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Michael SULLIVAN Snr [1984]
(Abt 1770-)
Catherine HOREGAN [1090]
Timothy LEARY [1087]
(Abt 1780-)
Mary Ann SILK [1086]
(Abt 1780-)
John SULLIVAN [804]
(Abt 1810-1892)
Julia LEARY [805]
(Abt 1811-1872)

Daniel James SULLIVAN [806]


Family Links

1. Mary Jane McGUINNESS [820]

Daniel James SULLIVAN [806]

  • Born: 30 Sep 1841, Goulburn, NSW, Australia 1497
  • Christened: 1 Mar 1842, Goulburn, NSW, Australia 1498
  • Marriage (1): Mary Jane McGUINNESS [820] on 19 May 1869 in Castlemaine, Vic, Australia 1496
  • Died: 8 Oct 1918, Newstead, Vic, Australia at age 77 1499
  • Buried: 9 Oct 1918, Sandon, Vic, Australia

bullet  General Notes:

Daniel James Sullivan was born in New South Wales. His parents were transported as convicts to NSW and came from County Cork, Ireland prior to his birth in 1841. The entire family moved to Victoria prior to 1860.

Witnesses to Daniel and Mary Jane's marriage were John McGuinness and Alice McGuinness.

From Newstead Echo - 9 October 1918

Death Notice
"SULLIVAN-The friends of the late Daniel Sullivan are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of his internment, the Sandon Cemetery. The Funeral will leave his residence this day, Wednesday at 2pm."

Still another resident of the district has gone to that bourne where no traveller returns. We refer to the death of Mr Daniel Sullivan, an esteemed resident of Newstead, which took place at his residence at 10.15am on Tuesday morning. Mr Sullivan was 78 years of age, and leaves a widow and family. The deepest sympathy will be felt for the bereaved widow and family. The funeral will take place at the Sandon Cemetery today, Wednesday.


Daniel married Mary Jane McGUINNESS [820] [MRIN: 243], daughter of John McGUINNESS 1 [937] and Jane TOLMY [936], on 19 May 1869 in Castlemaine, Vic, Australia.1496 (Mary Jane McGUINNESS [820] was born about 1845 in , Armagh, Ireland, died on 6 Apr 1929 in Castlemaine, Vic, Australia 1500 and was buried on 8 Apr 1929 in Sandon, Vic, Australia.)

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