Rachael Margaret PARKER [9289]
- Born: 1873, Wodonga, Vic, Australia 78
- Died: 10 Aug 1913, Wodonga, Vic, Australia at age 40 7339,7340
General Notes:
Wodonga and Towong Sentinel (Vic. : 1885 - 1954) Fri 15 Aug 1913 Page 2 OBITUARY. OBITUARY. PARKER. The death occurred in Albury on Saturday evening of Miss Rachael Parker, Felltimber Creek, Wodonga, after a very brief illness. Miss Parker had always enjoyed splendid health, without a day's serious illness in her life, and on Friday afternoon was in unusually good spirits. About eight o'clock that evening she complained of being unwell, and shortly afterwards became worse.
Mrs. H. Wilson, a neighbor, was called in and gave all assistance possible, Mrs. T. W. Richardson also giving willing aid. Miss Parker was urged to have medical advice, but this she declined, saying that the attack would soon pass. She showed no improvement through the night, and on Saturday Dr. Schlink stated that an operation was necessary, advising that the patient be taken to Albury. This was done, but on Saturday evening, before Miss Parker could be prepared for the necessary operation, she collapsed from heart failure, death ensuing shortly afterwards. The remains brought to her late home on Sunday afternoon.
Deceased, who was 40 years of age, was the only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parker, and sister of Messrs. William, Samuel, John Parker (Wodonga), and James Parker (Melbourne). The family is well known and esteemed throughout the district, and the utmost sympathy is expressed for the bereaved relatives in their sudden loss. Deceased was of a cheerful, hospitable nature, and the news of her death was a great shock to all her friends and acquaintances, especially as she was in such good health the day before. She was a prominent member of the Wodonga branch of the A.W.N.L., and worked hard and effectively to secure the return of the Liberal candidate, Mr. C. J. Ahern, for Indi at the last Federal elections.
The funeral took place at the Albury cemetery on Monday afternoon, and was very largely attended by residents from all parts of Wodonga, Albury, and adjoining districts, the procession being an unusually lengthy one. Amongst the many wreaths placed on the coffin was one from the members of the Wodonga branch A.W.N.L., and the flag at the shire hall was at half-mast. The Rev. Father Flynn read the Roman Catholic burial service at the grave, the funeral arrangements being carried out by Mr. J. S. Adams
Wodonga and Towong Sentinel (Vic. : 1885 - 1954) Fri 17 Oct 1913 Page 3 Advertising 'NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, Application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria, in its Probate Jurisdiction, that LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, with the Will annexed, of the Estate of BRIDGET PARKER, late of Wodonga, in the State of Victoria, Domestic housekeeper, deceased, may be GRANTED to SAMUEL THOMAS PARKER, the sole executor of the will of Rachael Margaret Parker, late of Wodonga aforesaid, Domestic housekeeper, decreased (who was the sole devisee named in the will of the above-named Bridget Parker, deceased, and who died on the Tenth day of August one thousand nine hundred and thirteen), the said Rachael Margaret Parker, the executrix, and John Woodland, of Wodonga aforesaid, Shire Secretary, the executor named in the said will of the said Bridget Parker, deceased, having both died without obtaining Probate thereof. Dated this Sixteenth day of October, 1913. JOHN WILKINSON, Proctor for the Applicant, Sydney street, Wodonga."
Re BRIDGET PARKER, late of Wodonga, Domestic Housekeeper, Wodonga. ALL persons having any CLAIMS against the Estate of the above named deceased are required to send In detailed particulars thereof at once to the undersigned. S JOHN WILKINSON,. J ,Proctor for the Applicant. Sydney-street, Wodonga, and Dean street, Albury
NOTICE is hereby given that, after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, Application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of :Victoria' in its Probate Jurisdiction, that PROBATE of the Will. of . RACHAEL MARGARET PARKER , late of Wodonga, in the said State, Domestic Housekeeper, may be granted to SAMUEL THOMAS PARKER, of Wodonga, in the said State, Farmer, the sole executor appointed by the said will. Dated this Sixteenth day of October, 1913. JOHN WILKINSON, Proctor for the Applicant, Sydney-street, Wodonga.
Re- ., RACHAEL MARGARET. PARKER, late of Wodonga, Domestic' Housekeeper, deceased: ALL PERSONS having any CLAIMS against.the Estate of the above-named deceased are requested to send in detailed particulars thereof at once to the undersigned. ' JOHN. WILKINSON, Proctor for the Executor. Sydney-street, Wodonga, and Dean street, Albury .