Oliver Josiah CROCKER [9133]
- Born: 1883, , Victoria, Australia 7303
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Breese HUMPRHEY [9137] in 1920 in , Victoria, Australia 7302
- Died: 1956, Mildura, Vic, Australia at age 73 7304
General Notes:
The Ballarat Star (Vic. : 1865 - 1924) Sat 11 Dec 1920 Page 8 WEDDINGS. Crocker - Humphreys. - A quiet but pretty wedding took place at "Mena, ' Beaufort. the residence of Mr and Mrs H. Cuthbertson (brother-in-law and sister of the bride) on 20th October, when Miss Elizabeth Breeze Humphreys, of Beaufort (third daughter of the late Mr and Mrs J. B. Humphreys) was married to Mr Oliver Josiah Crocker, of Mildura (second son of 'Mr James Crocker and the late Mrs Crocker, of Raglan). The Rev. E. H. Coltman, of the Beaufort Methodist Church, was the officiating minister.
The ceremony took place in the drawing-room which was tastefully decorated with lilies and strings of small wedding bells the latter being suspended from the ceiling. The bride, who was given away by her brother in-law (Mr H. Cuthbertson), was becomingly attired in a navy twill costume, with hat of navy crepe de chine, trimmed with gold tissue. She carried a handsome bouquet of white roses and fern. The bridesmaids were the Misses Verna Cuthbertson and Nellie Patterson (two little nieces of the bride), who wore dainty dresses of white, voile (hand-embroidered), carried bouquets of pink roses, and wore gold bangles (the gifts of the bridegroom). Mrs Coltman played "The wedding march" at the conclusion of the ceremony, and Geoff. Cuthbertson (nephew of the bride) hung a lucky horseshoe on the bride's arm as the newly-married couple were leaving the drawing-room. A number of relatives of the happy couple were the (guests of Mrs Cuthbertson at a sumptuous wedding breakfast. The Rev. E. H. Coltman presided at the festive board, and the customary toasts were cordially honored. The bride was the recipient of many valuable and useful presents (including a number of cheques). Mr and Mrs Crocker subsequently motored to Ballarat, and from that city travelled to Wangaratta, where the honeymoon was spent. Their future home will be at Mildura.
Oliver married Elizabeth Breese HUMPRHEY [9137] [MRIN: 2975] in 1920 in , Victoria, Australia.7302