Emanuel HOLLAND [917]
- Born: 16 Jul 1833, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England 1720
- Christened: 16 Feb 1846, Bedford, , England 1721
- Marriage (1): Catherine POWERS [974] circa 1855 in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England 1720
- Died: 1861, Peterborough, Northamptonshire, England at age 28 1722
General Notes:
This newpaper article cannot be this Emanual Holland as Emanuel was already deceased, however Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald 26 May 1877 Ashbournepetty Sessions - Saturday (Before Sir W. Fitzherbert, Bart., J Osmaston, and G.M.Dixon, Esqs)
Riotous Conduct by Gipsies - Edward Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Solomon Holland, Noah Holland, John Cook and Emanuel Holland were charged in custody with committing wilful and malicious damage to the windows and door of a dwelling house in the occupation of William Trigge, at Shirley, ont he evening of the 18th Inst. The prisoners, who are gipsies, have been camping lately inthe village of Shirley, and about six o'clock on Friday evening they called at the house of the prosecutor, who keeps the Saracan's Head and asked for and were supplied with drink. When they had had sufficient they were refused more, whereupon they created a great disturbance, and upon being ordered out, one of them assaulted the servant boy. When they were turned out they commenced a series of assaults, threw stones at the windows, and otherwise damaged the door. The village was in a state of uproar for a considerable time. The poice were fetched from Ashbourne, and the men eventually apprehended. The first five men were sentenced to six weeks' hard labour. Emanual Holland who is a boy, was discharged on account of his youth.
Emanuel married Catherine POWERS [974] [MRIN: 1261], daughter of John POWERS [5883] and Ann KNIGHT [5890], circa 1855 in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England.1720 (Catherine POWERS [974] was born circa 1837 in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England 1720.)