Rose Anna LLOYD [584]
- Born: 1859, Inverleigh, Vic, Australia 1205
- Marriage (1): Richard Swindle Sutton MALEY [9647] on 30 Apr 1880 in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 1204
- Died: 1933, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia at age 74 1206
Another name for Rose was Rosanna LLOYD.
General Notes:
Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1877 - 1954) Thu 31 Aug 1933 Page 2 Family Notices DEATH. MALEY - At Adelaide, Rosanna Maley of Hopetoun street, Camperdown, and relict of the late Richard Maley. Friends are informed that her remains will leave St Paul's Church, Camperdown, after a brief service commencing at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday next, for the Camperdown Cemetery. Collie and Brennan, Funeral Directors.
Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1877 - 1954) Tue 5 Sep 1933 Page 7 OBITUARY. OBITUARY. Mrs. ROSANNA MALEY. The death occurred at Adelaide last week of Mrs. Rosanna Maley, widow of the late Richard Maley, of Hopetoun street, Camperdown. Deceased died while on a visit to her daughter and the news was receive with deep regret at Camperdown, where she was well known and highly respected. She had lived in Camperdown for a considerable number of years, and leaves a family of two, Mrs. Wormald and Mr. Wm. Maley.
A number of old friends and neighbours attended the funeral on Saturday morning, after a brief service at St. Paul's Church of England, conducted by Rev. W. E. Moorhouse, who also conducted the service at the graveside. The coffin bearers were Messrs. P. Aspland, A. O'Neill, A. Lloyd, and J. Harvey. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Messrs. Collie and Brennan.
Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1877 - 1954) Fri 14 May 1943 Page 5 Advertising NOTICE Administration of the Estate of Rosanna MALEY, late of Camperdown, widow, deceased, who died on the 29th August, 1933, has been granted to me, and Creditors, and all others having claims against the Estate are required to send in particulars of their claims to the Public Trustee, No. 412 Collins Street, Melbourne, on or before the 21st July, 1943, or they will be' excluded from the distribution of the Estate when the assets are being distributed. With the will annexed. J. E. DON, Public Trustee. Melbourne, 12th May, 1943.
Rose married Richard Swindle Sutton MALEY [9647] [MRIN: 3154], son of Richard Roger MALEY [9648] and Eleanor SUTTON [9649], on 30 Apr 1880 in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.1204 (Richard Swindle Sutton MALEY [9647] was born in 1856 in , Victoria, Australia 1207 and died in 1901 in Camperdown, Vic, Australia 1208.)