Elizabeth Mary LUCAS [285]
- Born: 1907, Swan Hill, Victoria, Australia 650
- Marriage (1): Alexander GROAT [4066] in 1926 in , Victoria, Australia 649
- Died: 1929, Swan Hill, Victoria, Australia at age 22 651
General Notes:
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thu 25 Apr 1929 Page 5 DEATH UNDER ANĘSTHETIC. DEATH UNDER ANESTHETIC. SWAN HILL Wednesday - At the inquest concerning the death of Elizabeth Mary Groat, married, who died when under an anaesthetic, the deputy coroner (Mr. Bell), found that death was due to a diseased condition of the heart and an enlarged thymus gland. No blame was attachable to any person
The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Thu 25 Apr 1929 Page 5 LATE COUNTRY NEWS. SWAN HILL.- At the inquiry into the death of Elizabeth Mary Groat, who died after having dental extractions in a private hospital at Swan Hill, Dr. G. W. Foster, who held a post mortem examination on the body, stated he found that death was due to a diseased condition of the heart. The anaesthetic was not the cause of death. The deputy coroner found that deceased had died from heart failure. He also added that he found that no blame was attachable to any person.
Elizabeth married Alexander GROAT [4066] [MRIN: 1255] in 1926 in , Victoria, Australia.649