Bridget CUSACK [5593]
- Born: Abt 1842, Ennis, Co.Clare, Ireland 5275
- Marriage (1): Samuel Skelton PARKER [5594] on 22 Apr 1865 in , Victoria, Australia 5276
- Died: 22 Nov 1907, Kensington, Vic, Australia aged about 65 5277
General Notes:
Wodonga and Towong Sentinel (Vic. : 1885 - 1954) Fri 29 Nov 1907 Page 2 Wodonga & Towong Sentinel. Mrs Parker, relict of the late Mr Samuel Skelton Parker, died at her residence, " Parkhall," on Friday, after a fortnight's illness, from internal complications supervening on an attack of pneumonia. Deceased, who was 73 years of age, had resided at Barnawartha and district for 42 years, coming to Wodonga 15 years ago, and was the mother of a grown-up family, including Councillor Samuel Parker, Messrs Wm. and Jas. Parker (Victorian Railways), Mr John Parker, and Miss Rachael Parker. The funeral, which took place on Saturday afternoon, in the Albury Cemetery, was well attended. Father Hartigan officiated at the graveside.
Benalla Standard (Vic. : 1901 - 1925) Tue 3 Dec 1907 Page 3 WODONGA. WODONGA. Mrs. Baker, a resident of the Wodonga and Barnawartha districts for over 40 years has died. Deceased was the relict of the late Samuel Skelton Parker, and mother of Cr. Parker, of Wodonga shire.
Wodonga and Towong Sentinel (Vic. : 1885 - 1954) Fri 29 Nov 1907 Page 2 Family Notices Death. PARKER. - On 22nd November, at "Park Hall," Wodonga West, Bridget, relict of the late Samuel Skelton Parker, and beloved mother of William, James, Samuel, John, and Rachael Parker; aged 73 years. A colonist of 54 years standing, 42 of which were spent in Barnawartha and district. " Fondly loved and sadly missed."
Weekly Times (Melbourne, Vic. : 1869 - 1954) Sat 7 Dec 1907 Page 24 Crossed the Bar. Mrs. Parker, widow of the late Mr Samuel Skelton Parker, of Wodonga and Barnawartha, has died. Mrs Parker was the mother of Cr. Parker, of the Wodonga shire.
Wodonga and Towong Sentinel (Vic. : 1885 - 1954) Fri 17 Oct 1913 Page 3 Advertising 'NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, Application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria, in its Probate Jurisdiction, that LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, with the Will annexed, of the Estate of BRIDGET PARKER, late of Wodonga, in the State of Victoria, Domestic housekeeper, deceased, may be GRANTED to SAMUEL THOMAS PARKER, the sole executor of the will of Rachael Margaret Parker, late of Wodonga aforesaid, Domestic housekeeper, decreased (who was the sole devisee named in the will of the above-named Bridget Parker, deceased, and who died on the Tenth day of August one thousand nine hundred and thirteen), the said Rachael Margaret Parker, the executrix, and John Woodland, of Wodonga aforesaid, Shire Secretary, the executor named in the said will of the said Bridget Parker, deceased, having both died without obtaining Probate thereof. Dated this Sixteenth day of October, 1913. JOHN WILKINSON, Proctor for the Applicant, Sydney street, Wodonga."
Re BRIDGET PARKER, late of Wodonga, Domestic Housekeeper, Wodonga. ALL persons having any CLAIMS against the Estate of the above named deceased are required to send In detailed particulars thereof at once to the undersigned. S JOHN WILKINSON,. J ,Proctor for the Applicant. Sydney-street, Wodonga, and Dean street, Albury
Bridget married Samuel Skelton PARKER [5594] [MRIN: 1743], son of William PARKER [9290] and Rachael AGNEW [9291], on 22 Apr 1865 in , Victoria, Australia.5276 (Samuel Skelton PARKER [5594] was born about 1830 in Parkhall, Antrim, Ireland and died on 14 Oct 1897 in Wodonga, Vic, Australia.)