Hedley George Rivers ROBINS [3434]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1896 - Woorak, Vic, Australia 7444 Christening: Death: 1969 - Glen Iris, Vic, Australia ( at age 73) 7445 Burial:
Father: Henry ROBINS [1268] (1858-1930) Mother: Sarah Jane COLE [1267] (1862-1946) Marriage Did Not Marry
The Narracan Shire Advocate and Yallourn Brown Coal Mine, Walhalla and Thorpdale Lines Echo (Moe, Vic. : 1923 - 1943) Fri 21 Mar 1941 Page 3
Local Soldiers Entertained.
Local Soldiers Entertained
As usual, there was a big attendance at the social in honor of two members of the A.I.F., Private Fred. Piera (elder son of Mr and Mis C. A. Piera, Moe) and Gunner Hedley Robins (son of Mrs Robins, of Erica,formerly of Moe and Willowgrove), on Friday night last.
Items were interspersed with the dancing, music for which was provided by Miss Florence Smith, at the piano, assisted by Mr Baillie, with his banjo. Miss Jean Craton sang "Street Song" and "Love is All," and Miss Greta Keily rendered "Here in the Quiet Hills" and "I Passed by Your Window." Both soloists were accompanied by Mrs Maddison. The chairman (Mr H. Margin) invited the guests of -the evening to seats on the stage, which, incidentally, had been artistically decorated with dahlias, gladioli, colored Easter Daisy and pretty gum-tips by the secretary (Mrs F. C. Robinson).
Mr Martin said that once more they had met to honor two old district residents who had joined the Forces and would be going overseas.' On behalf of the citizens of Moe, he welcomed them, and also heartily welcomed their relatives.
Most of those present knew the two guests of honor a great deal better than he did, although he had known them for quite a while. They did not know where they were going; but, wherever it was, it would be well in a very great danger zone.
The activities of the war were spreading. While they anticipated this would happen before it was all over, none realised how far it was going to extend. They now had troops in Africa, Europe and Asia, and also Canada, which was a training centre. However, they still hoped to soon see the end of it. Each conflict in this war had been sharp and sudden.
Fortunately for our troops, the losses in lives were very small, compared with the gains. The results were remarkable, considering the small loss of life, which was very different to the last war. The two soldiers they were entertaining had been residents of the district for many years.
Mr Martin congratulated them on the step they were taking. A number of others had gone to take part in other war activities, but would not be leaving our shores. None the less, they provided tools of offence, and were probably more important than any taking part in the war - more so in this war than in any previous war.
This was a machine war, and they must congratulate those who were providing the fuel for the A.I.F. Mr Martin then called on Mr T. Drew to speak on behalf of the Returned Soldiers' League. Mr Drew apologised for the absence of the president of the local branch (Mr Bloye).
On behalf of the Returned Soldiers' Association, he would first of all like to congratulate "Hedley" and "Fred." on their enterprise and patriotism, in the step they had taken. As Mr Martin had said, they did not know where they might be going, but it looked as if, at last, they would be getting into grips with the Huns. They would then know they had been fighting. Australian troops were acknowledged by all as excellent fighters, and the present troops would uphold the traditions of those in the last war - and, if anything, enhance that name.
As soon as members of the forces left for overseas, they automatically became members of the Association.
They, therefore, had a very strong organisation looking after their interests, and those of their dependants while they were away. Mr Drew concluded by wishing the two guests a happy and successful voyage over and a safe return.
He felt sure that when they were welcomed back they would say it had all been worth while. The Chairman here apologised for the absence of Cr. E. Hunter (who was' slightly indisposed that night), Mr and Mrs H. Robinson, and Mr and Mrs G. McDonald. Mrs Purvis handed to each of the "boys" a parcel from the Country Women's Association. She understood Private Piera was a married man, but did not know if his wife would be living in Moe. If she did, she would be welcomed into their C.W.A. Branch, as all soldiers' wives were made honorary members. Mrs Purvis wished each guest the best of luck and a safe return.
On behalf of the citizens of Moe, Mr Martin then presented to each soldier a wallet, and read the inscription thereon. From his own experience, he knew a wallet was a useful article. Each wallet contained a £1 note. Mr Martin expressed the hope that it would bring them luck, and remind them of their friends in Moe. He trusted they would come back safe and sound.
The Chairman said there were four other residents - members of the A.I.F. - who had had leave. He understood some had actually sailed. Either from bashfulness or other reasons, they had not advised anyone and the committee was not aware of their movements. Wallets would, therefore, be forwarded to Privates Don. Clegg, "Bill" Blair, and "Mick" Spittall, and Signaller Jack MacRae. They were sorry not to have had the opportunity of entertaining, them at a public gathering, such as -the one that night. However, they could not recall them, and could
only wish them the best of luck and a safe return, and that there would be a quick cessation of hostilities.
Gunner Hedley Robins said all he could do was to thank everyone for all they had done, and for the presents.
He concluded by referring to his companion, and saying - We can take it, can't we. Fred!"
Private Piera thanked all for the evening and presents. They would help to remind them of the Moe citizens when on the other side, and to get through their job.
"For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" was sung by the crowd. Dancing was continued, mid the evening's program' concluded with the sipping of Auld Lang Syne and the National Anthem. On Saturday night, at a Comforts Fund social at Willow Grove, Gunner Hedley Robins was the recipient of an Eversharp pencil, and, on Monday night, he was tendered an evening at his former place of employment, Mr Amiet's, at Darnum, where he received a wristlet watch. We understand he was being entertained at Trafalgar on Wednesday night.
Presentations to Frank Monro, Ron. McCrorey and Ern. Swingler were made at a social in the Trafalgar Scout Hall last Saturday night. The latter two were also entertained by the Trafalgar East and Yulungah residents, at a social at Trafalgar East.
Henry ROBINS [1268]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 12 Mar 1858 - Armstrongs Rush, Vic, Australia 7446,7447 Christening: Death: 26 Feb 1930 - Moe, Vic, Australia ( at age 71) 7448 Burial: 28 Feb 1930 - Moe, Vic, AustraliaEvents
1. Residence: 1903-1924, Willow Grove, Vic, Australia. Occupation - farmer.
Father: George ROBINS [1301] (1832-1879) Mother: Susanne PASKE [1300] (1826-1901)
Spouses and Children
1. *Sarah Jane COLE [1267] (15 Jul 1862 - 5 Jul 1946) Marriage: 26 Feb 1884 - Ni Ni, Victoria, Australia 2190,2191 Status: Children: 1. Leslie Cambridge ROBINS [3427] (1884-1929) 2. Stanley Alston ROBINS [3428] (1886-1951) 3. Sydney Henry Victor ROBINS 1589 [3314] (1888-1980) 4. Lillian Alma Alison ROBINS [3430] (1890-1955) 5. Sylvia Pearl Victoria ROBINS [1265] (1891-1985) 6. Roy Charlton ROBINS [3432] (1894-1979) 7. Hedley George Rivers ROBINS [3434] (1896-1969) 8. Bertram Thomas Rupert ROBINS [3435] (1898-1990) 9. Harold Edwin ROBINS [3436] (1901-1976) 10. Walter Clifford ROBINS [3438] (1903-1982) 11. Ivy Gladys May ROBINS [3440] (1905-1979)
Henry and Sarah Jane were married at Ni Ni by Alfred Jolley, Wesleyan Minister. Witnesses to the marriage were Harry Smith and Aaron Cole. Henry's address was given as Kiata and his occupation was farmer, and Sarah Jane's address was given as Ni Ni and occupation as private live. Henry's father was said to be deceased and Sarah Jane's father was said to be a farmer.
Henry and Sarah moved to Willow Grove in the late 1890's.
The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 19 Jan 1910 Page 3
Messrs Pope and Went (Hill End), G. P. Williams and H. Robins (Willow Grove) were nominated. Two only were required, and after some discussion, and some of the nominees declining to act, it was decided (on the motion of Mr M. Mitchell, seconded by Mr M. Hitchins) that Messrs J. Went (Hill End) and H. Robins (Willow Grove) be appointed.
It was moved by Mr M. Hitchins, seconded by Mr W. Mitchell, and carried .- " That No. 7 on sketch plan of Organization, re annual balance sheet and report, be accepted."
Mr J. Went then moved - " That sketch plan (with alterations as moved), be accepted, and incorporated in the minutes.- Seconded by Mr F. Fechner, and carried.
The Chairman now read the minutes of the meeting, and (on the motion of Messrs W. Mitchell and J. Went) the same were confirmed.
A hearty vote of thanks (moved by Mr C. H. Williams, and seconded by Mr J. Dogral)-was accorded the Chairman, and the meeting was adjourned at 11.15 p m.
The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 13 Mar 1912 Page 3
Willow Grove.
Willow Grove.
At a social held in the Willow Grove Public Hall on the 23rd ult, Mr H. Robins (on behalf of subscribers) presented Mr W. Lamont with a purse of sovereigns. It will be remembered that " Will" had the misfortune to have his left arm badly crushed in a chaffcutter, as a result of which the arm had to be amputated between the elbow and shoulder. A few of his friends then set to work with subscription lists, in order to assist in giving him a fair start in life, and as a result of canvassing, the neat little sum of £65 was collected. This was contained in the purse handed to him at the aforementioned function, which was fairly well attended.
" Will" expressed his thanks to his friends for their kindness and sympathy, while his father (Mr H. Lamont) voiced his appreciation - and also that of his wife and family - of the effort put forth by their friends to assist the afflicted young fellow. Mr Lamont supported the remarks made by Mr Robins as to the aid rendered by Mr Hall, who - by his first-aid work - he believed to have been the means of saving Willie's life. - Dancing was the chief amusement during the social, and was kept up till the wee small hours of the morning. Refreshments (served at midnight) were kindly supplied by the ladies. The music was provided gratuitously, by Messrs W. Burgess (piano) and Westneat and Monger (violin),while Mr B. Cadden officiated as M.C.
The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 7 Aug 1912 Page 3
(From Our Correspondent).
A meeting of ratepayers was held at Willow Grove on Saturday evening last to consider the above matter.
-Ratepayers were in attendance from Moe, Hill End, Yarragon (Cr. O'Toole), and Willow Grove, Mr H. Robins
(Willow Grove) presiding.-Mr W. H. Burrage, Junr. was appointed secretary.-Mr D. S. Espie moved, seconded by Mr F. Fechner-"That an extra riding in the Shire of Narracan be formed, by a division of the North Riding." The motion was carried, Mr C. Watkins alone opposing it.-
The Secretary read five reasons he had drawn up in favor of the proposal.-
Cr O'Toole advised the forming of a committee to work the matter up a little.-Mr D. Espie asked the Chairman to test the meeting re the formation of a committee, and Mr Warner Burrage subsequently moved "That a committee be appointed to attend to the matter of establishing an additional riding." Seconded by Mr C.H. Williams, and carried.-Mr W. EL Burrage, Senr. then moved, and Mr F. Fechner seconded, " That the following gentlemen constitute a committee, with power to add-Moe, Messrs J. W Dent and Chas. Brock ; Willow Grove, Cr Lamont and Mr H. Robins; Hill End, the Secretary and Mr D. Espie ; Fumina, Messrs Walter Mitchell, J.P., and E. J. Cronin."-Carried.-The matter of deciding on boundaries was then discussed. It was eventually decided not to fix any definite boundary for the time-being, the Secretary being instructed (on the motion of Messrs Anstey and F. Fechner) to send a plan of the suggested boundary, together with a petition, to each of the Committee to obtain signatures, and in that way test the feeling of the ratepayers -The suggested boundary, and there were no dissentients, was as follows:-" Commencing at the railway, following the road north to the main drain (between the properties of Messrs Lloyd and Thos. Gooding), across the main drain east to Miller's road, following Miller's road north (between blocks S and 27 on the west and 22, 23A and 23B on the east), thence in a north-westerly direction to the Trafalgar Willow Grove road [about four miles from Trafalgar-between blocks 34 and 70], along the Willow Grove-Trafalgar road to the Old Melbourne Road and following the latter to the western boundary of the shire."
The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 5 Mar 1913 Page 3
Local and General News.
We have received a sample of wheat (grain) taken from a crop grown by Mr H. Robins, of Willow Grove. The sample, though perhaps not quite up to the standard of that obtained in the northern parts of the State, is a good one, and suggests the possibility of wheat being cultivated with success in this district. Mr Robins took a sample of the grain to Melbourne on Monday, and intends to obtain the opinion of experts concerning it.
The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 13 Aug 1913 Page 3
To-morrow (Thursday) the ratepayers of the north riding of the Narracan Shire will be called upon to elect a councillor to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. Lamont. The candidates are Mr H. Robins, of Willow Grove, and Mr W. J. Savage, of the Moe Swamp. The supporters of either candidate are sanguine of success, but the fact that the seat has been held by a resident of the Willow Grove district for over 80 years is weighing considerably with ratepayers situated outside the Swamp area, and on this account alone it is felt that a large majority of the votes at both Moe and Yarragon, besides those of the outside districts, will be cast in favor of Mr Robins. The idea of giving one part a representative at the expense of another part is considered to be altogether wrong, and it is felt that if the Swamp area must have a resident representative -its wants have been attended to by the three north riding councillors in the past- it can only be done by a division of the riding. This would meet with the approval of a majority of the ratepayers in the riding, and prove a benefit to all concerned.
The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 20 Aug 1913 Page 3 Mr W J Savage won the election with 365 votes to H Robins 200 votes.
The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 12 Jan 1921 Page 3
The Gippsland and Northern Cooperative Selling and Insurance Company Ltd
Preliminary advertisement
Clearing Sale
Wednesday 26th January
On account of Mr H Robins who has sold his property
we will sell above
His dairy herd
Horses Implements Etc
full particulars later issue
The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 19 Jan 1921 Page 3
Clearing Sale
Wednesday, January 26, 1921.
been favored with instructions from Mr. H. ROBINS, who has sold his property, to sell as above, vis-
Cattle, Horses, Implements,
Harness, &c.,
8 Cows, in milk, all young and good sorts
2 Heifers, 2yrs., in calf
3 Heifers, 12 months
1 Ayrshire Ball, 2yrB
2 Heavy Draught Horses, 7 and
8 years, suitable for heavy hauling
1 Medium Draught Horse) aged, good worker
1 Boggy Mare (aged), Saddle and Harness
1 Filly, 2yrs., broken to saddle
Massey Seed Drill, 9-disc, good order; Reaper and Binder, in good order ; Stripper and Winnower ; 1 h.p. Kerosene Engine, in first-class working order; 2 Chaffcutters, hand or power (Cliff and Banting) ; Maizesheller
; Scuffler, Spring-tooth Harrows, Roller, D.F. Oliver Plow, Reversible Disc Plow, S.F. Massey Plow, 10'., set 3-leaf Harrows, "Princess" 50gal. Separator. Cream Cans and Backets, Light Waggon, Buggy, Jinker, Buggy Harness, 3
Draught Collars, Haimes and "Winkers, Plow and Leading Chains, Stack of Hay, 20 bags Thresher Maize, Bellows, Anvil and Vice.
Also - A large number of Tools and Sundries top numerous to mention, but including some Surplus Furniture.
TERMS :- £20 and over, an Approved Bill at Three Months, free.
Luncheon Provided.
The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 26 Jan 1921 Page 3
The Gippsland and - Northern Co-operative Selling .and
Insurance Co. Ltd.
Particulars of a clearing sale (on account of Mr H. Robins. of Willow Grove) to be conducted by the Company on Wednesday, January 26,appeared in last issue.
Countryman (Melbourne, Vic. : 1924 - 1929) Fri 5 Sep 1924
Page 11
Despite, the exceptionally inclement weather, a fair muster of delegates was present. Branches represented were:- Moe (Mr. H. Robins), Willow Grove (Mr. Burrage), Narrican East (Mr. Geo. Auchterlonie and Mr. Graham),. Thorpdale (Mr. C. Mills and Mr. R. Stockdale). Ellenbank (Mr. John Cropley), Lardner (Mr. W. B. Hardie and Mr. Alex. Macfarlane) Tetoora Road (Mr. Jas. Broderick and Mr. Neil Macfarlane), Warragul (Mr. Geo. Southgate),
In his opening address. Mr. H. Robins (president) thanked members for their presence on such a rough day, and considered that delegates would eventually be well repaid for their splendid loyalty to their organisation.
Long discussion took place in regard to the organising of the Walhalla electorate, and it was decided "That an early application be made to Central Council for the services of an efficient organiser Mr. Geo Southgate moved that the system of pre-selection of candidates be reinstated. Carried.
Narrican East:- That this council deplores the serious spread of ragwort in Gippsland, It was decided to place
the matter under the notice of the inspector under the Noxious Weeds Act.
Mr. Southgate moved: - That a combined annual V.F.U". social be held in Warragul under the auspices of the Warragul District Council, each of the local branches contributing its quota towards the cost: the entertainment to be free; delegates to refer to their branches, and advise secretary Warragul branch;- at earliest convenience."
Lardner Branch:- "that this council urges State Country Party members to seek an amendment of the Whole Milk Bill, granting municipal control."
Tetoora Road branch: - "That the Warragul District Council, V.F.U.. urges Country Party members to make representation to the Minister in charge to have amended the Whole Milk 'Bill, based on the finding of the High Cost of -Living Commission, thus guaranteeing the producer at least the cost of production and the consumer milk at its true value under municipal control and the block system of delivery; further, this council urges that the proposals submitted by Mr. Schweiger, secretary Royal Agricultural Society, be adopted."
In moving the resolution, Mr, Neil Macfarlane said he would suggest that the two motion be taken as one. This was agreed to. Continuing, the speaker said the time had arrived when those engaged in the whole milk industry must alter the unsatisfactory conditions obtaining. In regard to local conditions, the producer received 9d per gallon for whole milk delivered at the factory and the consumer in the city paid 2/S per gallon. The margin between what the producer received and what the consumer paid was a scandal and common sense legislation was essential in the interests of both. The proposed amendment of the Whole Milk Bill would increase the producer's price to at least 1/4 per gallon and reduce the price to the consumer to 2/ par gallon;' That political party was now in power which chad always said that if they had the reins of government they would legislate so as to bridge the gulf between the producer and consumer. Now was their opportunity. Mr. Jas. Broderick (Tetoora Road) seconded, and in a vigorous address supported the previous speaker. Also Messrs. Chas .Mills, H. Robins. W.B. Hardie, Alex. Macfarlane, Geo. Southgate spoke in favor. The resolution was carried.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Mon 16 Jun 1930 Page 3
Classified Advertising
AFTER the expiration of fourteen days application will be made to the Supreme Court of Victoria that LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION of the estate of HENRY ROBINS, late of Moe, in Victoria, pensioner, deceased, intestate, may be granted to Sarah Jane Robins, of Moe aforesaid, the widow of said deceased.
Dated this 13th day of June. 1930.
Gray and Friend Warragul, Proctors
Henry Patrick ROBINS [6737]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1885 - Echuca, Vic, Australia 9 Christening: Death: 3 May 1917 - , , France ( at age 32) Burial:
Father: Walter ROBINS [3525] (1859-1929) Mother: Mary RITCHIE [3526] (1860- )
Spouses and Children
1. *Annie Josephine [8862] (Abt 1886 - 1965) Marriage: Status:
Henry enlisted in Melbourne on the 12th of February 1916. His SERN was 5407. He was 30 years of aged, 5' 7 1/4", and 157 lbs. He was said to have a fresh complexion, hazel eyes and brown hair. He embarked from Melbourne on 28 July 1916 on the Thermistocles and arrived in Plymouth EngIand on 11 September 1916. He went to France in November 1916 and was wounded on 15 January 1917. Gunshot wound to the face. He rejoined his unit on 4 February 1917 and was killed in action on 3 May 1917 possibly in the vicinity of Bullacourt. He is either buried or commemorated at Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, Picardie, France.
Henry Sydney ROBINS [8083]
Sex: M
Father: Sydney Henry Victor ROBINS [3314] (1888-1980) 1589 Mother: Janet Elizabeth LAMONT [3315] (1888-1973)
Spouses and Children
1. *Merle Lorraine [—?—] [8084] ( - ) Marriage: Status:Hilda Vida Florence ROBINS [6760]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1901 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia 9,7449 Christening: Death: 17 Aug 1959 - Auburn, Vic, Australia ( at age 58) 9,7450 Burial:
Father: John Smith ROBINS [3529] (1862-1941) Mother: Mary Jane NUNN [3530] (Abt 1864-1936)
Spouses and Children
1. *Arthur Edward HEYWOOD [6761] ( - ) 9 Marriage: 1923 - , Victoria, Australia 4967 Status: Children: 1. Selma HEYWOOD [6762] 2. Wesley HEYWOOD [6763] 3. Moyra HEYWOOD [6764]Ivy Gladys May ROBINS [3440]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1905 - Tanjil, Vic, Australia 7451,7452 Christening: Death: 7 Feb 1979 - Morwell, Vic, Australia ( at age 74) 7453 Burial: Feb 1979 - Moe, Vic, Australia
Father: Henry ROBINS [1268] (1858-1930) Mother: Sarah Jane COLE [1267] (1862-1946) Marriage Did Not Marry
Ivy was living at Erica and in 1934 her mother moved from Moe to live with Ivy. Ivy was in charge of the office at Purvis Stores. She also worked as post mistress for some time. As Erica grew Elsie also did relieving work and worked as a night telephonist. After Ivy's mother turned 80, Ivy's eldest sister, who had been living at Ouyen and whose husband and two sons were serving in the armed forces, also moved in with Ivy and their mother at Erica. Ivy organised a Robins Family Reunion in the Fitzroy Gardens in Melbourne in 1976
The Narracan Shire Advocate and Yallourn Brown Coal Mine, Walhalla and Thorpdale Lines Echo (Moe, Vic. : 1923 - 1943) Fri 14 Apr 1939 Page 3
Personal Pars.
Miss Ivy Robins, of Erica, went to Melbourne last Friday morning, and, for the week-end, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Armanasco at West Brunswick.
Jane ROBINS [6647]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1872 - Stawell, Vic, Australia 7454 Christening: Death: 1872 - , Victoria, Australia Burial:
Father: George ROBINS [1301] (1832-1879) Mother: Susanne PASKE [1300] (1826-1901)Jean ROBINS [6839]
Sex: F
Father: Clarence Thomas ROBINS [6834] (1900-1990) 9 Mother: Fanny Evelyn McFARLANE [6836] (1902-1997) 9
Spouses and Children
1. *Keith Charles HOFMAIER [14497] (18 Dec 1927 - 20 Mar 1994) Marriage: Status:Jean ROBINS [6687]
Sex: FAKA: Ethel Jean ROBINS
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1924 9 Christening: Death: 1939 - Warragul, Victoria, Australia ( aged about 15) 9,7455 Burial:
Father: Stanley Alston ROBINS [3428] (1886-1951) Mother: Minnie Ethel LAMONT [3429] (1895-1972)
The Narracan Shire Advocate and Yallourn Brown Coal Mine, Walhalla and Thorpdale Lines Echo (Moe, Vic. : 1923 - 1943) Fri 22 Dec 1939 Page 3
We have to announce, with much regret, the death of Jean, second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Robins, of Trafalgar, which occurred at the West Gippsland Hospital, Warragul, on Sunday night last.
Miss Robins would have been 16 years of age in January, 1940. About two and a half years ago, when her brother (Leslie) passed away as a result of pneumonia, she, too, had the same complaint. She had since had indifferent health, although she was for some time employed in a Trafalgar bakery; but when her employers left Trafalgar, she remained at home.
About ten days, prior to her death, this young lady became seriously ill, and it was feared that she was suffering from infantile paralysis. She was admitted to the West Gippsland Hospital. She failed to improve, and succumbed to the effects of meningitis on Sunday night.
Much sympathy for the bereaved parents, sisters (Sheila, Nell and Pat.) and brother (Ray) is expressed. As the funeral left her parent's home, on Tuesday afternoon, the hearse was preceded by members of the Trafalgar Girl Guides and Brownies, in which the late Miss Robins had taken a prominent part. On the edge of the town, they formed a guard of honour, through which the funeral cortege passed on Its way to the Trafalgar Cemetery. The service at the graveside was read by Mr. J. G. Irons (Presbyterian Minister). There were many beautiful floral tributes. Mr: R. S. Robertson had charge of the funeral arrangements. Miss Robins was a grand-daughter of Mrs. Robins, of Erica (formerly of Moe and Willow Grove), who since this bereavement has gone from her son's home in Trafalgar to another son (Roy),at Yarragon. He is seriously ill as a result of war injuries, and quite recently was in the Caulfield Military Hospital.
Jeanette Dorothy ROBINS [6728]
Sex: F
Father: Walter Clifford ROBINS [3438] (1903-1982) Mother: Thelma May CHINNOCK [3439] (1912-2004)
Spouses and Children
1. *William WALKER [6732]Joan ROBINS [6720]
Sex: F
Father: Harold Edwin ROBINS [3436] (1901-1976) Mother: Doris Hannah CLARKE [3437] (1906-1986)
Spouses and Children
1. *Max FISHER [6724]Joan Margaret ROBINS [6771]
Sex: F
Father: Charles Gordon ROBINS [6769] (1903-1977) 9 Mother: Edith Anstice BLACKBURROW [6770] (1906-1987) 9
Spouses and Children
1. *FELLOWS [6774] Children: 1. Anne Christine FELLOWS [6775]John ROBINS [14501]
Sex: M
Father: Lindsay Austin ROBINS [6840] (1926-2009) 9 Mother: Miriam Catherine BOEHM [14498]John Smith ROBINS [3529]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1862 - Pleasant Creek, Vic, Australia 7456 Christening: Death: 1941 - Nyah West, Vic, Australia ( at age 79) 7457 Burial:
Father: George ROBINS [1301] (1832-1879) Mother: Susanne PASKE [1300] (1826-1901)
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Jane NUNN [3530] (Abt 1864 - 1936) Marriage: 1886 Status: Children: 1. Percival Thomas John ROBINS 9 [6755] (1889-1917) 2. Claude Alf ROBINS 9 [6756] (1890-1902) 3. Vivian Roy Lindsay ROBINS 9 [6759] (1895-1941) 4. Glenda Doris Emily Hope ROBINS 9 [6758] (1899-1963) 5. Hilda Vida Florence ROBINS 9 [6760] (1901-1959) 6. Charles Gordon ROBINS 9 [6769] (1903-1977)
1. Percival Thomas John (1889-1917)
2. Claude Alf (1890-1902)
3. Vivian Roy Lindsay (1895-1941)
4. Glenda Doris Emily Hope (1899-1963)
5. Hilda Vida Florence (1901-1959)
6. Charles Gordon (1903-1977)
Julie G ROBINS [14063]
Sex: F
Father: Kenneth Harold ROBINS [13408] (1917-1986) Mother: Eileen GOLDSMITH [14062]Kate ROBINS [4214]
Sex: FAKA: Kate Ann ROBBINS 7458
Individual Information
Birth Date: Cir 1845 - Weston Super Mare, Somerset, England 7459 Christening: 18 Jan 1846 - Weston, Somerset, England 7458 Death: 1857 - Bath, Somerset, England ( aged about 12) 7460 Burial:
Father: Thomas ROBINS [3520] (Abt 1796-1863) 7 Mother: Eliza STEVENS [4205] (1808-1874) 7Kenneth Harold ROBINS [13408]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 19 Mar 1917 - Kettering, Northamptonshire, England Christening: Death: 28 May 1986 - Leonards on Sea, , England ( at age 69) Burial:
Father: Frederick ROBINS [13405] (1891-1975) Mother: Grace Ethel BLACKWELL [13404] (1891-1944)
Spouses and Children
1. *Eileen GOLDSMITH [14062] Children: 1. Julie G ROBINS [14063]
Ken, Eileen and Julie returned to England from Signapore in 1958 on the ship the Strathmore arriving in London on 20 Aug 1958
Kevin ROBINS [6729]
Sex: M
Father: Walter Clifford ROBINS [3438] (1903-1982) Mother: Thelma May CHINNOCK [3439] (1912-2004)
Spouses and Children
1. *Rosemary HART [6733] Children: 1. Suzie ROBINS [14157]Keziah ROBINS [4102]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1781 - , Northamptonshire, England Christening: Death: Sep Q 1842 - , Bedfordshire, England ( at age 61) Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *William FAULKNER [4101] (1779 - 1855) 3790 Marriage: 11 Nov 1804 - , Bedfordshire, England Status: Children: 1. William FAULKNER [8904] (1807-Bef 1887) 2. Thomas FAULKNER [8905] (1809-1886) 3. Charlotte FAULKNER [8906] (1811-1901) 4. Abraham FAULKNER 3788 [238] (Abt 1812-1876) 5. Mary Anne FAULKNER [8907] (1815-1815) 6. Mary Anne FAULKNER [8908] (1817-1859)Lawrie ROBINS [6722]
Sex: M
Father: Harold Edwin ROBINS [3436] (1901-1976) Mother: Doris Hannah CLARKE [3437] (1906-1986)
Spouses and Children
1. *Kathy [—?—] [6726] ( - ) 9 Marriage: Status:Lesley ROBINS [6719]
Sex: M
Father: Harold Edwin ROBINS [3436] (1901-1976) Mother: Doris Hannah CLARKE [3437] (1906-1986)
Spouses and Children
1. *Patricia [—?—] [6723] ( - ) 9 Marriage: Status:Leslie Cambridge ROBINS [3427]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1884 - , Victoria, Australia 7461 Christening: Death: 10 Jan 1929 - Marble Bar, WA, Australia ( at age 45) 7462 Burial: 11 Jan 1929 - Marble Bar, WA, Australia 7463,7464
Father: Henry ROBINS [1268] (1858-1930) Mother: Sarah Jane COLE [1267] (1862-1946) Marriage Did Not Marry
Family lore says that Leslie died during a heatwave when his motorcycle broke down in WA. He was possibly travelling to the gathering of a search party for Lasseters reef. It is thought that he may have been a camel boy for Lasseter. On Leslie's death certificate it states that he had lived in Western Australia for 21 years. His occupation is given as Carpenter. Leslie died at the AIM Hospital at Marble Bar Western Australia. Although he died on 10 January 1929, it states that the Dr, Albert P Davis MBBS (Melb) last saw him on 11 January 1929. Leslie was buried at Marble Bar by L E Saville, a Presbyterian Minister and witnesses to the burial were T R Pernie an R Thompson. The Informant on the death certificate was A B Melrose, Police Constable of Marble Bar.
The Narracan Shire Advocate and Yallourn Brown Coal Mine, Walhalla and Thorpdale Lines Echo (Moe, Vic. : 1923 - 1943) Fri 18 Jan 1929 Page 3
The news of the death of Mr Leslie C. Robins (eldest son of Mr and Mrs H. Robins, of Moe) came as a severe blow to his parents, the family and relations, and was most unwelcome tidings for his 'many friends and acquaintances in this and neighbouring districts.
About 21 years since, " Les" - then 23 years of age - left Willowgrove to try his luck in W.A. Entering the employ of a station-owner, he spent several years at Port Hedland. Not so very long ago, at his employer's request, he took charge of a station at Marble Bar.
On one occasion - when at .Port Hedland, we understand - he met with an accident, a blow from a windlasshandle causing him to lay up for a time.
Recently, when writing'his parents, " Les." referred to an injury to an eye, saying that be was under surgical treatment and did not anticipate that the sight of the eye .would be affected.
In sending Christmas greetings, he expressed his intention of visiting his parents during the present month.
Such, however, was not to be, as quite recently he entered a hospital at Marble Bar, and, after a brief illness, passed away quietly on the 10th inst. A post-mortem examination revealed the cause of death to be cerebral haemorrhage. This information was supplied by the hospital authorities, in response to an enquiry made by the parents of deceased.
In their sad and sudden bereavement, the bereaved parents and family have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends.
The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Thu 9 Jan 1930 Page 1 Family Notices
ROBINS. - In sad and loving memory of my dear brother, Leslie, who passed away at Marble Bar on January 9, 1929. One of the best gone to rest.
Inserted by his loving brother, Wally, Kondut." published Thursday 9 January 1930 in the West Australian -
Info from Nicole Edwards Facebook - Australian Genealogy 9 June 2015.
The Narracan Shire Advocate and Yallourn Brown Coal Mine, Walhalla and Thorpdale Lines Echo (Moe, Vic. : 1923 - 1943) Fri 18 Jan 1929 Page 3
Family Notices
ROBINS.- On the 10th January (after a short illness), at Marble Bar, Leslie Cambridge, beloved eldest son of Henry and Sarah Jane Robins, and loved brother of Stanley, Sydney, Lilian (Mrs Marshman), Sylvia (Mrs Wilson), Roy, Hediey, Bert, Harold, Walter, and Ivy.
(Inserted by his loving mother, father, and family, Moe).
Leslie Charles ROBINS [6688]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1931 9 Christening: Death: 1936 - Warragul, Victoria, Australia ( aged about 5) 9 Burial:
Father: Stanley Alston ROBINS [3428] (1886-1951) Mother: Minnie Ethel LAMONT [3429] (1895-1972)Lillian Alma Alison ROBINS [3430]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1890 - Woorak, Vic, Australia 7466,7467 Christening: Death: 2 Apr 1955 - Ouyen, Vic, Australia ( at age 65) 1897 Burial: 4 Apr 1955 - Ouyen, Vic, Australia 1897
Father: Henry ROBINS [1268] (1858-1930) Mother: Sarah Jane COLE [1267] (1862-1946)
Spouses and Children
1. *George Alexander MARSHMAN [3431] (3 Jul 1893 - 26 Dec 1976) Marriage: 1916 6171,6172 Status:Marriage Events
1. Alt. Marriage: 29 Mar 1916, Willow Grove, Vic, Australia. Children: 1. Henry Alexander Jesse MARSHMAN 1897 [5981] (1917-1918) 2. Thomas Albert Robins MARSHMAN 1897 [5982] (1918-1989) 3. Merva Maysee MARSHMAN 1897 [6705] (1919-2006) 4. Ira Lilias MARSHMAN 1897 [6704] (1922-1991) 5. Athol Hughie Jack MARSHMAN 1897 [5983] (1923-1969) 6. Lyle George MARSHMAN 1897 [6703] (1925-1992)
Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Wednesday 12 April 1916
On Wednesday, 29th March, a very pretty wedding was celebrated in the Willow Grove Public Hall, the contracting parties being Mr George Alexander Marshman (youngest son of Mrs J. J. Marshman, of Brim) and Miss Lilian Alma Alison Robins (eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Robins, of Willow Grove). The officiating clergyman was the Rev. Trigge (Methodist minister), of Warragul. The hall was very tastefully decorated for the occasion by friends of the bride, a liberal use of tree fern fronds being made. Immediately before the stage, carpet was laid, which connected with carpet extending to the entrance of the building. An improvised fern bower was erected, suspended from which was a wedding-bell, and beneath the latter of which the young couple " plighted their troth."
The bride, who was given away by her father, was charmingly gowned in pale pink chiffon voile, with overdress of white ninon, trimmed with lace. She also wore the orthodox wreath and veil, and carried a handsome bouquet of roses and maiden-hair fern, with white streamers attached. Misses F. Bannerman and L. Robins (cousin of the bride) officiated as brides maids. The former was attired in white embroidered voile, with tulle veil and Lily-of-the-Valley wreath, and carried a bouquet composed of roses and maidenhair fern, with white streamers. The latter wore a pale blue crepe-de-chine Eton costume, and ninon blouse, with tulle veil and Lily-of-the-Valley wreath, and carried a bouquet of roses and maidenhair fern. Mr T. Hood acted as best man, and Mr S. Robins as groomsman.
The ceremony over, an adjournment was made to an ante-room, where a sumptuous repast had been prepared. The tables were most daintily laid, and the guests - of whom there was quite a large gathering - having partaken of the good things provided, the usual toast-list was disposed of. The toasts honored were :- " The Bride and Bridegroom," proposed by the Chairman (the Rev. Trigge), and responded to by the Bridegroom; "The Bridesmaids," proposed by the Bridegroom, and responded to by Mr Hood ; " The Parents of the Bride," proposed by Gr W. H. Burrage, J.P., and replied to by Mr H. Robins; " The Mother of the Bridegroom," proposed by Mr Stan. Robins, and responded to by the Bridegroom ; " The Farming In dustry," responded to by Mr C.H. Williams ; " The Press," proposed by Mr W. F. Parker, and replied to by Mr D. Bennett. The presents received were both numerous and costly. The Bridegroom's gift to the Bride was an aquamarine necklet ; Bride to Bridegroom, pair of gold sleeve-links ; Bridegroom to Brides maids-First bridesmaid, gold spray, set with pearls ; Second bridesmaid, pearl and turquoise star necklet.
At the invitation of the parents of the bride, a large number of guests attended a social held in the Public Hall the same evening. A very enjoyable time was spent in dancing, interspersed with vocal items, and in view of the excellent opportunity afforded recruiting addresses by Sergeant Fisher, Cr. W. H. Burrage, J.P., and Mr H. Robins (already reported in these columns). The music for the dancing was supplied by Mr J. Rees (piano), assisted by Miss Bannerman, while Mr A. Harris (Trafalgar) performed the duties of M.C. to the satisfaction of all present. Refreshments were served at about midnight.
During the evening, the following vocal items were rendered, and well received:- "Till the Boys Come Home," Mr J. Rees ; " Agatha Green," Miss Bannerman ; "It's a Long Way to Tipperary," Mr G Wilson ; "The Deathless Army," Mr Horder ; " Wattle Bloom," Miss Hitchins ; " Every Ship will Find a Harbor," Mr W. F. Parker ; "Dreamland," Miss Bannerman ; "Some Hearts will be Joyful," Mr J. Rees ; "When the Boys of the Bush Come Home" (composed and written by the singer), Mr .T. Rees ; "Australia Will Be There," Mr Mat. 'Mitchell, junr. ; " Mavourneen," Mr A. Fortune ; " Even-tide," Mr F. Hitchins ; "Daddy," Mr Horder. The company dispersed at about 3 a.m., when Auld Lang Sync and the National Anthem were sung.
Warracknabeal Herald (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Friday 21 April 1916 page 5
A very pretty wedding was celebrated in the Willowgrove Hall on Wednesday, 29th March, between Mr.George Alexander, the youngest son of Mrs. and the late Mr. J. J. Marshman, of Brim, and Miss Lilian Alma Alison, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robins, of Willowgrove.
The officiating clergyman was the Rev. Trigg, of Warragul. The hall was tastefully decorated by the friends of the bride, the breakfast being daintily arranged by Miss Lamont, ably assisted by Misses Williams, McLaren and M. Lamont. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a charming costume of pale pink chiffon voile, with overdress of white ninon and lace, with elaborately embroidered veil and wreath of orange blossoms, and carried a handsome bouquet of roses and maiden hair fern, with white streamers. The bridesmaids, Miss P. Bannerman, cousin of the bridegroom, wore a beautifully embroidered voile dress with tulle veil and lily of the valley wreath, also carrying a handsome bouquet. Miss E. Robins (cousin of the bride) wore a very handsome Eton costume of pale pink crepe de chene, with ninon blouse and veil of tulle and lily of the valley wreath, also carrying a handsome bouquet. The bridegroom was attended by Messrs. T. Hood and Stan Robins (brother of the bride). After the ceremony the bridal party and guests adjourned to the breakfast room, where a sumptuous feast was daintily laid out in a most tempting manner, and the usual toasts were honored. The gifts were-Bridegroom to bride, aquamarine necklet; bride to bridegroom, gold sleeve links; bride groom to first bridesmaid, gold spray brooch set with pearls, bridegroom to second bridesmaid, pearl and turquoise star necklet. A gathering was held in the evening, at which there was a large attendance. Many beautiful presents were received.
Lillian Olive ROBINS [6833]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1899 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia 9,7468 Christening: Death: 1900 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia ( at age 1) 9,7469 Burial:
Father: Thomas ROBINS [3536] (1867-1945) Mother: Elizabeth MEWBURN [3537] (1871-1924)Lindsay Austin ROBINS [6840]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1926 Christening: Death: 19 Oct 2009 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia ( at age 83) Burial: 22 Oct 2009 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia
Father: Clarence Thomas ROBINS [6834] (1900-1990) 9 Mother: Fanny Evelyn McFARLANE [6836] (1902-1997) 9
Spouses and Children
1. *Miriam Catherine BOEHM [14498] Children: 1. Des ROBINS [14499] 2. Sue ROBINS [14500] 3. John ROBINS [14501]
1. Des
2. Sue
3. John
Death notice for
ROBINS, Lindsay Austin
Publication: Herald Sun
Date Listed: 20/10/2009
ROBINS. - Lindsay Austin (Jim) 16.07.1926 - 19.10.2009 Passed away peacefully at Hopetoun. Dearly loved husband of Miriam. Father of Des, Sue, John and families. Sadly Missed
Funeral notice for
ROBINS, Lindsay Austin
Publication: Herald Sun
Date Listed: 20/10/2009
ROBINS. - A Graveside Service for Mr Lindsay A (Jim) Robins will be held at the Hopetoun Lawn Cemetery on THURSDAY (Oct. 22, 2009) at 11 a.m. W.B. GARDINER & SON WARRACKNABEAL 5398-1105
Margaret Violet ROBINS [6786]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1899 - Perth, WA, Australia 9,7470 Christening: Death: 1964 - Armadale, Vic, Australia ( at age 65) 7471 Burial:
Father: Reuben ROBINS [3531] (1864-1936) Mother: Margaret Ann SCOTT [3532] (Abt 1862-1937)
Spouses and Children
1. *Lesley Theodore NAIRN [6788] (1897 - 1965) 9 Marriage: 1922 - , Victoria, Australia 6775 Status: Children: 1. Berner NAIRN [6789]Mary Ann ROBINS [4209]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1829 - , Somersetshire, England Christening: 27 May 1829 - Weston Super Mare, Somerset, England 7472 Death: Burial:
Father: Thomas ROBINS [3520] (Abt 1796-1863) 7 Mother: Eliza STEVENS [4205] (1808-1874) 7
At the 1851 Census Mary Ann was living with her parents and her occupation is given as laundress
At the 1881 census Mary Ann is living at No 3 Somerset Buildings, Walcot as a Lodger. Her occupation is given as no occupation and a notation on the form lists her as epileptic.
Mary Kate ROBINS [6739]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1888 - Dimboola, Vic, Australia 9 Christening: Death: 1903 - Echuca, Vic, Australia ( at age 15) 7473 Burial:
Father: Walter ROBINS [3525] (1859-1929) Mother: Mary RITCHIE [3526] (1860- )Myrtle Olive ROBINS [6676]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1888 - Woorak, Vic, Australia 9 Christening: Death: 1955 - Mooroopna, Vic, Australia ( at age 67) 9,7474,7475 Burial:
Father: William Patrick Pask ROBINS [3523] (1855-1894) Mother: Mary Jane MEWBURN [3524] (1870-1897)
Spouses and Children
1. *Jack PRAETZ [6679] (1899 - 1975) Marriage: 1916 - , Victoria, Australia 9 Status: Children: 1. Wesley PRAETZ [9440] 2. Elva PRAETZ [9441]
at least two children
Nancy Yvonne ROBINS [6773]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 10 Feb 1931 9 Christening: Death: 25 Jan 1992 - ( at age 60) 9 Burial:Events
1. Alt. Death: 25 Jan 1992, Peachester, Qld, Australia.
Father: Charles Gordon ROBINS [6769] (1903-1977) 9 Mother: Edith Anstice BLACKBURROW [6770] (1906-1987) 9
Spouses and Children
1. *POTTER [6781]
living in Queensland in 1976
Nellie ROBINS [6684]
Sex: F
Father: Stanley Alston ROBINS [3428] (1886-1951) Mother: Minnie Ethel LAMONT [3429] (1895-1972)
Spouses and Children
1. *Reginald NIBBS [6690]Patricia ROBINS [6691]
Sex: F
Father: Stanley Alston ROBINS [3428] (1886-1951) Mother: Minnie Ethel LAMONT [3429] (1895-1972)
Spouses and Children
1. *Jim WISEWOULD [6692]Percival Thomas John ROBINS [6755]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1889 - Woorak, Vic, Australia 9,7476 Christening: Death: 4 Nov 1917 - Rouen, Normandy, France ( at age 28) 9 Burial:Events
1. Military: SERN 711 served in WW1. Killed in Action, 1914-1918.
Father: John Smith ROBINS [3529] (1862-1941) Mother: Mary Jane NUNN [3530] (Abt 1864-1936)
ROBINS Percy Thomas John : Service Number - 711 : Place of Birth - Nhill VIC : Place of Enlistment - Broadmeadows VIC : Next of Kin - (Father) ROBINS John
At the time of enlistment Percy was 5' 10" tall and 13 stone 7 lbs. He had a dark complexion, blue eyes and dark hair. He enlisted at Broadmeadows in August 1914. His service Number was 711.
He left Australia in September 1916 on the "Royal George".
Percy was appointed a Lance Corporal in August 1917 and served in the 8th Battalion AIF.
Percy was wounded in action in Belgium and died of wounds in Rouen France on 4 November 1917.
Peter ROBINS [6783]
Sex: M
Father: Charles Gordon ROBINS [6769] (1903-1977) 9 Mother: Patricia Margaret KAIN [6782] (1921-1976) 9Phillip ROBINS [6780]
Sex: M
Father: Gordon Edward ROBINS [6772] (1926-2009) 9 Mother:Phyllis Janet ROBINS [3316]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 16 Feb 1924 - Trafalgar, Vic, Australia Christening: Death: Aug 2016 - ( at age 92) 7477 Burial:
Father: Sydney Henry Victor ROBINS [3314] (1888-1980) 1589 Mother: Janet Elizabeth LAMONT [3315] (1888-1973)
Spouses and Children
1. *James Morton HOOD [3317] (26 Jun 1917 - 26 Oct 1989) Marriage: 27 Nov 1948 - Saint Kilda, Victoria, Australia Status: Children: 1. Alan HOOD [6695] 2. Shirley HOOD [6696] 3. Janice HOOD [6697] 4. Donald HOOD [6698] 5. Ian HOOD [6699] 6. Carolyn Wendy HOOD 1589 [3318] (1958-2012)
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Mon 16 Feb 1948 Page 7
Family Notices
ROBINS-HOOD. - Phyllis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robins, Willow Grove, Gourlay st., E. St. Kilda, to James, son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Hood, Wood st., N. Melb.
Phyllis and James had 6 children.
Date listed: 26/8/2016
HOOD. The Service for Mr Phyllis Janet Hood will be held in the Cirrus Chapel, Bunurong Memorial Park, on TUESDAY (Aug. 30, 2016) at 12 noon. WHITE DOVE FUNERAL CARE 1800 067...
Publication: Herald Sun (Melbourne)
Ray ROBINS [6685]
Sex: M
Father: Stanley Alston ROBINS [3428] (1886-1951) Mother: Minnie Ethel LAMONT [3429] (1895-1972)
Spouses and Children
1. *Isabel HALYBURTON [6693]Reginald ROBINS [6776]
Sex: M
Father: Gordon Edward ROBINS [6772] (1926-2009) 9 Mother:Reuben ROBINS [3531]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1864 - Pleasant Creek, Vic, Australia 7478 Christening: Death: 1936 - Kew, Vic, Australia ( at age 72) 7479 Burial:
Father: George ROBINS [1301] (1832-1879) Mother: Susanne PASKE [1300] (1826-1901)
Spouses and Children
1. *Margaret Ann SCOTT [3532] (Abt 1862 - 12 May 1937) Marriage: 4 Jan 1895 - Sale, Vic, Australia Status: Children: 1. Elizabeth Mabel ROBINS 9 [6785] (1896-1967) 2. Robert Scott ROBINS 9 [6784] (1898-1899) 3. Margaret Violet ROBINS 9 [6786] (1899-1964) 4. Reuben Scott ROBINS 9 [6787] (1901-1945)
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Saturday 4 January 1896 Page 1
ROBINS-SCOTT.-On the 4th ult., at the residence of the bride's parents, Roseneath, Marley street, Sale,by the Rev. G. M. Connor. M.A., Reuben, fifth son of the late George Robins, Stawell, to Margaret Ann (Maggie), younger daughter of Robert Scott, late inspector of Victorian Railways.
Reuben Scott ROBINS [6787]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1901 - Southern Cross, WA, Australia 9,7480 Christening: Death: 1945 - Royal Park, Vic, Australia ( at age 44) 7481 Burial:
Father: Reuben ROBINS [3531] (1864-1936) Mother: Margaret Ann SCOTT [3532] (Abt 1862-1937)
The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) View title info Wed 18 Jul 1945 Page 7 Family Notices
ROBINS.- On July 17, Reuben Scott (A.I.F.), dearly beloved son of the late Reuben and Margaret Ann Robins, of Kew, loved brother of Elisabeth and Margaret, aged 43 years.
ROBINS. - The Funeral of the late Mr. REUBEN SCOTT ROBINS (A.I.F.), will leave, Padbury's Chapel, 13 Cotham-road. Kew. THIS DAY. at the conclusion of a service commencing at 1.15 p.m., for the Booroondara Cemetery, Kew.
from the National Archives website
Item details for: B884, V200628
ROBINS REUBEN SCOTT : Service Number - V200628 : Date of birth - 27 May 1901 : Place of birth - SOUTHERN CROSS WA : Place of enlistment - RICHMOND VIC : Next of Kin - NAIRN VIOLET
Contents date range 1939 - 1948 Series number B884 Control symbol V200628 Citation NAA: B884, V200628 Item barcode 6625339 Location Canberra
Robert Maxwell ROBINS [6714]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1935 9 Christening: Death: 1936 - Warragul, Victoria, Australia ( at age 1) 9 Burial:
Father: Roy Charlton ROBINS [3432] (1894-1979) Mother: Irene Elizabeth Frances PAYNTER [3433] (1897-1988)
The Narracan Shire Advocate and Yallourn Brown Coal Mine, Walhalla and Thorpdale Lines Echo (Moe, Vic. : 1923 - 1943) Fri 11 Dec 1936 Page 3
Mrs Roy Robins, of Yarragon, suffered a severe shock last week, when she discovered that her nine months old son had died from suffocation. The child is reported to have gone to sleep after a meal, and when his mother went to him later, he was lying face downwards and had suffocated.
Robert Scott ROBINS [6784]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1898 - Northam, WA, Australia 9,7482 Christening: Death: 1899 - , WA, Australia ( at age 1) 9 Burial:
Father: Reuben ROBINS [3531] (1864-1936) Mother: Margaret Ann SCOTT [3532] (Abt 1862-1937)
The Northam Advertiser (WA : 1895 - 1918; 1948 - 1954) Wed 26 Apr 1899 Page 2 Family Notices
Robins.- On the 22nd inst., at Northam, Robert Scott, the dearly beloved infant son of M. A. and Reuben Robins (of the W.A.G R. Loco, department, and formerly of Gippsland.) Aged 13 months. Gippsland papers please copy.
Mr. and Mrs. Robins beg to tender their sincere thanks to all kind friends for the expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement, and for the many floral tributes sent.
The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Thu 27 Apr 1899 Page 4 Family Notices
ROBINS.-On the 22nd instant, at Fitzgerald street, Northam, Robert Scott, the beloved infant son of M. A. and Reuben Robins (of the W.A.G.R. Locomotive Department and lately of Gippsland, Vic.) ; aged 13 months. Gippsland papers please copy.
Ronald William ROBINS [9442]
Sex: MAKA: Ronald ROBINS
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1926 6011 Christening: Death: 26 Jan 1978 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia ( aged about 52) 7483 Burial: 1978 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia
Father: William George ROBINS [6678] (1894-1958) Mother: Rose Alma SAUNDERS [6682] (1900-1986)
Spouses and Children
1. *Ethel Grace LOWNE [12768] (26 Jan 1933 - 5 Jul 1996) Marriage: 1952 - , Victoria, Australia Status:
1. Keith
2. Julie
3. Stephen
Rose ROBINS [3533]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 22 Jun 1865 - Deep Lead, Vic, Australia 7484 Christening: Death: 1930 - Rupanyup, Vic, Australia ( at age 65) 7485 Burial:
Father: George ROBINS [1301] (1832-1879) Mother: Susanne PASKE [1300] (1826-1901)
Spouses and Children
1. *James FRANKLIN [3583] (Abt 1863 - Aug 1909) 4092,4098 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Horace Llewellyn Phillips FRANKLIN 9 [6814] (1886-1909) 2. Bertrand James FRANKLIN 9 [6815] (1888-1922) 3. Effie Maud FRANKLIN 9 [6816] (1889-1969) 4. Stella Mabel FRANKLIN [9224] (1891-1911) 5. George Charles FRANKLIN 9 [3584] (1892-1935) 6. Rose FRANKLIN 9 [6817] (1895-1919) 7. Nellie May FRANKLIN 9 [6818] (1897-1951)
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thu 18 Sep 1930 Page 12 COUNTRY NEWS.
RUPANYUP.-The death occurred of Mrs. R. Franklin relict of the late Mr. J. Franklin, of Warracknabeal. Mrs Franklin, who was aged 66 years was a native of Deep Lead near Stawell.
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