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Albert Henry DAVIES [10578]
Jane Campbell GRAHAM [10579]
(Abt 1856-1917)
Charles Cameron FORSTER [10540]
Mary Annie GRAFTON [10541]
Cecil George DAVIES [10480]
(Abt 1880-1946)
Amy Irene Proctor FORSTER [10479]

Rita Morva Grafton DAVIES [10546]


Family Links

1. Richard EVANS [10591]
2. Auguste ROLO [11298]

Rita Morva Grafton DAVIES [10546] 8254

  • Born: 1906, Brunswick, Vic, Australia 8254,8292
  • Marriage (1): Richard EVANS [10591]
  • Marriage (2): Auguste ROLO [11298]
  • Died: 1979, Elwood, Vic, Australia at age 73 8254,8293,8294

bullet  General Notes:

Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) Sat 13 Dec 1924 Page 6 SUCCESSFUL DEBUT
Miss Morva Davies, contralto, winner of competitions at the Ballarat Eisteddfod, sang with great success at the Royal Sydney Apollo's concert on Thursday night, and will be heard again next Friday night at the Conservatorium. Miss Davies has a remarkably rich and full contralto voice, and Mr. Alfred Hill the Apollo's conductor, declared that Australia should be proud of her.

The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tue 7 Sep 1926 Page 5 MEETING OF SINGERS

Writing to the Melbourne "Herald" from 'London, Miss Freda Sternberg says :--Amongst the MeIba visitors this day was Miss Morva Davies, the young daughter of Mr and Mrs C. G. Davies, of Horsham, who won the South Street championship before she came over to London to study voice production with Miss Anne Williams.

She had come to Hatfield, Madame Melba's country home, with Miss Williams as Melba had agreed to hear: her sing, and give her. opinion as to the possibilities of her voice and her future.
"Have you any money?" was the first question Dame Nelie put to the young singer.
"Thank goodness," she remarked when the reply came "Yes." Then she went on to expound once more on the folly of young singers coming over to this, side of the world without the necessary financial backing, and genenerally pointing out the difficulties that lay in the path of the ambitious beginner.

After she had heard Miss Davies in several songs, Melba pronounced her verdict: "You have a voice with big possibilities, but you must walk 'piano' for some time, and study hard."

Because Miss Davies had not heard her at her farewell, performance at Covent Garden, Melba let her hear some gramophone records that had been made without her. knowledge on that historic occasion. And they were really almost a perfect reproduction of her voice as it was that night, and even her farewell, speech came through as distinctly as it did when it rang through Covent Garden Opera House.

"New we'll have something to make the child laugh," Melba said in characteristic fashion as she turned on a record on a burlesque on broadcasting. She was talking about Miss Davies, but she enjoyed the fun as much as "the child" did.

The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tue 28 Sep 1926 Page 4 PERSONAL

Dr. Felstead has returned to Horsham and resumed practice.
Two former South Street competitors are now in London training under the same teacher, Miss Anne Williams. They are Miss Morva Davies and Miss Rita Miller.

The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954) Wed 15 Jan 1930 Page 11 THE WOMAN'S
MISS MORVA DAVIES, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs C. G. Davies, of the English, Scottish, and Australian Bank Limited, King Street, Melbourne, who left Australia 3 years ago to continue her Singing studies abroad with Madame Dinh Gilly.

Miss Davies is to marry Monsieur Adolphe Rolo, of Alexandria and Paris, son of Monsieur and Madame Robert Rolo, of Alexandria, on January 22, at the British Consulate, Paris. Miss Davies, who has a contralto voice of much promise, will continue her musical career.

The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tue 4 Mar 1930 Page 10 Our Pictorial Section
Image of Morva Davies with text
Mis Morva Davies formerly of Horsham, who married Mr Auguste Rolo in Paris.

The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946) Sat 15 Mar 1930 Page 15 Family Notices
The marriage was celebrated in Paris on January 22 of Mr. Adolphe Rolo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rolo, of Alexandria, and Miss 'Morva Davies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Davies, of East Melbourne.

Miss Davies came to Europe some years ago to study singing, and after being with Miss Anne Williams in London for a time, went on to Paris to Dinh Gilly, with whom she has studied various Wagnerian roles. She does not intend to give up her career, and hopes soon to appear in grand opera.

Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930) Sun 16 Mar 1930 Page 13 Interesting Anglo Australian Wedding
Interesting Anglo- Australian Wedding
Mme. Curie Receives Young
Melbourne Scientists
(From Our Special Corresendent, ISABEL RAMSAY)
A WEDDING of considerable interest to Australians took place yesterday in Paris, the parties being Miss Morva Davies, daughter of Mr. C. G. Davies, Manager of the E.S. and A. Bank, West Melbourne, and Mrs. Davies, and Mr. Adolphe Rolo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rolo, of Alexandria. The ceremony was performed, at the British Consulate, the witnesses for the bride being Mme. Dinh Gilly and, Mme. Maurice, Muret, and for the bridegroom, his mother, Mrs. Robert Rolo, and his uncle, Monsieur Clement Green. After the ceremony, a reception was held by Madame Clement Green at her house, 27 rue Jacques Dulud, Neuilly, only a few intimate friends of Mr. and Mrs. August Rolo being present. Mrs. Rolo, who has been well-favored by the gods, seeing that she is young, very pretty, and gifted with a beautiful contralto voice, looked charming in an ensemble of dress, coat, hat, and shoes of porcelaine blue. She came to Europe three years ago to study singing, and after spending some time in London with Miss Anne Williams, came to Paris, where she has been studying ever since with Madame Dinh Gilly

LAST Spring she met Mr. Rolo, since when an attachment sprung up between them which ended in the wedding bells of yesterday. The honeymoon is being spent at Barbizon, after which Mr. and Mrs. Rolo will live at 'Le Lys dans la Vallee,' a famous auberge at Celles-St. Cloud, a charming spot just outside Paris. As Mr. Rolo is engaged with his father in business in Egypt, he is obliged to live, six months of the year at Alexandria, but as it is Mrs. Rolo's firm intention to continue with her operatic career, she will take advantage, of her husband's temporary absence to resume her work.

So far she has studied the contralto roles in 'Aida,' 'Samson et Dalila,' and different Wagnerian operas, and is hoping to have an audition at the Opera next year.

Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954) Fri 24 Jan 1930 Page 13 WOMAN'S WORLD
About People
A message from Paris states that on Wednesday last Miss Morva Davies, the daughter of an Australian E. S. and A. bank manager, was married at the British Consulate to Augusto Rolo, of Alexandria. The bride for three years has been studying singing in London and Paris, and hopes to get an opera audition in June.


Rita married Richard EVANS [10591] [MRIN: 3484].


Rita next married Auguste ROLO [11298] [MRIN: 3792].

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