Charles Alfred O'CONNOR [1163]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1845 - Limerick, , Ireland Christening: Death: 1 Dec 1877 - ( aged about 32) 6881 Burial: in Chewton, Vic, Australia
Father: Charles O'CONNOR [1174] ( - ) Mother: Catherine TUBBS [1175] ( - )
Spouses and Children
1. *Margaret O'DONOHUE [956] (Abt 1850 - 28 Apr 1922) Marriage: 1872 - , Victoria, Australia 6882 Status: Children: 1. Mary Ann O'CONNOR [1173] (1873-1933) 2. Alfred John O'CONNOR [1176] (1875-1946)
Chewton Cem. (Marked)
Mount Alexander Mail (Vic. : 1854 - 1917) View title info Wed 5 May 1875
Page 3
: New Insolvents.- Otto Henson Schade, of Chewton, licensed victualler. Causes of inisolvency : Falling off in business, losses in mining, and seizure of goods. Debts, L9C 3s 9d ; assets, L12 10s ; deficiency, L83 13s 9d. -
Charles Alfred O'Connor, storekeeper, Chewton. Causes of insolvency : No capital at commencing business, bad debts, and distraint under bill of sale. Debts, L779 11s 3d ; assets, L34 2s 3d ; deficiency, L745 9s. -
Cornelius John O'CONNOR [8733]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Bridgette Marcella HEHIR [8734] ( - ) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Mary Josephine O'CONNOR [8727] (Abt 1892-1967)Darryl Keith O'CONNOR [2838]
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Deborah Ann RITCHIE [2833] Children: 1. Brody Darryl O'CONNOR [2844] 2. Kyle Michael O'CONNOR [2845] 3. Sharni Alice O'CONNOR [2846]Daughter O'CONNOR [3734]
Sex: F
Father: John Joseph O'CONNOR [3731] ( - ) Mother: Mary SULLIVAN [933] (1907-1994)John Joseph O'CONNOR [3731]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary SULLIVAN [933] (1907 - 22 Feb 1994) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Brian O'CONNOR [3732] 2. Boysie O'CONNOR [3733] 3. Daughter O'CONNOR [3734]Julia O'CONNOR [4364]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *James McDONNELL [4363] ( - ) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Morgan Augustine McDONNELL 1025 [3450] (1821-1889)Kyle Michael O'CONNOR [2845]
Sex: M
Father: Darryl Keith O'CONNOR [2838] Mother: Deborah Ann RITCHIE [2833]Mary O'CONNOR [10066]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Camps NIGHTINGALE [10065] (1863 - 1927) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Grace Dagmar NIGHTINGALE [5949] (1899-1971)Mary Ann O'CONNOR [1173]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1873 - Chewton, Vic, Australia 6883 Christening: Death: 1933 - Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia ( at age 60) Burial: 1933 - Binnaway, NSW, Australia
Father: Charles Alfred O'CONNOR [1163] (Abt 1845-1877) Mother: Margaret O'DONOHUE [956] (Abt 1850-1922)
Spouses and Children
1. *Edward Michael SHEEHAN [12576] (1874 - 1937) Marriage: Status:
1. Philomena (Gough) (Frize) Sheehan 1901-
2. James Francis Sheehan 1903-1955
3. Edward Alfred Sheehan 1905-1939
4. Maurice Gerald Sheehan 1914-1999
The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1942) Thu 24 Aug 1933
Page 26
Mrs. M. A. Sheeehan.
Mrs. M. A. Sheehan.
Th death occurred at Coonabarabran Hospital on the 7th inst. of Mrs. Mary Anne Sheehan, of Binnaway, who had resided in the district for many years. Born in Newstead, Victoria, the late Mrs. Sheehan, whose maiden name was O'Connor, arrived with her husband, Mr. E. M. (Ted) Sheehan, in Coonabarabran in 1900, and they were popular and prominent residents there for 18 years, during which time Mr. Sheehan was associated with the flour milling business and also a cordial factory. Thence they removed to Binnaway, where Mr. Sheehan became the first licensee of the Royal Hotel, which had just then been built. This business he has successfully conducted ever since. Mrs. Sheehan was possessed of a charming personality and an engaging manner, by which she won the affection and admiration of all whose good fortune and pleasure it was to know her. During her busy life she was an active worker in all public and charitable movements. She was a vice-president of the Binnaway branch of the Country Women's Association, and for many years had been the organiser of the annual Catholic ball, for which she was actively working when her illness supervened. The late Mrs. Sheehan, besides leaving a widower, is survived by a family of four sons and three daughters.
They are: Mrs. W. Heinrich (Delia), and Misses Flo and Ena Sheehan; and Frank, Alfred, Maurice and Vincent, all of Binnaway; the only grandchild is Bernice Heinrich. The cortege left Coonabarabran and the body was taken to the Church of SS. Peter and Paul at Binnaway, where prayers for the dead were said by the parish priest, the Rev. Father McKeon, as
sisted by Rev. Father O'Herlihy, who had attended Mrs. Sheehan and administered the last Sacraments. Afterwards the
funeral took place to the Catholic portion of the Binnaway cemetery. Eloquent testimony of the wonderful regard felt for the
deceased lady and her family found expression in the lengthy, impressive and sad procession, which included over 50
cars, and was almost a mile in length. The prayers at tho graveside were said by Rev. Fathers McKeon and O'Herlihy.- R.I.P.
Mary Josephine O'CONNOR [8727]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1892 Christening: Death: 1967 - , Victoria, Australia ( aged about 75) 6884 Burial:
Father: Cornelius John O'CONNOR [8733] ( - ) Mother: Bridgette Marcella HEHIR [8734] ( - )
Spouses and Children
1. *Vernon Everard WILSON [5972] (1891 - 1923) Marriage: 1920 - , Victoria, Australia 6885 Status: Children: 1. WILSON [8732]Robyn Lorraine O'CONNOR [1402]
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. *Brian Leslie BERRY [1401] Children: 1. Belinda Jane BERRY [1427] 2. Trent John BERRY [1428]Sharni Alice O'CONNOR [2846]
Sex: F
Father: Darryl Keith O'CONNOR [2838] Mother: Deborah Ann RITCHIE [2833]Ellen O'DAFFERTY [8650]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *David FAULKNER [8649] ( - ) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Eleanor Miriam FAULKNER [8648] (Abt 1880-1951)Nancy Elva O'DELL [6546]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: 2008 927 Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *John Joseph DAWES [6544] (1926 - 2008) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Lynette DAWES [6547]Richard Charles O'DONNELL [2769]
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Andrea Grace HAYWOOD [2766]Rita Joan O'DONOGHUE [10015]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: 18 Jan 1991 - Warragul, Victoria, Australia Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Patrick Glen Michael GLEESON [10014] (Abt 1925 - 5 Aug 2017) 4281 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Stephen Peter GLEESON [1761]George Patrick O'DONOHUE [10745]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1896 Christening: Death: 1943 - Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia ( aged about 47) Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Edith Adela McINTOSH [5463] (1899 - 1960) Marriage: 1922 - , Victoria, Australia 6357 Status:
The Corowa Free Press (NSW : 1875 - 1954) Tue 5 Oct 1943 Page 3 MR. GEORGE O'DONOGHUE
The death occurred at Wagga on Sunday, after a short illness, or Mr George O'Donoghue, J.P., of Brookong Avenue, Wagga, at the age of 47 years. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Donoghue, of Brown Plains Rutherglen, and after successfully conducting farming operations in that district for a number of years, he purchased the Brookong Stores at Wagga, where he took up residence with his fairly. He is survived by his wife (Edith), who is a daughter of Mrs Lucy McIntosh, of Albury, and the Late Mr. Alex McIntosh of Chiltern Valley (Vic); also two sons and three daughters, George and John, Eileen Jean and Mary. The funeral was held at Wagga yesterday (Monday).
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Wed 22 Jul 1942 Page 2 ITEMS OF NEWS
Before the start of business at the District Court held at Wagga yesterday. Messrs. Martin Joseph Kelly. Alfred Edward Hlpgrave, Charles James Noakes, Leslle Gordon Purcell. George O'Donohue. Norman Rollins and. Richard Thomas Stephen Leslie Crane, were sworn in as justices of the peace by His Honor, Judge Stacey.
John O'DONOHUE [12577]
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1796 Christening: Death: Dec 1865 - , SA, Australia ( aged about 69) Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Bridget [12578] (Abt 1798 - 1884) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Margaret O'DONOHUE [956] (Abt 1850-1922)
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) Wed 27 Dec 1865
Page 2
Family Notices
O'DONOHOE. -On the 24th December, near Clarendon, of cancer, after two years and a half illness, John O'Donohoe, aged 69 years. His end was peace. Melbourne papers please copy.
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) Sat 27 Jan 1866
Page 7
Family Notices
O'DONOHOE.- On the 24th December, near Clarendon, of cancer, after two years and a half illness, John O'Donohoe, aged 69 years. His end was peace. Melbourne papers please copy.
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) Tue 16 Jun 1863 Page 3
On Saturday, the 13th June, au inquest was held by Mr. E. J. Peake, S.M., at Spring Farm, near Clarendon, on the body of Eliza O'Donohoe, a girl aged 17, daughter of John O'Donohoe, which had been that day found drowned in the river. A Jury of 13 having been empannelled, and Mr. John Kelly elected Foreman, the body was viewed, after which the evidence was taken. The first witness called was the father of the deceased, who stated that he had last seen his daughter alive about 11 o'clock on the morning of Tuesday, when she appeared in her usual state of health, and was preparing to take her brother's dinner to him.
Bridget O'Donohoe, the mother, was next called, and deposed to a conversation she had had with her daughter on the morning of the 9th of June. Deceased asked her permission to go to Clarendon, which was refused, as she (witness) was not in good health. Deceased then stated that she would go to Adelaide to her sister's, and get a place. Witness told her she would not let her go, and added, "I wish your father heard you.'' Deceased said, "I won't stop for father or mother."
Witness made no reply beyond saying that deceased must not vex her, but mind her own business. She then told her to prepare her brother's dinner, and about an hour afterwards, between 12 and 1, she started to carry it to him. Deceased had usually been very obedient before, and she had never heard her threaten that she would take her life. Did not know she was engaged to be married.
Michael O'Donohoe, brother of the deceased, had seen his sister alive and cheerful about 8 o'clock on the morning of June 9. She did not bring him his dinner that morning, and in the afternoon a basket and tea pot containing it were found near the river. A search was at once instituted, and witness proceeded to Clarendon, but found no trace of deceased. The next morning her sun-bonnet and a note were found pinned to a tree near the river.
The police having been communicated with, the river was dragged, and on the morning of Saturday, June 13, the body was found. The note referred to was addressed to her sister Ellen, and ran as follows:- " My dear and dearest Sister- As these are probably the last words you shall ever see from me again, remember me when you see them; and O! pray to God for my soul, and forgive my mother as I forgive her. What grieves me most is that I did not see Michael Enright before now. -Give my love and blessing to him for my sake. Farewell, yours truly. Give my watch to him in remembrance of me. I hope you will not fail. Oh, do, dear Ellen, pray for me."
In answer to questions, the witness stated that on the Monday evening (June 8); deceased said she would not stay in the house another night. Was not aware there was anything between his sister and Enright until the previous Saturday. The last witness called was the doctor (Mr. W. H. Metherall), who gave it as his opinion that deceased was drowned by immersion in the water, and that she threw herself into the river. The Coroner, in summing up, explained to the Jury the distinction between a verdict of felo-de-se and one of suicide under the influence of temporary insanity. The Jury returned as their verdict "That the deceased drowned herself while labouring under a fit of temporary insanity."
Margaret O'DONOHUE [956]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1850 Christening: Death: 28 Apr 1922 - Newstead, Vic, Australia ( aged about 72) 6886 Burial: 1922 - Chewton, Vic, Australia
Father: John O'DONOHUE [12577] (Abt 1796-1865) Mother: Bridget [12578] (Abt 1798-1884)
Spouses and Children
1. Charles Alfred O'CONNOR [1163] (Abt 1845 - 1 Dec 1877) Marriage: 1872 - , Victoria, Australia 6882 Status: Children: 1. Mary Ann O'CONNOR [1173] (1873-1933) 2. Alfred John O'CONNOR [1176] (1875-1946) 2. *John McGUINNESS 3 [938] (Abt 1843 - 24 Jun 1913) Marriage: 1880 - , Victoria, Australia 6341 Status: Children: 1. Margaret Jane McGUINNESS [955] (1881-1921) 2. Edward McGUINNESS 3 [957] (1883-1885) 3. Alice May McGUINNESS [958] (1885-1965)
Margaret had been previously married in 1872 to O'Connor and had two children at the time of his death in 1877, She married John McGuinness in 1880. She is buried at the Chewton Cemetery.
Mount Alexander Mail (Vic. : 1854 - 1917) Fri 16 Feb 1872
Page 2
Family Notices
O'Connor - O'Donohoe.- On the 13th inst., at St. Mary's, Castlemaine, by the Rev. Father Allen, Charles Alfred O'Connor, storekeeper, Chewton, to Margaret Elizabeth, fourth daughter of the late John O'Donohoe, farmer, of Morphett Vale. Home papers please copy.
The Bendigo Independent (Vic. : 1891 - 1918)Wed 10 Dec 1913 Page 8
The annual sittings of the Licensing Court was held on Tuesday, before Messrs. A. Barlow, P. Barlold and E. N.Moore, P's.M. All the Castlemaine hotels were renewed, except those that have been delicensed, and are to close at the end of the month. The same applies to the Newstead, Taradale, Fryers and Maldon districts. E. Beeves, of (he Sutton Grange Hotel, had not sent in his application or fee, and the matter was allowed to stand over, on the intervention of Mr. Cornish. A good many minor applications were allowed: - H. Myers took the licence of his deceased mother for the Town Hall Hotel: B. A. Webber was allowed to alter the name of his hotel from Briggton to Wbber's: Mrs. Griffith took the licence of the Captain's Reef
from her deceased husband's estate: and Mrs. Margaret McGuinness under similar conditions took the licence of the Railway Hotel. Newstead: T. Bengough, licensee of the Crown Hotel, Newstead, was allowed to hand the business over to his manageress for two months.
Castlemaine Mail (Vic. : 1917 - 1918) Fri 31 May 1918 Page 1
Margaret McGuinness, of the Railway Hotel, was charged with having her bar door open on the 8th inst. Constable Ellis, in company with Constable Gill, found a number of persons in the hotel. Defendant's son. A. O'Connor, was in charge, and when questioned admitted having acted contrary to the requirements of the Act. O'Connor explained that the rush of business on sale days, had caused extra work, hence the neglect. The police informed the bench that the hotel had
hitherto been conducted most satisfactorily for upwards of 50 years. A line of £5, with 7/6 costs, was inflicted.
Vigilante (Melbourne, Vic. : 1918) Mon 1 Jul 1918 Page 17
Railway Hotel, Newstead.- Margaret McGuinness to Percy Leonard Prendergast.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Sat 20 May 1922
Page 22
Classified Advertising
AFTER fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of Victoria in its Probate Jurisdiction, that PROBATE of the WILL of MARGARET McGUINNESS late of Newstead, in Victoria,widow, deceased, , may be granted to Alexander Clarke, of Campbelltown, in Victoria, grazier. the sole Executor named therein.
Dated this 29th day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two.
ALBERT E- HOUSE, Maldon, proctor for the said executor.
Bradley Nicholas O'DRISCOLL [1785]
Sex: M
Father: Brett Anthony O'DRISCOLL [1783] Mother: Wendy Mae RENTOUL [1714]Brett Anthony O'DRISCOLL [1783]
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Wendy Mae RENTOUL [1714] Children: 1. Michael James O'DRISCOLL [1784] 2. Bradley Nicholas O'DRISCOLL [1785] 3. Dermott Patrick O'DRISCOLL [1899]Dermott Patrick O'DRISCOLL [1899]
Sex: M
Father: Brett Anthony O'DRISCOLL [1783] Mother: Wendy Mae RENTOUL [1714]Michael James O'DRISCOLL [1784]
Sex: M
Father: Brett Anthony O'DRISCOLL [1783] Mother: Wendy Mae RENTOUL [1714]M. O'DWYRE [471]
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Janice MOSS [470] Children: 1. Penelope O'DWYRE [472]Penelope O'DWYRE [472]
Sex: F
Father: M. O'DWYRE [471] Mother: Janice MOSS [470]Alysha OEHMS [2960]
Sex: F
Father: James OEHMS [2937] Mother: Vicky Louise CUMMINS [2930]Brooke OEHMS [2959]
Sex: F
Father: James OEHMS [2937] Mother: Vicky Louise CUMMINS [2930]Chantal Coral Lee OEHMS [4904]
Sex: F
Father: Mother: Linda Coral OEHMS [4903]Dean Robert OEHMS [4906]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 19 Oct 1968 - Traralgon, Victoria, Australia 3249 Christening: Death: 27 Jan 1999 - Dandenong, Victoria, Australia ( at age 30) Burial:
Father: Robert Leslie OEHMS [4902] Mother: Coral Lorraine McNAB [4901] (1946-2013)James OEHMS [2937]
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Vicky Louise CUMMINS [2930] Children: 1. Brooke OEHMS [2959] 2. Alysha OEHMS [2960] 3. Justin OEHMS [2961]James Leslie OEHMS [4905]
Sex: M
Father: Robert Leslie OEHMS [4902] Mother: Coral Lorraine McNAB [4901] (1946-2013)
Spouses and Children
1. *Belinda [—?—] [7123] ( - ) Marriage: Status:Jason Carter OEHMS [4907]
Sex: M
Father: Robert Leslie OEHMS [4902] Mother: Coral Lorraine McNAB [4901] (1946-2013)Justin OEHMS [2961]
Sex: M
Father: James OEHMS [2937] Mother: Vicky Louise CUMMINS [2930]Linda Coral OEHMS [4903]
Sex: F
Father: Robert Leslie OEHMS [4902] Mother: Coral Lorraine McNAB [4901] (1946-2013)
Spouses and Children
Children: 1. Chantal Coral Lee OEHMS [4904] 1. MARTINDALE [14438]Robert Leslie OEHMS [4902]
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Coral Lorraine McNAB [4901] (18 Nov 1946 - 30 Jul 2013) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Linda Coral OEHMS [4903] 2. James Leslie OEHMS [4905] 3. Dean Robert OEHMS [4906] (1968-1999) 4. Jason Carter OEHMS [4907]Doretta OETKI [10236]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *William McALLEN [10237] ( - ) 6206 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Ernest Frederick McALLAN [107] (Abt 1866-1939)Paul O'FARRELL [9577]
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Caitlin Rebecca GHILLER [9576]Arthur OFFICER [11554]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1894 - Horry, South Carolina, USA 1774 Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: George OFFICER [10727] (1859-1938) Mother: Sarah HALSTEAD [10100] (1859-1948)Charles Allen OFFICER [11551]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 2 Oct 1890 - Pere Marquette, Mason, Michigan, United States 1774 Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: George OFFICER [10727] (1859-1938) Mother: Sarah HALSTEAD [10100] (1859-1948)Dorothy OFFICER [11555]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 22 Sep 1895 - Horry, South Carolina, USA 1774 Christening: Death: 26 Jul 1988 - Conway, SC, USA ( at age 92) 1774 Burial:
Father: George OFFICER [10727] (1859-1938) Mother: Sarah HALSTEAD [10100] (1859-1948)
Spouses and Children
1. *Lawrence Dunton MAGRATH [11556] (Abt 1891 - ) 6122 Marriage: Abt 1914 - Horry, South Carolina, USA 6122 Status:Edmund OFFICER [11547]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1819 - Manchester, Lancashire, England 1774 Christening: 9 May 1819 - Manchester, Lancashire, England 1774 Death: 26 Jun 1888 - Blackburn, Lancashire, England ( at age 69) 1774 Burial: 28 Jun 1888 - Lancaster, Lancashire, England 1774
Spouses and Children
1. *Harriet Ann RICHARDSON [11548] (1821 - 15 Oct 1873) 1774 Marriage: 24 Jun 1846 - Manchester, Lancashire, England 6887 Status: Children: 1. George OFFICER [10727] (1859-1938)George OFFICER [10727]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 20 Mar 1859 - Blackburn, Lancashire, England 1774 Christening: Death: 24 Feb 1938 - Conway, SC, USA ( at age 78) 1774 Burial:Events
1. Residence: 1871, Blackburn, Lancashire, England.
2. Residence: 1881, Heap, Lancashire, England.
3. Immigration: 1883.
4. Immigration: Between 1895 and 1924, , Vermont, USA.
5. Residence: Township 7, Upper Waccamaw (north part),, 1900, Georgetown, South Carolina, United States.
6. Residence: 1930, Conway, SC, USA.
Father: Edmund OFFICER [11547] (1819-1888) 1774 Mother: Harriet Ann RICHARDSON [11548] (1821-1873) 1774
Spouses and Children
1. *Sarah HALSTEAD [10100] (1859 - 1948) Marriage: , , USA Status:Harry Edmund OFFICER [10730]Marriage Events
1. Alt. Marriage: 7 May 1884, Ludington, Mason, Michigan. Children: 1. Violet Lena OFFICER 1774 [11549] (1886-1976) 2. Herbert George OFFICER 1774 [11550] (1887-1937) 3. Harry Edmund OFFICER [10728] (1888-1937) 4. Charles Allen OFFICER 1774 [11551] (1890- ) 5. Wilfred OFFICER 1774 [11552] (1892- ) 6. Holsten W OFFICER 1774 [11553] (1893- ) 7. Arthur OFFICER 1774 [11554] (Abt 1894- ) 8. Dorothy OFFICER 1774 [11555] (1895-1988)
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 31 Dec 1922 - Portland, Oregon, USA Christening: Death: 3 Oct 1975 - Portland, Oregon, USA ( at age 52) Burial:
Father: Harry Edmund OFFICER [10728] (1888-1937) Mother: Margeurite Frances ERNST [10729] (1892-1983)
Spouses and Children
1. *Norma Ann GREEN [10731] (29 Mar 1926 - 4 Jan 2017) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Margaret OFFICER [10732]Harry Edmund OFFICER [10728]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 24 Aug 1888 - Pere Marquette, Mason, Michigan, United States 6888 Christening: Death: Jan 1937 - Denver, Colorado, USA ( at age 48) Burial:
Father: George OFFICER [10727] (1859-1938) Mother: Sarah HALSTEAD [10100] (1859-1948)
Spouses and Children
1. *Margeurite Frances ERNST [10729] (1892 - 1983) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Harry Edmund OFFICER [10730] (1922-1975)Herbert George OFFICER [11550]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 28 May 1887 - Pere Marquette, Mason, Michigan, United States 1774 Christening: Death: 18 May 1937 - Monterey, California, CA ( at age 49) 1774 Burial: 1937 - Clarendon, Donley, Texas, United States of America 1774Events
1. Residence: Township 7, Upper Waccamaw (north part),, 1900, Georgetown, South Carolina, United States.
2. Residence: 1910, Buck, Horry, South Carolina, United States.
3. Residence: 1930, Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States.
Father: George OFFICER [10727] (1859-1938) Mother: Sarah HALSTEAD [10100] (1859-1948)
Spouses and Children
1. *Helen Frances BUGBEE [11557] (20 Apr 1895 - 11 Apr 1972) 1772 Marriage: 12 Jun 1919 - Clarendon, Donley, Texas, United States of America 1772 Status: Children: 1. Herbert George OFFICER 1772 [11558] (1921-2006) 2. Thomas Bugbee OFFICER 1772 [11559] (1927-1974)
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