S. Espie moved, seconded by Mr F. Fechner-"That an extra riding in the Shire of Narracan be formed, by a division of the North Riding." The motion was carried, Mr C. Watkins alone opposing it.-
The Secretary read five reasons he had drawn up in favor of the proposal.-
Cr O'Toole advised the forming of a committee to work the matter up a little.-Mr D. Espie asked the Chairman to test the meeting re the formation of a committee, and Mr Warner Burrage subsequently moved "That a committee be appointed to attend to the matter of establishing an additional riding." Seconded by Mr C.H. Williams, and carried.-Mr W. EL Burrage, Senr. then moved, and Mr F. Fechner seconded, " That the following gentlemen constitute a committee, with power to add-Moe, Messrs J. W Dent and Chas. Brock ; Willow Grove, Cr Lamont and Mr H. Robins; Hill End, the Secretary and Mr D. Espie ; Fumina, Messrs Walter Mitchell, J.P., and E. J. Cronin."-Carried.-The matter of deciding on boundaries was then discussed. It was eventually decided not to fix any definite boundary for the time-being, the Secretary being instructed (on the motion of Messrs Anstey and F. Fechner) to send a plan of the suggested boundary, together with a petition, to each of the Committee to obtain signatures, and in that way test the feeling of the ratepayers -The suggested boundary, and there were no dissentients, was as follows:-" Commencing at the railway, following the road north to the main drain (between the properties of Messrs Lloyd and Thos. Gooding), across the main drain east to Miller's road, following Miller's road north (between blocks S and 27 on the west and 22, 23A and 23B on the east), thence in a north-westerly direction to the Trafalgar Willow Grove road [about four miles from Trafalgar-between blocks 34 and 70], along the Willow Grove-Trafalgar road to the Old Melbourne Road and following the latter to the western boundary of the shire."

The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 5 Mar 1913 Page 3
Local and General News.
We have received a sample of wheat (grain) taken from a crop grown by Mr H. Robins, of Willow Grove. The sample, though perhaps not quite up to the standard of that obtained in the northern parts of the State, is a good one, and suggests the possibility of wheat being cultivated with success in this district. Mr Robins took a sample of the grain to Melbourne on Monday, and intends to obtain the opinion of experts concerning it.

The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 13 Aug 1913 Page 3
To-morrow (Thursday) the ratepayers of the north riding of the Narracan Shire will be called upon to elect a councillor to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. Lamont. The candidates are Mr H. Robins, of Willow Grove, and Mr W. J. Savage, of the Moe Swamp. The supporters of either candidate are sanguine of success, but the fact that the seat has been held by a resident of the Willow Grove district for over 80 years is weighing considerably with ratepayers situated outside the Swamp area, and on this account alone it is felt that a large majority of the votes at both Moe and Yarragon, besides those of the outside districts, will be cast in favor of Mr Robins. The idea of giving one part a representative at the expense of another part is considered to be altogether wrong, and it is felt that if the Swamp area must have a resident representative -its wants have been attended to by the three north riding councillors in the past- it can only be done by a division of the riding. This would meet with the approval of a majority of the ratepayers in the riding, and prove a benefit to all concerned.

The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 20 Aug 1913 Page 3 Mr W J Savage won the election with 365 votes to H Robins 200 votes.

The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 12 Jan 1921 Page 3
The Gippsland and Northern Cooperative Selling and Insurance Company Ltd
Preliminary advertisement
Clearing Sale
Wednesday 26th January
On account of Mr H Robins who has sold his property
we will sell above
His dairy herd
Horses Implements Etc
full particulars later issue

The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 19 Jan 1921 Page 3
Clearing Sale
Wednesday, January 26, 1921.
been favored with instructions from Mr. H. ROBINS, who has sold his property, to sell as above, vis-
Cattle, Horses, Implements,
Harness, &c.,
8 Cows, in milk, all young and good sorts
2 Heifers, 2yrs., in calf
3 Heifers, 12 months
1 Ayrshire Ball, 2yrB
2 Heavy Draught Horses, 7 and
8 years, suitable for heavy hauling
1 Medium Draught Horse) aged, good worker
1 Boggy Mare (aged), Saddle and Harness
1 Filly, 2yrs., broken to saddle
Massey Seed Drill, 9-disc, good order; Reaper and Binder, in good order ; Stripper and Winnower ; 1 h.p. Kerosene Engine, in first-class working order; 2 Chaffcutters, hand or power (Cliff and Banting) ; Maizesheller
; Scuffler, Spring-tooth Harrows, Roller, D.F. Oliver Plow, Reversible Disc Plow, S.F. Massey Plow, 10'., set 3-leaf Harrows, "Princess" 50gal. Separator. Cream Cans and Backets, Light Waggon, Buggy, Jinker, Buggy Harness, 3
Draught Collars, Haimes and "Winkers, Plow and Leading Chains, Stack of Hay, 20 bags Thresher Maize, Bellows, Anvil and Vice.
Also - A large number of Tools and Sundries top numerous to mention, but including some Surplus Furniture.
TERMS :- £20 and over, an Approved Bill at Three Months, free.
Luncheon Provided.

The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 26 Jan 1921 Page 3

The Gippsland and - Northern Co-operative Selling .and
Insurance Co. Ltd.
Particulars of a clearing sale (on account of Mr H. Robins. of Willow Grove) to be conducted by the Company on Wednesday, January 26,appeared in last issue.

Countryman (Melbourne, Vic. : 1924 - 1929) Fri 5 Sep 1924
Page 11
Despite, the exceptionally inclement weather, a fair muster of delegates was present. Branches represented were:- Moe (Mr. H. Robins), Willow Grove (Mr. Burrage), Narrican East (Mr. Geo. Auchterlonie and Mr. Graham),. Thorpdale (Mr. C. Mills and Mr. R. Stockdale). Ellenbank (Mr. John Cropley), Lardner (Mr. W. B. Hardie and Mr. Alex. Macfarlane) Tetoora Road (Mr. Jas. Broderick and Mr. Neil Macfarlane), Warragul (Mr. Geo. Southgate),
In his opening address. Mr. H. Robins (president) thanked members for their presence on such a rough day, and considered that delegates would eventually be well repaid for their splendid loyalty to their organisation.

Long discussion took place in regard to the organising of the Walhalla electorate, and it was decided "That an early application be made to Central Council for the services of an efficient organiser Mr. Geo Southgate moved that the system of pre-selection of candidates be reinstated. Carried.
Narrican East:- That this council deplores the serious spread of ragwort in Gippsland, It was decided to place
the matter under the notice of the inspector under the Noxious Weeds Act.
Mr. Southgate moved: - That a combined annual V.F.U". social be held in Warragul under the auspices of the Warragul District Council, each of the local branches contributing its quota towards the cost: the entertainment to be free; delegates to refer to their branches, and advise secretary Warragul branch;- at earliest convenience."
Lardner Branch:- "that this council urges State Country Party members to seek an amendment of the Whole Milk Bill, granting municipal control."
Tetoora Road branch: - "That the Warragul District Council, V.F.U.. urges Country Party members to make representation to the Minister in charge to have amended the Whole Milk 'Bill, based on the finding of the High Cost of -Living Commission, thus guaranteeing the producer at least the cost of production and the consumer milk at its true value under municipal control and the block system of delivery; further, this council urges that the proposals submitted by Mr. Schweiger, secretary Royal Agricultural Society, be adopted."
In moving the resolution, Mr, Neil Macfarlane said he would suggest that the two motion be taken as one. This was agreed to. Continuing, the speaker said the time had arrived when those engaged in the whole milk industry must alter the unsatisfactory conditions obtaining. In regard to local conditions, the producer received 9d per gallon for whole milk delivered at the factory and the consumer in the city paid 2/S per gallon. The margin between what the producer received and what the consumer paid was a scandal and common sense legislation was essential in the interests of both. The proposed amendment of the Whole Milk Bill would increase the producer's price to at least 1/4 per gallon and reduce the price to the consumer to 2/ par gallon;' That political party was now in power which chad always said that if they had the reins of government they would legislate so as to bridge the gulf between the producer and consumer. Now was their opportunity. Mr. Jas. Broderick (Tetoora Road) seconded, and in a vigorous address supported the previous speaker. Also Messrs. Chas .Mills, H. Robins. W.B. Hardie, Alex. Macfarlane, Geo. Southgate spoke in favor. The resolution was carried.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Mon 16 Jun 1930 Page 3

Classified Advertising
AFTER the expiration of fourteen days application will be made to the Supreme Court of Victoria that LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION of the estate of HENRY ROBINS, late of Moe, in Victoria, pensioner, deceased, intestate, may be granted to Sarah Jane Robins, of Moe aforesaid, the widow of said deceased.
Dated this 13th day of June. 1930.
Gray and Friend Warragul, Proctors


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

1. Residence, 1903-1924, Willow Grove, Vic, Australia. Occupation - farmer.


Henry married Sarah Jane COLE [1267] [MRIN: 379], daughter of Aaron COLE [1299] and Elizabeth Ann NEWMAN [1298], on 26 Feb 1884 in Ni Ni, Victoria, Australia 2085.,2086 (Sarah Jane COLE [1267] was born on 15 Jul 1862 in Alma, Vic, Australia,2087,2088 died on 5 Jul 1946 in Moe, Vic, Australia 2089 and was buried on 6 Jul 1946 in Moe, Vic, Australia.)

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