Violet Avis Royal ROBINS [6677]
- Born: 5 Oct 1889, Dimboola, Vic, Australia 3542
- Marriage (1): Harry OVERALL [6680] in 1918 in Hopetoun, Vic, Australia 3542,5899
- Died: 12 Mar 1952, Lascelles, Vic, Australia at age 62 3542,5900
- Buried: Mar 1952, Hopetoun, Vic, Australia
General Notes:
Hopetoun Courier and Mallee Pioneer (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Fri 16 Aug 1918 Page 3 Hymeneal. OVERALL - ROBINS. As briefly mentioned in a previous issue the marriage of Mr. Henry Overall and Miss Avie Robins took place on July 25, at the residence of the bride's step-father (Mr. Geo. Glare), the guests being relatives and intimate friends. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Vineer.
Afterwards at the wedding breakfast the customary toasts were honored. The bride, who was given away by her stepfather, was beautifully arrayed in ivory taffeta and crepe de chene, richly embroidered and finished with-silk stitchery.
The customary veil drawn over the hair and encircled with a bandeau of orange blossom completed a very pleasing attire. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss May Robins, who was very prettily attired in ivory crepe de chene, trimmed with silk lace and cable stitching and wore a gold pendant brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. Little Topsy Roberts, after the ceremony, placed a lucky horse shoe, trimmed with-satin streamers and orange blossom, on the arm of the bride. The bride's travelling dress was a brown costume with a nigger-brown hat and wore a set of black furs, the gift of the bridegroom.
The following is the list of presents:_ Bride to bridegroom, travelling rug; bridegroom to bride, set of furs ; bridegroom to bridesmaid, gold pendant brooch ; step-father of bride, household linen and cheque; Miss Glare, cheque ; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Praetz, pair of pictures ; Master Wesley Praetz, pair of vases; Mr. W. Robins, cheque: Miss May Robins, silver butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. Overall, family bible and wedding cake; Mr. F. Glare, cheque; Mr. W. Overall, travelling rug; Rev. Yineer, set of carvers ; Mr. and Mrs. T. and Mr C. Robins, cheque; Mr. and Mrs. J. Glare, cruet ; Miss P. Overall, silver butter knife ; Mr. C. Dart, pair silver vases; Miss Casey, silver serviette ring; Mr. W. Praetz, pair butter dishes ; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glare, jam spoon and butter knife ; Pastor and Mrs. Irvin, pair silver vases ; Mr. and Mrs. G. Casey, cheque; Miss Praetz, jam dish; Mr. N. Kelly, jelly spoon, bread fork and butter knife ; Miss S. Praetz, sugar basin; Mr. and Mrs. Whitebread, cheque; Mr. R. Fraser, ornaments; Mr. and Mrs. Snell, silver sugar basket and sifter; Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, silver mounted sweet dish ; Miss Vera, and Masters J. and D. Harrington, pair vases ; Mr. M. Lynch, cheque ; Mr. Johnson, cheque ; Mr. McIntyre, clock.
Violet married Harry OVERALL [6680] [MRIN: 2101] in 1918 in Hopetoun, Vic, Australia 3542.,5899 (Harry OVERALL [6680] was born in 1883, died in Jun 1964 in Hopetoun, Vic, Australia and was buried in Jun 1964 in Hopetoun, Vic, Australia.)
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Alt. Marriage, 25 Jul 1918, Hopetoun, Vic, Australia. 5901