Rachel Edith Mary MERRALL [8747]
- Born: 1895, Greensborough, Vic, Australia 6827
- Marriage (1): Henry Thomas WOODS [13007] in 1919 in , Victoria, Australia 6826
- Died: 1949, Greensborough, Vic, Australia at age 54 6828
General Notes:
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Mon 14 Feb 1949 Page 9 Family Notices The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Mon 14 Feb 1949 Page 6 Family Notices WOODS.- On February 13, at hospital, Melbourne, Edith Rachel,dearly loved wife of Henry Thomas,of No. 13 Havelock street, Hawthorn East, and loved mother of Eileen and Henry.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thu 8 Sep 1949 Page 18 Advertising CREDITORS next of kin and others having CLAIMS in respect of the estate of EDITH RACHEL. MARY WOODS late of 12 Havelock road Hawthorn married woman deceased who died on the 13th day of February 1949 are to SEND PARTICULARS to Henry Thomas Woods of 12 Havelock road Hawthorn by the 18th November 1949 after which date he will distribute the assets having repaid only to the claims of which he then has notice HENDERSON S, BALL solicitors 430 Little Collins street Melbourne
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957 Tue 8 Mar 1949 Page 10 Advertising AFTER 14 clear days application will be made to the Supreme Court that LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION of the estate of EDITH RACHEL MARY WOODS, late of 12 Havelock road. Hawthorn, married woman, deceased, intestate, may be granted to Henry Thomas Woods, of 12 Havelock road. Hawthorn, process worker, the widower of the said deceased. HENDERSON Se BALL, solicitors. 430 Little Collins street. Melbourne.
Rachel married Henry Thomas WOODS [13007] [MRIN: 4620] in 1919 in , Victoria, Australia.6826 (Henry Thomas WOODS [13007] was born about 1895.)