Susan ROBINS [3538]
- Born: 1870, Pleasant Creek, Vic, Australia 3744
- Marriage (1): Edward FRANKLIN [3539] in 1888 3743
- Died: 20 Jan 1937, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia at age 67 3745
- Buried: 22 Jan 1937, Hopetoun, Vic, Australia
General Notes:
Hamilton Spectator (Vic. : 1870 - 1918) Thu 7 Jul 1910 Page 4 SALES OF HOTEL.
SALES OF HOTEL. Messrs. T. H. Laidlaw and Co. report having made the following two sales of hotel businesses. On account of Miss Meyers the freehold of the well-known Club hotel-, at Hopetoun, this being a two-storey brick building, with extensive stabling, to Mr, w. Freemantle. For.Mr. Thos. Heenan, the lease, furniture, and goodwill of the same property to the same purchaser. The friends of Mr. Freemantle will be pleased to learn that he has secured a good sound investment, together with a splendid trade.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) View title info Sat 16 Nov 1912 Page 22 FIRE AT COUNTRY HOTEL. FIRE AT COUNTRY HOTEL. MAN FALLS THROUGH ROOF HOPETOUN, Friday - a fire occurred at Franklin's Club Hotel Hopetoun, yesterday afternoon, with the result that 16 rooms, the wooden portion of the building, were completely destroyed. The fire brigade did splendid work in saving the two story brick portion adjoining. A very hot wind was raging. The building destroyed was one of the oldest in the town.
George Glare fell through the roof of the verandah, and was rendered unconscious for a time. Dr Campbell found that his spine and pelvis were injured.
Several firemen had narrow escapes. The building and contents were insured, but the amount is not ascertainable. The damage is estimated at about £1,500.
The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Fri 6 Mar 1914 Page 5 STABLES BURNT. STABLES BURNT. At two o'clock on Sunday morning the stables at Franklin's Club Hotel, Hopetoun, were burnt down, and four horses belonging to Messrs E. Franklin, R.Perring and Dr. Campbell were destroyed. Mr. Perring's horse ,was released, but bolted back into the burning building and perished.
Hopetoun Courier and Mallee Pioneer (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Fri 18 Dec 1914 Page 3 Licensing Court. .............Susan Franklin, Club Hotel, Hopetoun, £210. ..............
Woomelang Sun and Lascelles and Ouyen Advocate (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Fri 5 Feb 1915 Page 2 Local and General. The Club hotel at Hopetoun is out of luck apparently. It is not so very long ago since a fire wiped out all but the brick portion of the building; later the stabling, with a couple of horses, went in smoke, and now we have another blaze to record. About 2 a.m. last Saturday the shire capital was aroused by the clang of the firebell, and the Club hotel was the scene of action. One of the upstairs rooms was ablaze, but the firemen promptly got the danger over. As might be expected, water did some damage, but taken all together, the brigade proved just the thing. The cause of the outbreak is supposed to have been an electric iron from which the power had not been switched off. Not only damage to the house, but a waste of electric energy.
Hopetoun Courier and Mallee Pioneer (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Fri 24 Dec 1915 Page 3 Hotel Valuations at Hopetoun. Hotel Valuations at Hopetoun. APPEALS FOR REDUCTIONS REFUSED. At the Licensing Court, Warracknabeal,before Mr, K. Harrison, P.M., Mrs. Franklin, licensee of the Club Hotel, Hopetoun, sought to have the valuation of the property reduced to £190.
A similar application was made by Miss Brown, of the Commercial Hotel, Hopetoun, to have the assessment of the property reduced to £ 170.
Mr. Pitcher appeared for the licensees.
Inspector Riley opposed the applications, and at the outset raised two objections, first that the valuation must be determined at the annual sitting of the court which this year took place on December 1st, and that the necessary notice Under the Act had not been given, and, second, that similar application had previously been adjudicated upon by the court, and that if there was to be a re-hearing it must be before the magistrates who occupied the bench in the first instance.
Mr. Pitcher submitted that this was new business, which could be brought forward at an adjourned sitting of the court. The magistrate said there was difficulty in regard to the notice, but decided to hear the evidence.
Mr. Pitcher said that during the past year there had been a considerable falling off in business. This was shown in the declarations for compensations. The appellants were paying a licence fee of £50, which was as much as was paid by many hotels in large centres, and the amount was excessive. Another matter was that the hours of trading had been curtailed. Statements were submitted certifying that the Shire of Karkarooc valued the Club Hotel at £190,. and the Commercial Hotel at £170. Edward Franklin, manager of the Club Hotel, said the last year had been a bad one for business, and the hotel had practically been run at a loss. The major part of the hotel was new, having been built two years ago, and owing to adverse conditions, the return had not been adequate for the outlay. He did not consider the property was worth more than £4000 at the present time.
Inspector Riley - If you were to lease the hotel what would be fair ingoing for five years. Witness - It would not pay to lease the property at present owing to the effect of war-conditions and restrictions under the act. It would pay better to keep it than sacrifice it for five years.
What would be the rent of the hotel if let to-morrow?'- I don't think it would bring more than £4 a week.
Replying to further questions, the witness said he had been four years in the hotel, and had only paid a licence fee of £50 during the last two years, since the new buildings were erected. With the exception of the Woomelang Hotel, the whole of the valuations in the Corong district were under £200.
Inspector Riley mentioned that the shire had reduced the valuations of a number of Hotels in the district, but had left the assessment of the Lake Corrong Hotel Hopetoun at the same amount as last year, viz., £130.
The witness said he considered the hotels referred to wore previously overrated, and that the valuations were now about right, taking into account the depreciation in values.
The magistrate - Was last year anything like an average year in Hopetoun.
Witness - It was very much under the average ; not more than half.
Harry Brown gave evidence with regard to the Commercial Hotel, urging that the falling off in business justified a reduction of the valuation.
The magistrate decided to refuse the appeals. He upheld the inspector's objection that notice had not been given in time, and he found against, the appellants on the facts, remarking that, it was singular that the shire, while reducing the assessments of a number of hotels in the district, had left the valuation of the Lake Corrong Hotel unaltered.
Beulah Standard and Mallee and Wimmera Advertiser (Vic. : 1916 - 1918) Thu 10 Feb 1916 Page 2 Residential Blocks for Sale. Residential Blocks for Sale. Messrs Young Bros., under instructions from Mrs S Franklin, of Hopetoun, will offer on Friday, 25th February, at 1.30 p.m. sharp, 12 residential blocks in the progressive town of Beulah, each containing 1/4 acre, and situated opposite the State school. Plans can be inspected at Beulah or Warracknabeal offices.
The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tue 1 Jun 1920 Page 3 Advertising HOTELKEEPERS, BREWERS, SPECULATORS. PLEASE NOTE! For Sale BY PRIVATE TREATY, THE FREEHOLD OF The Club Hotel Hopetoun REPLETE WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE, SPACIOUS YARD, GOOD STABLE ACCOMMODATION and HEALTHY LOCALITY. YOUNG BROS., HORSHAM (through their Warracknabeal branch), Have received instructions from MRS. SUSAN FRANKLIN, owing to ill-health, to sell by Private Treaty the FREEHOLD of THE CLUB HOTEL, HOPETOUN, successfully conducted by her for several years.
THE CLUB HOTEL, erected on land 210 feet by 180 feet, situate on the corner of Austin and Lascelles streets, Hopetoun, is a two-storey building, substantially built of brick and wood, and steel lined throughout. There are 32 rooms in all, comprising 20 Single and Double Bedrooms, Parlors, Bar, two extra large Dining Rooms, Kitchen (fitted with large Andrew 's Stove), Pantry, Storeroom, two Bathrooms, one upstairs, Billiard Room, and detached Cordial House. The main buildings are divided front the large yard at the rear by a high galvanised iron fence.
The out-buildings consist of good Stabling and Loose Boxes for 30 horses, Chaffhouse, Buggy Shed, Motor shed for three cars, Laundry, Lumber Room, Cab Shed, and a well-built Groom's Room.
From the Balcony, 150 ft in length, splendid views of Lakes Lascelles and Corrong and surrounding district are obtained. Hopetoun being the Railway Terminus, the motor traffic between this town, Lascelles, Sea Lake and Rainbow is extensive, and the Club Hotel is well patronised by the travelling public.
Stock in trade at valuation. The house is lighted throughout with Electric Light (42 lights), and the present licensee has successfully conducted a thriving business for several years past, and has decided to retire there from for health reasons only. INSPECTION INVITED. Fuller information on application.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tue 11 Oct 1921 Page 12 LICENSES TRANSFERRED. ............. Club Hotel, Hopetoun - Susan Franklin to John J. Hennessy, ...................
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thu 21 Jan 1937 Page 1 Family Notices FRANKLIN - On the 20th January, at private hospital Melbourne, Susan, widow of Edward Franklin of Hopetoun (V) and Narooma Alexandra avenue, South Yarra and loving mother of Arch, Ivy (Mrs E Scown) Lily, Isa (Mrs S Laidlaw), Merle, George, Will and Mona, aged 66 years
The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Thursday 21 January 1937 Page 1 FRANKLIN.- The Friends of the late Mrs. SUSAN FRANKLIN are Informed that her funeral will leave the Anglican Church, Hopetoun, at 3 o'clock on FRIDAY AFTERNOON, the 22nd inst., for the Hopetoun Cemetery. A. A. SLEIGHT PTY. LTD.. Melbourne, Cent. 410, in conjunction with A. E. PERRY, Hopetoun.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Friday 29 January 1937 page 16 NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria in its Probate Jurisdiction that PROBATE of the LAST WILL and TESTAMENT dated the eighteenth day of October 1935 of SUSAN FRANKLIN late of Narooma Alexandra avenue South Yarra In the said State widow deceased may be granted to Elsie Merle Byrne of "Narooma" aforesaid widow and Susan Mona Franklin of Prince Henry's Hospital St Kilda road Melbourne nurse, the executors named In and appointed by said will. Dated this 28th day of January 1937
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 28 October 1937 Page 4 Susan Franklin, of Narooma, Alexandra avenue. South Yarra widow. who died on January 20. left by will dated October 18. 1935, real estate of a gross value of £174 and personal property of a gross value of £4,296 to her children.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 20 January 1938 Page 10 FRANKLIN. - In loving memory of our beloved mother. Susan Franklin, formerly of Hopetoun, who died at Coonara, St. Kilda road. Melbourne, on the 20th January, 1937. (Inserted by Merle and Mona.)
Susan married Edward FRANKLIN [3539] [MRIN: 1094], son of George FRANKLIN [9222] and Sarah Ann PHILLIPS [9223], in 1888.3743 (Edward FRANKLIN [3539] was born about 1866,3732,3733,3746 died on 1 Jun 1925 in Hopetoun, Vic, Australia 3747 and was buried in Jun 1925 in Hopetoun, Vic, Australia.)