William SCOWN [9305]
- Born: 1809, Launceston, Cornwall, England
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth HAWKE [9306] on 7 May 1832 in Launceston, Cornwall, England 7348
- Died: 1882, Terang, Vic, Australia at age 73
General Notes:
Recovery Arrival in Port Adelaide Sep 1839 Saturday 21 Sep 1839 South Australian Register Newspaper COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE PORT ADELAIDE SHIPPING ARRIVALS Sep 19 - The Recovery, 482 tons - commander, from London, May 19 with fifteen cabin passengers, among whom is Lieut Frome, surveyor-general of the colony, 250 emigrants, and a detachment of the Sapper and Miners. Cargo, sundries.
William married Elizabeth HAWKE [9306] [MRIN: 3037], daughter of John HAWKE [10793] and Honor DENBOLL [10794], on 7 May 1832 in Launceston, Cornwall, England.7348 (Elizabeth HAWKE [9306] was born about 1813 in , Cornwall, England, christened on 26 Dec 1813 in North Hill, Cornwall, England 7349 and died in 1879 in , Victoria, Australia.)