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William SWINDON [9474]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 15 Apr 1885 - South Melbourne, Vic, Australia 8577,8578
          Death: 3 Jun 1954 - Cairns, Qld, Australia ( at age 69) 8579
         Burial: Jun 1954 - Cairns, Qld, Australia 8580


1. Residence: Ely's Road, 1912, Box Hill, Vic, Australia.

2. Residence: Roselands, 1914-1925, Healesville, Vic, Australia.

3. Residence: Old Belgrave Road, 1925, Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria, Australia. occupation Manager but no mention of his wife Rose Amy in the 1925 electoral roll.

4. Residence: Main Road, 1942, Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria, Australia.

5. Residence: 100 Sheridan Street, 1949, Cairns, Qld, Australia. occupation given as accountant.

6. Residence: 396 Severin Street, 1954, Cairns, Qld, Australia. occupation given as accountant.

         Father: William SWINDON [9472] (1860-1942) 
         Mother: Mary Ellen LATCHFORD [9473] (1862-1933) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Rose Amy BLOOD [9470] (1885 - 1940)
       Marriage: 1908 - , Victoria, Australia 1380
                1. Rose Amy SWINDON [9491] (1909-1993)
                2. Mary Margaret SWINDON [9486] (1912-1992)
                3. Olive Lucy SWINDON [9490] (1914-1954)
                4. Norman William SWINDON  47 [10010] (1917-2005)

Commonwealth of Australia Gazette (National : 1901 - 1973) Sat 11 Nov 1911 [Issue No.86] Page 2163
Postmaster-General's Department, State of Victoria.- Authorizing Officer
William Swindon, during the temporary absence on other duties, as from 16th October, 1911, of the Accountant.

Commonwealth of Australia Gazette (National : 1901 - 1973) View title info Sat 30 Dec 1911 [Issue No.97] Page 2394
Department of the Treasury,
Melbourne, 28th December, 1911.
HIS Excellency the Governor-General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of the following appointments being made :-
Authorizing Officers.
Postmaster-General's Department, State of Victoria.-
The Accountant, or, in his absence, William Swindon, vice the Accountant, or, in his absence, the Sub Accountant.

Commonwealth of Australia Gazette (National : 1901 - 1973) Sat 25 Jan 1913 [Issue No.4] Page 100
Authorizing Officers.
Postmaster-General's Department, State of Victoria.- The Accountant, or, in his absence, William Jeffrey, vice the Accountant, or, in his absence, William Swindon.

Healesville and Yarra Glen Guardian (Vic. : 1900 - 1942) Sat 31 Jul 1920 Page 2
William Swindon. Healesville, applying for registration of premises; Lilydale road, as a factory for manufacturer of fruit cases, etc.-Granted.

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Sat 13 Aug 1921 Page 11
HEALESVILLE (Shire).- Frederick John Barton, *William James Dawborn, Alfred James Mullett, *William Swindon (three wanted),

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Sat 19 Jan 1924 Page 22
Riverina News.
HEALESVILLE. - To fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Cr. William Swindon. Mr.Alexander Cameron, of Toolangi. was the only candidate nominated.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tue 15 Jan 1924 Page 17
HEALESVILLE - Owing to the resignation of Councillor William Swindon from the Healesville Shire Council, an extraordinary election to fill the vacancy will be held on February 2. Nominations will close on January 17

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Sat 9 Aug 1924 Page 19
Sir,- When Mr. Clapp, Railway Commissioner, visited Upper Fern Tree Gully to-day he was asked by a deputation from the progress association, to provide a fenced-in, pathway from the subway to the main road, to protect pedestrians from the motor traffic, which is considerable, especially at holiday time. His reply was that, if provided, pedestrians would still wander over the road like sheep. If this is so, why not protect the sensible people who use the paths ? If Mr. Clapp was to take a visit and see the danger himself he would see the reasonableness of the request and the necessity of his own slogan, "Safety First." - Yours. &c..
President Upper Fern Tree Gully Progress Association.

Fern Tree Gully News (Upper Ferntree Gully, Vic. : 1923-1947) Sat 13 Mar 1926 Page 5
(To the Editor.)
Sir.- I would like to call attention to the short-sighted policy of the Fern Tree Gully Shire Council. A request from the Upper Fern Tree Gully Progress Association to have an amount of £500 placed on the new loan for a sports ground has been turned down on the grounds of no money being available, and that Upper Gully has a ground at Lower Gully. - ; "This, to my way of thinking, is to the detriment of Upper Gully. When the last loan for sports grounds all over the shire was put through, the Upper Gully Progress Association was in a comatose state, and was left. Since then the association has been rejuvenated, and as a result, a Progress Hall has been built out of money raised by the resident. The site suggested is about a mile from the Lower Gully recreation ground, and will suit Janesleigh Dell residents as well as many who are couple of miles from> the Lower Gully ground, The residents here wish to push ,the place ahead and get cricket clubs from the city to visit here on Saturday afternoons. Should we use the Gully ground, our ladies are forced to walk from a mile to two miles each way to provide afternoon tea for our visitors, as the railway is so far distant from the ground Surely our councillors will see the force of buying ground while it is available, and not have the wrath of later generations poured on their heads for their short-sighted policy. The only available level ground is the suggested site, and if one block is sold that would put a finish, to any idea of a sports ground. The plea of no money available was knocked on the head when later in the meeting a deputation from Upwey was told that decision would be deferred in reply to their request for another £250 to be placed on the same loan, in Order to allow them to purchase a cricket and sports ground. Why definitely turn down Upper Gully and defer Upwye [sic] ? Will our representatives in the council give Upper Gully further consideration
Yours, etc., '
President Upper Gully Progress Association.

Fern Tree Gully News (Upper Ferntree Gully, Vic. : 1923-1947) Sat 24 Dec 1927 Page 2
No Title
Only a moderate proportion of ratepayers in the Centre riding of the Shire of Fern Tree Gully exercised the franchise in the by election on Thursday to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Cr. Knox. Mr- Arthur Minter was returned by a majority of 40, securing 340 votes to Mr. William Swindon's 300. Polling at the respective booths was as follows:.
Fern Tree Gully--Minter, 153; Swindon, 113.
Belgrave.- Minter, 20; Swindon, 48.
Upwey.-Minter, 29 ; Swindon, 30.
Scoresby;-Swindon, 43. Minter, 44

Fern Tree Gully News (Upper Ferntree Gully, Vic. : 1923-1947) Sat 18 Aug 1928 Page 2
No Title
Announcement , is made in to-day"s "News" of the withdrawal by Mr. William Hermoun of his candidature for the south riding seat in the Fern Tree Gully Shire Council, rendered vacant by the retirement of Cr. R. H Kerr. Notwithstanding that Mr. Hermon was regarded as having excellent prospects of success in the impending contest, he has, after mature deliberation, yielded to other considerations, the main reason being the disability, under the Local Government Act, of fulfilling the dual capacity of a councillor and a contractor for municipal works. During the past 30 years Mr. Hermon has carried out many extensive contracts for roads and bridges under the Fern Tree Gully council and the Country Roads Board, and has long retained the men and plant requisite for such undertakings. A Reciprocal goodwill having for years existed between employer and employed Mr. Hermon is disinclined at present to relinquish those associations and the privilege of undertaking shire works, by assuming administrative capacity in the council chamber. Campaigning in the south riding, is, therefore confined to the return of either Mr. Arthur Elvery or Mr. Josiah Hobbs.
Both candidates are well-known residents, who have actively associated themselves with various local movements, and command a good following.
Mr. Elvery, who is a justice of the peace, narrowly missed election to the council several years ago. Mr Hobbs is a fresh aspirant for municipal to the honors and leads off with solid backing of an energetic organisation in the Lysterfield Progress Association.
Considerable interest is being envinced in the contest in the centre riding between Cr. Arthur Minter and Mr. William Swindon, who were also" the candidates on the occasion of an extraordinary vacancy seven months ago, when the former was returned, by a substantial majority. Cr. Minter is considered by his followers to have consolidated his position, by reason of the time and attention devoted by him to the requirements of all portions of his constituency
On the other hand, supporters of Mr. Swindon are hopeful of increasing the number of votes recorded on the previous occasion sufficiently to gain the seat. Ratepayers of both ridings will, on Thursday next, have the privilege of adjudicating as to the merits of the respective candidates, and may be relied upon to exercise the franchise wisely and well.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tue 22 Jan 1929 Page 8
Sir-in reply to the letter of Mr Robert O Tucker the A Victorian Bush Fire Association has approached the Minister for forests and asked that a clause be inserted in the proposed Country Bush Fire Bill giving the brigades power to declare blocks adjoining townships which are a danger a fire menace and providing that in the event of the owner not making an effort to remove the menace that the fire brigades have power to deny the land and charge the cost to the owner I can promise Mr Tucker that if this power be given to my association no favour will be shown. My association is officially recognised by the Minister for Forests - YOURS
President. Victorian Bush Fire Association
Ferntree Gully, Jan. 19.

Fern Tree Gully News (Upper Ferntree Gully, Vic. : 1923-1947) Sat 6 Jul 1929 Page 2
Bush Fire Brigade.
Bush Fire Brigade.
(To the Editor.)
Sir,- I feel impelled to correct a slight misunderstanding in connection with the aim and object of the Victorian Bush Fire Association, as disclosed by your correspondent at Monbulk. The power which is being asked for to clean up and burn rubbish on a person's block is only to be used in the case of a block being proclaimed a fire menace in a township area. Many houses are surrounded by scrub, with debris right up to the walls, which not only endangers the lives of the fire-fighters, but makes it a danger to the surrounding houses. If the insurance companies would work in with the fire brigades and cancel the policy on such places if not cleared, the association would not find it necessary to ask for this power. I presume that the brigades composed of city dwellers refers to the Melbourne Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade. This brigade, though composed of city dwellers, is always ready to place itself under the control of local brigades The officers have publicly stated that they are out to work at all times under the local men, who are conversant with the district and 'the way of checking fires. I might state that the Melbourne Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade did excellent work in the large fire at Mount Charlie, in the Macedon and Clarkefield district, at the end of last summer, and local residents are loud in praise, especially as the work was done gratuitously, and when the local men were almost exhausted.
Yours etc,
President Victorian Bush Fire Brigade
Normanhurst," Upper Fern Tree Gully

Fern Tree Gully News (Upper Ferntree Gully, Vic. : 1923-1947) Sat 6 Jul 1929 Page 2
No Title
Mr William Swindon, of Upper Ferntree Gully, has had the degree of senior Fellow of the International Corporation of Accountants (S.F. A.I) conferred on him.

Healesville and Yarra Glen Guardian (Vic. : 1900 - 1942) Sat 13 Dec 1930 Page 3
Early Healesville.
Early Healesville.
To the Editor.
Sir,-It is with great interest that I have been following your account of the early doings of Healesville. In your last article you said that the financial aspect troubled the shire in 1901, but you did not know what amount had been borrowed. Perhaps the following may be interesting:-Population, 1350; valuation, £11,114; rate, 1/. in pound; revenue, £2735; number of assessments, 643; number of ratepayers on the rate book, 426; number on the roll, 299 (so that over 40 per cent. had not paid their rates by June 10); amount of loan money, £117/12/-.
Yours, etc.,
ex-Councillor, Shire of Healesville.
Upper Fern Tree Gully.

Benalla Standard (Vic. : 1901 - 1931) Fri 6 Nov 1931 Page 1
Annual Meeting Held
(By our Special Reporter).
At the third annual meeting of the Victorian Bush Fires Association on Wednesday the president (Mr. William Swindon) expressed gratification at the fact that the number of brigades was steadily increasing. Districts in the north and north-east of the State were well protected, but parts of the Western district and Eastern Gippsland had few organised brigades, while the Mallee was practically devoid of them. He urged that some effort be made to advise landowners in the unprotected areas of the advantages that organised brigades afforded them, and to induce them to form bushfire brigades. Mr. Swindon stated that the publication of bulletins was continued during the year, and an endeavour was made therein to educate brigades on the scientific aspects of fire-fighting,
Referring to the Bill which it was hoped would soon come before Parliament, giving increased powers and status to bush fire brigades, Mr. Swindon told the meeting that after the passage of the Bill, voluntary effort should be continued as far as possible. It was in the interests of all that the present system should not be interfered with. After considerable discussion, a section of the annual report, stating that it would be advisable for the work of dealing with bush fires to be in the hands of the Country Fire Brigades Board instead of appointing a new board, was deleted. It was decided to appoint a sub-committee, consisting of Messrs Swindon, Witty and Sambell, to watch the interests of the Association when the Bill came before Parliament.
The meeting adopted a resolution submitted by the Oxley Bush Fire Brigade, providing that the main boundaries of brigades be cleared in the winter of timber, both fallen and standing, and also of dead leaves, rubbish, etc., and that insurance companies, shire councils and the Forests Commission be urged to co-operate with the bush fire brigades in this movement. It was also resolved to request the Fire Underwriters' Association to have premiums under fire insurance policies on crops, etc., reduced when the crops were situated within the boundaries of a bush fire brigade. Mr. Sambell moved that the Country Roads Board, the Electricity Commission, and the Education Department be circularised, with requests to issue warnings of the danger of lighting fires in the summer months. This was carried.
Mr. Swindon was re-elected president and Mr. Sambell vice-president. Mr. M. Carver was re-appointed secretary. Mr. J. Campbell was elected treasurer in the place of Mr. A. Sharpe, who had resigned. In response to the request of the Fire Brigades Conference held at Benalla Fire Brigade Hall last week, the "Standard" made special arrangements for reporting the' deputation and annual meeting as above. The report is exclusive to the "Standard."

Benalla Standard (Vic. : 1901 - 1931) Fri 6 Nov 1931 Page 3
Board Seeks Wider Powers.
MELBOURNE, Thursday.
(By our Special Reporter).
Representatives of the Victorian Bush Fire Brigades Association waited on the Minister for Forests on Wednesday with a request that a bill which was drafted some time ago to give the Board wider powers be placed before Parliament at the earliest possible date.. In the absence of the Minister (Mr. Williams), who was unable to attend, the deputation was received by Mr. Kiernan, M.L.C.. Mr. Knox, M.L.A., who introduced the deputation, told Mr Kiernan that there were at present more than 226 bush fire brigades operating throughout Victoria. They were very efficient and well organised, but handicapped by the fact that at present they had no legal status. They were unable to go on to private property to burn tire breaks or take any other precautions which might be necessary unless specially permitted by the owners. This year there was every indication that the bush fire menace would be much greater than it had been for a number of years, and it was imperative that all obstacles should be removed from the paths of these organisations, which gave the State such valuable service.
The president of the Association (Mr William Swindon) stressed the fact that the increased powers sought would involve very little expense to the Government. The additional cost would be less than £1500 a year, and this would be repaid many times over by the prevention of fires, which might lay waste land worth thousands of pounds, and endanger many lives. Mr. Swindon pointed out that the body did not want to come under the same Act as that governing the Country Fire Brigades Board.
Mr. L. H. Sambell (North-Eastern District) recalled that the Association was first founded at the request of the former Minister for Forests (Mr Beckett). Mr. Beckett had then made certain promises, and the Association looked to the Government to carry them out. For the protection of the lives and properties of farmers it was essential that the Association should be given wider powers, and this could be brought about only by the speedy passage of the Bill through both Houses of Parliament. Mr. Sambell also referred to the fact that very little additional expense to the Government was involved.
Mr. H. Witty (Melbourne) said that vious [sic] speakers had spoken of the danger to properly and crops which the bush fire menace always presented. A much more serious aspect, in his opinion, was that in 1926 31 people had perished in bush fires. This was a tragedy which might be repeated at any time during the summer, especially after so prolific a season as this one. It was the duty of the Government to give this matter the most earnest consideration, and bring the necessary bill before Parliament at the earliest possible moment.
In reply Mr. Kiernan expressed sympathy with the arguments advanced by speakers, and promised to bring the request before the Minister and before Cabinet. He paid tribute to the fine work done by voluntary brigades in the bush, stating that the service that they had rendered to Victoria was inestimable. Mr. Kiernan added that the creation of a "bush fire consciousness" in the minds of town and country folk alike was probably the most valuable work that the Association had done. The protection of a country's timber was essential. Many country's had become depopulated and eventually gone right off the map owing to the failure of their inhabitants to recognise the necessity for taking care of the timber.

Fern Tree Gully News (Upper Ferntree Gully, Vic. : 1923-1947) Fri 19 Jan 1934 Page 3
Carrier's licence.
Carrier's licence was granted to Edward C. Hewmon, also to William Swindon.

Weekly Times (Melbourne, Vic. : 1869 - 1954) Sat 10 Mar 1934 Page 7
The ballot for three representatives of Bush Fire Brigades on the new committee of control, appointed by Parliament last year, was completed recently. and the State Electoral Officer (Mr W. L. Rowe> announced that the candidates elected were: -
Western and North-Western districts
- Mr A. H. McCracken. of Glenorchy and Riachella.
Northern and Central.- Mr William Swindon, of Upper Ferntree Gully.
Eastern and North-Eastern. - Mr I. H. Sambell. of Oxley.
For the three positions, 15 candidates were nominated, and each of the State's 280 Bush Fire . Brigades had one vote.
The new committee will consist, in addition. of three members nominated by the Forests Commission and one nominated by the Country Fire Brigades Board.
Its duties will be to supervise and co ordinate the activities of brigades.

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Thu 16 Mar 1939 Page 15
For Autumn
In evidence given by him to the Bush Fire Commission yesterday, Sir J. Barrett asserted that he had seen persons deliberately start bush fires in forest areas to obtain autumn feed for their cattle.
Witness said he had yet to see a fire started by a cigarette or glass bottle. He had tried to light a fire by those means without success. Forest fires destroyed animal and plant life - the chief attractions for tourists and a very valuable source of re venue. In Canada, .the tourist industry was the- second most important. In one year alone 770,000 tourists visited the national parks, and each year contributed an enormous sum to revenue.
Visits paid over many years to Victorian forest areas demonstrated to him the deplorable losses due to fires deliberately started by graziers.
The firing method had not achieved the graziers' objective' of obtaining extra feed, but it had ruined valuable timber and destroyed native animals.
Cross-examined, witness said burning off under proper control on private property would not be opposed by him, but indiscriminate burning was to be condemned. If individual grazing were stopped fires could be stopped.
Divided Control.
William Mcllroy, Secretary for Lands, said that in protected areas, although there was divided control between the Lands department and the Forests Commission, no difficulties had arisen. Lands officers were instructed to co-operate with the commission in preventing and extinguishing fires.
Although revenue was derived by his department from grazing leases, it would have no objection to the transfer of such leases to the commission. He had seen a fire started by a cigarette, and another by a glass bottle in his own office.
William Swindon, president of the Victorian Bush Fire Brigades Association, said brigades were first formed in 1926 after the Noojee bush fires. The Government gave no financial support to the brigades, but some assistance was received from insurance companies, the Board of Works arid the Forests Commission.
Central Control.
Investigation Indicated that 98 per cent, of the bush fires were due to care lessness, and of these 75 per cent, were due to burning off to obtain winter feed. The brigades wanted power to take certain measures before the fire season started. He gave Instances of inconvenience due to broadcasting for fire fighters after fires had been extinguished. He advocated a central control in Melbourne.
The commission will sit again on Tuesday next at 10 a.m,

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thu 16 Mar 1939 Page 2
Bush Brigades I
Greater powers for bush fire brigades to enable them to take preventive measures before the fire season and an annual subsidy by the State to the brigades were 1 advocated yesterday before the Royal Commission on Bush Fires
Among the witnesses yesterday was Sir I James Barrett who said that Victoria would suffer from bush fires so long as! grazing was allotted in forest areas Sir James Barrett said that from his own observations at Apollo Bay Mallacoota Inlet Wilsons Promontory and in the Upper Murray districts and from what he had been told he considered that most fires were started by graziers to get autumn feed for stock When he had once remonstrated with some graziers about burning they had replied If you owned horses you would do it too
No fire should be permitted in water catchments and no domestic animal should be given access there Sir James Barrett said Melbourne had had an experience of water shortage this year and should look to its catchment areas Phillip Island Sir James Barrett continued was now properly awake to the danger of fire It was the last home of the koala and realised what an asset it had In the bears A definite change of forests policy was needed There should be proper instruction in the schools regarding fire dangers
Mr E H E Barber (for the Forests Commission) -Can you suggest anything to stop the recurrence of these fires?
Sir James Barrett So long as you allow grazing in forest areas you will get flies
Lands Department View
Mr W Melloy Secretary for Lands said that there were in Victoria 23,000 000 acres of unalienated Crown lands of which more than 5 000 000 acres were reserved forests About 11000000 acres were controlled by the Forests Commission so far as forest products and flora were concerned
The Lands Department s reading of the Lands Act he said placed upon the Forests Commission the responsibility for fire protection measures In protected areas
Mr G Gowans (assisting the Royal Commission) -Has the Forests Commission accepted that view' Mr Mcllroy-It is the accepted view because the Forests Commission claims that we cannot interfere with any forest products
Has your department and policy of fire protection for lands In its control?
Our officers have been told not to light fires in the proclaimed periods and to co-operate with the forest officers
Mr Barber-You say that the responsibility, for fire protection rests with the Forests Commission and yet you may issue grazing licenses Is not this divided control awkward
Mr McIlroy We are prepared to co-operate
Do you see any grave objection to the transfer of control of grazing licences to issue - NO
Brigades Board Wanted
Mr William Swindon president of the Victorian Bush Fire Brigades Association said that the brigades felt that as they provided the workers the Government and some other authority should provide the equipment The brigades should have a board which should be allowed to submit annual estimates to the Ministry There should be an annual subsidy from the State
Bush fire brigades would like power to be able to take preventive measures before the fire season and legislation to compel the dealing of dirty blocks of land The commission adjourned until 10 a m on Tuesday

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Sat 26 Aug 1939 Page 19
Letters to the Editor BUSH FIRE LIGHTING
Sir, - Mr. S. L. Kessell, of Western Australia, stated at the conference of chiefs of the forestry departments that because serious fires could not occur in burnt areas for some years it was necessary to set up some body whose enthusiasm and efficiency would not wane --not some unpaid volunteer organisation.
On behalf of the Victorian Bush Fire Brigades' Association, which numbers nearly 400 brigades, 220 of which are registered by the Bush Fire Brigades' Committee, the individual members numbering 10,684, I protest against the slur cast on these men. They performed meritorious service, and will continue to do so. Where would the forest officers and their assistants have been in the January fires without the help of the volunteer brigades? The only area in which great damage was done where a registered bush fire brigade had been operating was at Warrandyte, and this was only a newly formed brigade, insufficiently equipped. No fire authority appointed will be effective if it is not empowered to take preventive measures for fire suppression before the danger period, and this power my association has been endeavouring to obtain for years without success. As Victoria is one of the worst fire hazards in the world.
I shudder to think of the cost of paying fire-fighters to extinguish fires in Victoria. The Victorian Bush Fire Brigades' Association, with its own accident fund, is unique in the world. Any attempt to destroy the functions of this association will be a loss to the State.
--Yours, &c.,
President, Victorian Bush Fire Brigades' Association.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Mon 28 Aug 1939 Page 4
"No Slur Intended"
"No slur on the Victorian Bush Five Brigades Association was intended when I referred to the need for a volunteer organisation," said Mr. S. L. Kessell (W.A.) at the conference of Forestry Department chiefs on Saturday. Mr. Kessell said he wished the president of the Victorian organisation (Mr. William Swindon) to know that he was wholeheartedly behind the association's desire to obtain wider powers, particularly for the prevention of fires. "As a conference, we congratulate Victoria on its bush fire brigade organisation," said Mr.Kessell.

Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954) Sat 5 Jun 1954 Page 5 Family Notices
The relatives and friends of the LATE. MR. WILLIAM SWINDON, 396 Severin-street, Cairns. loved father of Norman, Rose, Mary and Olive, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, which will .leave: St. John's Church bf England. Lake-street, Cairns, after a service commencing at 11 o'clock THIS SATURDAY MORNING, en route to the Cairns Cemetery Martyn-street.
The members of the Cairns Choral Society and the members of the Cairns Trotting Club are also invited to attend.
H. M. SVENDSEN PTY. LTD.. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Phone 2402.

Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954) Mon 7 Jun 1954 Page 2 OBITUARY

Mr. William Swindon, former secretary of the Cairns Choral Society, died in Cairns last week. He was admitted to hospital on April , 23, following a collision in which his bicycle and a utility truck were involved that evening. The late Mr. Swindon had been a resident of Cairns for the past five or six years, and before that, he had lived In the Dandenong ranges in Victoria.

Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954) Fri 4 Jun 1954 Page 5 OBITUARY MR. WILLIAM SWINDON

The death occurred in the Cairns Base Hospital early yesterday of Mr. William Swindon, former secretary of the Cairns Choral Society. Mr. Swindon was admitted to the hospital on April 23, following a collision in which his bicycle and a utility truck were involved that evening.

The late Mr. Swindon had been a resident of Cairns for the past five or six years and before that, he had lived in the Dandenong ranges in Victoria.

Although he is believed to have been close to 70 he was an extremely active man and was well known for his interest in many different aspects of the community's life. In addition to his work on behalf of the Choral Society, the late Mr. Swindon was also interested in trotting and was assistant secretary to the re-formed Cairns Trotting Club.

His interest in music extended over many years and at one time, he conducted a church choir in Victoria. Members of the Cairns Choral Society yesterday paid tribute to the manner in which the late Mr. Swindon organised their trip to Mackay and return at the time of the Easter Eisteddfod. The president of the society (Mr. W. T. Uren) said. "Bill did a fine job of organisation and everything went without a hitch."

It was a completely trouble free trip and most of the credit for this went to our late secretary. The conductor (Mr. H.Robins) endorsed his president's remarks and added that the choir would sincerely regret Mr. Swindon's passing. "Not only was he an exceptionally capable officer, but he possessed a bright personality and was able to make friends with all classes of people," Mr. Robins said.

The late Mr. Swindon was not unduly talkative about his private life and little is known beyond the fact that he was a widower and that he is survived by one son and perhaps two daughters, both of whom are believed to live in the south.

picture William SWINDON [9472]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 27 Jun 1860 - Footscray, Vic, Australia 8581,8582
          Death: 4 Jun 1942 - East Malvern, Vic, Australia ( at age 81) 8583,8584
         Burial: 5 Jun 1942 - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 8584

         Father: William SWINDON [3344] (1831-1879) 
         Mother: Louisa NORTH [9449] (Abt 1827-1867) 3737,3738 

Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Ellen LATCHFORD [9473] (1862 - 20 Oct 1933)
       Marriage: 13 Jun 1883 - Emerald Hill, VIC, Australia 5720,5721
                1. Elizabeth SWINDON [9484] (1884-1884)
                2. William SWINDON [9474] (1885-1954)
                3. Walter SWINDON [9485] (1887-1955)
                4. George SWINDON [9487] (1889-1890)
                5. Mary Ellen SWINDON  354,355 [9489] (1894-1986)
                6. Leslie SWINDON [9482] (1896-      )
                7. Ruby SWINDON [9488] (1898-1970)

Williams birth certificate has him registered only as Male Swindon not present. Father William Swindon aged 24 years, waiter born Shoreditch and mother Louisa North 32 years, born St George's in the east. His birthplace is registered as Washington, but is registered with other births in Maidstone and Footscray. I have been unable to find a place name of Washington in Victoria, but presume it was in the Footscray area in 1860. His parents were said to have been married in 1853 at the Parish Church and they were said to have 3 children living and deceased. The informant on this certificate was Louisa Swindon (mother).

William Swindon, Clerk, Bachelor aged 22 of Emerald Hill father William Swindon, mother Louisa North and Mary Ellen Latchford aged 21, Dressmaker of Emerald Hill, father Richard Latchford and mother Elizabeth Hughes, were married by Joseph King, Congregational Minister, at 122 Raglan Street Emerald Hill. The signatures of the witnesses to the wedding are illegible, although the second surname seems to be Fitzgerald. William is said to have been born at Footscray and Mary Ellen at Emerald Hill.

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Sat 13 Jun 1908 Page 7
Family Notices
SWINDON-LATCHFORD.-(Silver Wedding.)-
On the 13th June, 1883, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J. King, William, second son of the late William Swindon, to Mary Ellen (Dolly), second daughter of Richard Latchford, both of Emerald Hill. Present address, Box Hill.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Fri 5 Jun 1942 Page 2 Family Notices
SWINDON- The Funeral of the late Mr WILLIAM SWINDON will leave Joseph Allison Pty Ltd's parlours 788 Sydney road North Brunswick THIS DAY (Friday) at 3. 30, for the Melbourne Cemetery, Carlton JOSEPH ALLISON PTY LTD North Brunswick FW4126 (2 lines)

On William's death certificate, his father is said to be William Swindon, cook, and his Mother Louisa Swindon, formerly North. His wife is also named as Louisa North, this is clearly an error. He is said to have been married at Emerald Hill at the age of 22 years of age to Louisa North, and he was a widower at the time of his death. Children are named as Elizabeth (Dec), William 57, Walter 55, George (dec), Mary Ellen 48, Leslie 45 and Ruby 44.

picture William Walter SWINDON [9458]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1879 - , Victoria, Australia 8585
          Death: 1965 - Perth, WA, Australia ( at age 86) 8586

         Father: Thomas Henry SWINDON [9450] (1854-1921) 5088 
         Mother: Margaret Amelia HOLLAND [9451] (1855-1887) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Blanche Foster RILEY [9471] (1890 -       )
       Marriage: 1920 - , WA, Australia 7331

Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954) Sun 11 Jul 1920 Page 7 WEDDINGS
The marriage of Miss Blanche Forster Riley, youngest -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Riley, of Pier-street, Perth, to William Walter Swindon, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Swindon, of Box Hill, Victoria, was solemnised at St. George's Cathedral, Perth, on June-26, Minor Canon Patrick officiating. The bride wore a dainty gown of ivory taffeta poppilion silk with crystal beads and silk fringe trimmings, wreath of orange blossoms and veil, and carried a bouquet of white roses and carnations. Miss Myrtle Kewell, of South Perth, as bridesmaid, wore pale shell pink crepe de chine and georgette, with mob cap, and carried a bouquet of pale pink roses and carnations. Mr. G. F. E. Riley, brother of the bride and organist of St Mary's Church, South. Perth, acted as best man.- A reception and wedding breakfast was held at St, Andrew's Hall, Pier-street, at which many friends were present. Musical items and dancing were indulged in up to a fairly late hour. The talented members of the W.A. English Concertina Band (six in all) from the Maylands School for Blind were present as guests all of whom are friends of the bride), and rendered instrumental and vocal items. A large array of costly and useful presents were on view at the residence of the bride's parents.

The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Thu 19 Oct 1939 Page 14 BAYSWATER ACCIDENT.
William Swindon (59), of May-street, Bayswater, who was admitted to the Perth Hospital after being found injured in Railway-parade, Bayswater, on Tuesday night, will remain in hospital until the results of X-ray photos of his head injuries are known. It was reported that he had said that he did not know what had caused his injury and had assumed that he was struck by a vehicle which did not stop after the accident.

The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Wed 18 Oct 1939 Page 10 MAN FOUND INJURED.
Suggested Hit-and-Run Accident.
Found lying in the road in a pool of blood, William Swindon (59). of May street, Bayswater, was taken to the Perth Hospital last night by a St. John ambulance for treatment of a possible fracture of the skull. Mr. Swindon. who was found about 9.30 o'clock by a lad returning from night school, said he thought he had been hit by a motor cycle which failed to stop afterwards, but it was also suggested that he had fallen in the road.

The accident happened in Railway parade, Bayswater. about half a mile from his home. He was assisted to walk there, where a doctor examined him and ordered his removal to hospital

picture Esther SWINSTEAD [8996]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 

Spouses and Children
1. *John MATTHEWS [8995] (       -       )
       Marriage: 14 Aug 1806 - Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England 6195
                1. Elizabeth MATTHEWS [8910] (1812-1887)

Amica Lee SYDES [2441]

      Sex: F

         Father: Gary Michael SYDES [2434] 
         Mother: Jan Maree TEMPLETON [2429] 

Belinda Maree SYDES [2439]

      Sex: F

         Father: Gary Michael SYDES [2434] 
         Mother: Jan Maree TEMPLETON [2429] 

Gary Michael SYDES [2434]

      Sex: M

Spouses and Children
1. *Jan Maree TEMPLETON [2429]
                1. Belinda Maree SYDES [2439]
                2. Nathan John SYDES [2440]
                3. Amica Lee SYDES [2441]

Nathan John SYDES [2440]

      Sex: M

         Father: Gary Michael SYDES [2434] 
         Mother: Jan Maree TEMPLETON [2429] 

Janet SYER [5050]

      Sex: F

Spouses and Children
1. *Raymond LEWIS [5041]
                1. Michele LEWIS [5051]
                2. Brendon LEWIS [5052]

Annie Letitia SYLVESTER [7953]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 

Spouses and Children
1. *James Henry WILLS [7952] (1869 - 1948)
       Marriage: 1896 - , Victoria, Australia
                1. James Henry Newman WILLS [7976] (1897-1897)
                2. William Simon WILLS [7977] (1899-1960)
                3. Joseph Edwin WILLS [7978] (1900-1958)
                4. Sylvester Newman WILLS [7979] (1901-1970)

Ralph Leonard SYMES [4469]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 

Spouses and Children
1. *Doris Ruth ATTRILL [4468] (1921 - 1980)
       Marriage: 1941 - , Victoria, Australia

Ellen SYMONS [14380]

      Sex: F

Spouses and Children
1. *Richard COLLIHOLE [4140] (Cir 1838 - Dec 1902) 830 

Joan SYMONS [4300]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1678 - Holsworthy, Devonshire, England
          Death: 1741 - Landrake, Gloucestershire, England ( at age 63) 33

Spouses and Children
1. *John ROWE [4299] (5 Jul 1674 - 1734) 33 
       Marriage: 21 Apr 1723 - Holsworthy, Devonshire, England 2179
                1. Benjamin ROWE [4293] (1723-1786)

Bertha June SYNNOTT [7160]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 

Spouses and Children
1. *Arthur Ivan JONES [7148] (Abt 1923 - 27 Jan 2011)
       Marriage: 1946 - , Victoria, Australia 5415
                1. David Andrew JONES [7161]
                2. Jennifer Anne JONES [7162]

B T [14154]

      Sex: U

         Mother: Alice May LADNER [10698] (1907-1995) 

Jason Beau TADDAY [3897]

      Sex: M

         Father: Peter Robert TADDAY [3253] 
         Mother: Sandra Elizabeth KALWIG [3252] (1950-2019) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Linda CURTIS [4452]
                1. Johnny TADDAY [4453]

Jessica TADDAY [4455]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 18 May 2005
          Death: Cir 2007 -  ( aged about 2)

         Father: Scott Leon TADDAY [3898] 
         Mother: Debra FRYER [4449] 

Johnny TADDAY [4453]

      Sex: M

         Father: Jason Beau TADDAY [3897] (Relationship: Foster )
         Mother: Linda CURTIS [4452] (Relationship: Foster )

Joshua TADDAY [4450]

      Sex: M

         Mother: Debra FRYER [4449] 

Lachlan William TADDAY [4451]

      Sex: M

         Father: Scott Leon TADDAY [3898] 
         Mother: Debra FRYER [4449] 

Lisa Chantelle TADDAY [3896]

      Sex: F

         Father: Peter Robert TADDAY [3253] 
         Mother: Sandra Elizabeth KALWIG [3252] (1950-2019) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Miguel OLIVEIRA [4448]
                1. Dylan OLIVEIRA [4456]
                2. Alexander OLIVEIRA [4457]
                3. Lara Kai OLIVEIRA [9010]

Peter Robert TADDAY [3253]

      Sex: M

Spouses and Children
1. *Sandra Elizabeth KALWIG [3252] (23 Jun 1950 - 22 Nov 2019)
                1. Scott Leon TADDAY [3898]
                2. Jason Beau TADDAY [3897]
                3. Lisa Chantelle TADDAY [3896]

Sarah Jessica TADDAY [4454]

      Sex: F

         Father: Scott Leon TADDAY [3898] 
         Mother: Debra FRYER [4449] 

Scott Leon TADDAY [3898]

      Sex: M

         Father: Peter Robert TADDAY [3253] 
         Mother: Sandra Elizabeth KALWIG [3252] (1950-2019) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Debra FRYER [4449]
                1. Jessica TADDAY [4455] (2005-Cir 2007)
                2. Sarah Jessica TADDAY [4454]
                3. Lachlan William TADDAY [4451]

Basil Kevin TAGGERT [2412]

      Sex: M

         Father: Brian TAGGERT [2349] 
         Mother: Patricia Mary TEMPLETON [2345] 

Spouses and Children
1. *Susan Elizabeth DOWLING [2421]
                1. Kara Lee TAGGERT [2422]
                2. Rohan Luke TAGGERT [2423]
                3. Travis Andrew TAGGERT [2424]

Blake Norman TAGGERT [2419]

      Sex: M

         Father: Gavin Patrick TAGGERT [2410] 
         Mother: Barbara Ann BALLAM [2418] 

Brian TAGGERT [2349]

      Sex: M

Spouses and Children
1. *Patricia Mary TEMPLETON [2345]
                1. Gavin Patrick TAGGERT [2410]
                2. Monica Louise TAGGERT [2411]
                3. Basil Kevin TAGGERT [2412]
                4. Zita Catherine TAGGERT [2413]

Ebony Louse TAGGERT [2420]

      Sex: F

         Father: Gavin Patrick TAGGERT [2410] 
         Mother: Barbara Ann BALLAM [2418] 

Gavin Patrick TAGGERT [2410]

      Sex: M

         Father: Brian TAGGERT [2349] 
         Mother: Patricia Mary TEMPLETON [2345] 

Spouses and Children
1. *Barbara Ann BALLAM [2418]
                1. Blake Norman TAGGERT [2419]
                2. Ebony  Louse TAGGERT [2420]

Kara Lee TAGGERT [2422]

      Sex: F

         Father: Basil Kevin TAGGERT [2412] 
         Mother: Susan Elizabeth DOWLING [2421] 

Monica Louise TAGGERT [2411]

      Sex: F

         Father: Brian TAGGERT [2349] 
         Mother: Patricia Mary TEMPLETON [2345] 

Spouses and Children
1. *Gregory Peter McGLYNN [2414]
                1. Matthew John McGLYNN [2415]
                2. Adele Teresa McGLYNN [2416]
                3. Gabrielle Elise McGLYNN [2417]

Rohan Luke TAGGERT [2423]

      Sex: M

         Father: Basil Kevin TAGGERT [2412] 
         Mother: Susan Elizabeth DOWLING [2421] 

Travis Andrew TAGGERT [2424]

      Sex: M

         Father: Basil Kevin TAGGERT [2412] 
         Mother: Susan Elizabeth DOWLING [2421] 

Zita Catherine TAGGERT [2413]

      Sex: F

         Father: Brian TAGGERT [2349] 
         Mother: Patricia Mary TEMPLETON [2345] 

Spouses and Children
1. *Shane Leonard PRIEST [2425]
                1. Lachlan Shane PRIEST [2426]
                2. Alyssa Lauren PRIEST [2427]

Eliza TAINTON [5631]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1835 - , , England 1627
          Death: 1907 - Exeter, SA, Australia ( aged about 72) 8587


1. Alt. Death: 1907, Exeter, SA, Australia.

         Father: Phillip TAINTON [5620] (Abt 1797-1875) 
         Mother: Jane BRINKWORTH [5627] (Abt 1807-1841) 

Hannah TAINTON [327]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1828 - , Gloucestershire, England 2004
          Death: 9 Apr 1910 - Maryborough, Vic, Australia ( at age 82) 2004,8588

         Father: Phillip TAINTON [5620] (Abt 1797-1875) 
         Mother: Jane BRINKWORTH [5627] (Abt 1807-1841) 

Spouses and Children
1. *James LUCAS [326] (2 Jul 1820 - 26 Dec 1871)
       Marriage: 1849 - Geelong, Vic, Australia 2004,6041,6042
                1. James Richard LUCAS [329] (1851-1911)
                2. Hannah LUCAS [6530] (Abt 1853-1921)
                3. John Philip LUCAS [57] (Abt 1855-1887)
                4. George Henry LUCAS [330] (1857-1857)
                5. Andrew Francis LUCAS [331] (1859-1925)
                6. Cath Mary LUCAS [332] (1861-1862)
                7. Emily Ann LUCAS [328] (1863-1903)
                8. Thomas Henry LUCAS [333] (1865-1941)
                9. William Charles LUCAS [334] (1868-1928)

2. George CROSSLAND [5621] (1831 - 1897)
       Marriage: 1877 2623,2624

3. John Henry MARSH [5622] (1830 - 7 Apr 1905) 6159 
       Marriage: 1900 - , Victoria, Australia 6161

Marriage Events

1. Alt. Marriage: 5 Mar 1900, , Victoria, Australia.

Hannah Tainton came to Australia on the Ship the Burhampooter which arrived in August 1841. On board where Phillip Tainton, aged 39, Shepherd, Jane, 39, Factory Woman, Richard 16, William 2, Hannah 10, and Eliza 6.

Hannah married James Lucas in 1849, then George Crossland in 1877, then John Marsh in 1910.

picture Harriet TAINTON [5629]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1822 - , , England
          Death: 1878 - , Victoria, Australia ( at age 56) 1627,8589

         Father: Phillip TAINTON [5620] (Abt 1797-1875) 
         Mother: Jane BRINKWORTH [5627] (Abt 1807-1841) 

Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1929) Mon 2 Sep 1878 Page 3 Family Notices
Tainton - On the 18th August, at her brother's (Mr Richard Tainton) residence, Clarence-street, Ashby, Harriet Tainton, aged 56 years.

picture Phillip TAINTON [5620]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1797
    Christening: 22 Mar 1797 - Horsley, Gloucestershire, England 340,8590
          Death: 1875 - , Victoria, Australia ( aged about 78) 8591,8592

         Father: Richard TAINTON [8134] (Abt 1748-      ) 340 
         Mother: Ursula ARUNDEL [12480] (Abt 1755-      ) 340 

Spouses and Children
1. *Jane BRINKWORTH [5627] (Abt 1807 - 1841)
       Marriage: 30 Oct 1820 - Horsley, Gloucestershire, England 1629,1630
                1. Harriet TAINTON [5629] (1822-1878)
                2. Thomas TAINTON  1629 [9873] (      -1874)
                3. Richard TAINTON [5628] (Abt 1824-1898)
                4. Hannah TAINTON [327] (1828-1910)
                5. Eliza TAINTON [5631] (Abt 1835-1907)
                6. William TAINTON [5630] (1839-      )

Philip 39, Jane 39, Richard 16, William 2, Hannah 10 and Eliza 6 arrived in Australia on 7 Aug 1841 on the ship the Burhampooter

Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1929) Wed 15 Sep 1875 Page 2 Family Notices
Tainton - On the 13th September, at his residence, Great Clarence-street, Ashby, Philip Tainton, aged 79 years, highly esteemed by all who knew him. The funeral will move from his late residence on Thursday, 16th instant, at 3 p.m,.for the Western Cemetery. -Friends are respectfully invited.

picture Richard TAINTON [5628]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1824 - , , England
          Death: 1898 - Geelong, Vic, Australia ( aged about 74) 1627

         Father: Phillip TAINTON [5620] (Abt 1797-1875) 
         Mother: Jane BRINKWORTH [5627] (Abt 1807-1841) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Elizabeth PERRETT [11607] (1824 - 1908) 7105 
       Marriage: 1851 - , Victoria, Australia 7105

Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1929) Wed 3 Jul 1889 Page 2 Family Notices

Solomon-Tainton - On the 19th June, by the Rev. J. T. Kearns, at the residence of the bride's brother, Alfred Lewis, second son of Henry Solomon, to Esther Charlotte, second daughter of Richard Tainton, Geelong West.

Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1929) Thu 11 Aug 1898 Page 1 Family Notices
Tainton. - On the 9th August, at his residence, I Clarence-street, Richard Tainton, dearly beloved husband of Eliza Tainton, and beloved father of Mrs E. J. Lowday and Mrs A. L. Solomon, aged 74 years. A colonist of 49 years.

picture Richard TAINTON [8134]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1748

         Father: Richard TAINTON [12481] (Abt 1712-      ) 
         Mother: Mary WINDOW [12482] (Abt 1730-      ) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Ursula ARUNDEL [12480] (Abt 1755 -       ) 340 
       Marriage: 19 Jul 1784 - Horsley, Gloucestershire, England 341,342
                1. Phillip TAINTON [5620] (Abt 1797-1875)

1. Nathaniel Tainton 1785-
2. Hannah Tainton 1787-
3. John Tainton 1788-1897
4. Samuel Tainton 1788-1850
5. Sarah Tainton 1793-1839
6. Phillip TAINTON 1797-1875

picture Richard TAINTON [12481]

      Sex: M
Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1712
    Christening: 27 Oct 1712 - Horsley, Gloucestershire, England 8593

Spouses and Children
1. *Mary WINDOW [12482] (Abt 1730 -       )
       Marriage: 30 Aug 1747 - Horsley, Gloucestershire, England 8594
                1. Richard TAINTON  340 [8134] (Abt 1748-      )

1. Richard Tainton 1748-1841
2. John Tainton 1752-
3. Mary Tainton 1756-1803
4. Samuel Tainton 1766-
5. Sarah Tainton 1766-1853

picture Thomas TAINTON [9873]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 
          Death: 1874 - , Victoria, Australia 1629

         Father: Phillip TAINTON [5620] (Abt 1797-1875) 
         Mother: Jane BRINKWORTH [5627] (Abt 1807-1841) 

William TAINTON [5630]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1839 - , , England 1627

         Father: Phillip TAINTON [5620] (Abt 1797-1875) 
         Mother: Jane BRINKWORTH [5627] (Abt 1807-1841) 

Ada Orestle TANGEY [9362]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1888 - , Victoria, Australia
          Death: 1921 - Carlton, Victoria, Australia ( at age 33)

         Father: John Morgan TANGEY [9346] (1838-1922) 
         Mother: Elizabeth Loddon WILKINSON [9348] (1857-1931) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Herbert WHELAN [9372] (1882 -       )
       Marriage: 1912 - , Victoria, Australia

Alexander TANGEY [6348]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1880 - Pleasant Creek, Vic, Australia
          Death: 1885 - Stawell, Vic, Australia ( at age 5) 8595

         Father: William John TANGEY 4 [1073] (1856-1899) 
         Mother: Elizabeth JAMIESON [6331] (1857-1943) 

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