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James CROCKER [6239]
(Abt 1826-1890)
Esther PITCHER [6268]
(Abt 1835-1868)
Josiah PITCHER [6281]
Elizabeth WHITE [6282]
(Abt 1834-1923)
James CROCKER [6269]
Charlotte PITCHER [6277]
Emily Esther CROCKER [9135]


Family Links

1. Ernest William SMITH [9139]

Emily Esther CROCKER [9135]

  • Born: 1888, , Victoria, Australia 7319
  • Marriage (1): Ernest William SMITH [9139] in 1914 in , Victoria, Australia 7318
  • Died: 1949, Merebein, Vic, Australia at age 61 7320

bullet  General Notes:

Riponshire Advocate (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Sat 3 Oct 1914 Page 2 WEDDING.

A very pretty wedding took place in the Raglan Church on Thursday, Sept. 17th, when Mr Ernest William Smith, third son of Mr and Mrs Henry Smith, of Mildura, was married to Miss Emily Esther Crocker, second daughter of Mr and Mrs James Crocker, of Raglan. Rev. W . B. Jessop (Anglican) officiated.

The church was beautifully decorated with wattle blossom and ivy by the girl friends of the bride, and presented a very charming appearance. As the bride entered the church on the arm of her father, "The Voice that Breathed o'er Eden" was sung by the very large gathering of friends. The bride was charmingly attired in a beautiful dress of Honiton lace over white silk, and wore the customary wreath and veil, and carried a beautiful bouquet of white camellias, violets, and asparagus fern, with satin streamers (the present of Mrs L. Watkin.) Miss Flo. Crocker (sister of bride) acted as bridesmaid, and was neatly attired in cream embroidered voile, with pink sash and hat to match, and carried a bouquet of jonquils and violets. Mr Jack Waldron acted as best man. Bridegroom's present to bride, cheque; bride to bridegroom, travelling rug; bridegroom to bridesmaid, gold brooch, set with amethyst and pearls. After the ceremony a wedding tea was partaken of at the residence of the bride's parents by about 40 guests. Rev. W. B. Jessop presided, and the usual toast list was honored. The happy couple left by the evening train for Melbourne, amidst showers of confetti; the Beaufort platform being crowded. The bride's travelling dress was brown cloth, trimmed with silk, and buttons to match, with Dolly Vardon hat. In the evening a large number of friends spent, a very enjoyable time, when dancing was indulged in, in Mr R. Pitcher's barn, until after midnight. The presents were costly and numerous. Mr and Mrs Smith's future home will be at Merbein, via Mildura.

at least 2 children
1 Herrick William Smith 1915-1990
2 Doris Mary Smith 1924-1993


Emily married Ernest William SMITH [9139] [MRIN: 2977] in 1914 in , Victoria, Australia.7318 (Ernest William SMITH [9139] was born in 1889 in Wentworth, NSW, Australia,7321 died in 1951 in Merebein, Vic, Australia 7322 and was buried in 1951 in Merebein, Vic, Australia 7323.)

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