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Roy Charlton ROBINS [3432]

      Sex: M
Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1894 - Woorak, Vic, Australia 7486
          Death: 11 May 1979 - Yarragon, Vic, Australia ( at age 85) 7487

         Father: Henry ROBINS [1268] (1858-1930) 
         Mother: Sarah Jane COLE [1267] (1862-1946) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Irene Elizabeth Frances PAYNTER [3433] (1897 - 13 Apr 1988)
       Marriage: 1922 - , Victoria, Australia 7040
                1. Alan Wallace ROBINS [6716] (      -1925)
                2. Roy Francis ROBINS [6713]
                3. Robert Maxwell ROBINS [6714] (1935-1936)
                4. Eric ROBINS [6715]

The Narracan Shire Advocate and Yallourn Brown Coal Mine, Walhalla and Thorpdale Lines Echo (Moe, Vic. : 1923 - 1943) Fri 12 Feb 1943
Page 1

Narracan Shire Council
Roy C. Robins, Yarragon, asking permission to construct tram-line alongside his road, for the conveyance of milk out to the main road. - Referred to Engineer.

picture Roy Francis ROBINS [6713]

      Sex: M

         Father: Roy Charlton ROBINS [3432] (1894-1979) 
         Mother: Irene Elizabeth Frances PAYNTER [3433] (1897-1988) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Beverley DEPPLER [6717]

2. Ann [—?—] [6718] (       -       ) 9 

Sheila ROBINS [6686]

      Sex: F

         Father: Stanley Alston ROBINS [3428] (1886-1951) 
         Mother: Minnie Ethel LAMONT [3429] (1895-1972) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Mervyn FOLWELL [6689]

Stanley Alston ROBINS [3428]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 11 Oct 1886 - Woorak, Vic, Australia 7488
          Death: 23 Apr 1951 - Trafalgar, Vic, Australia ( at age 64) 7489

         Father: Henry ROBINS [1268] (1858-1930) 
         Mother: Sarah Jane COLE [1267] (1862-1946) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Minnie Ethel LAMONT [3429] (1895 - 4 Oct 1972)
       Marriage: 1921 - , Victoria, Australia 5713
                1. Bessie Patricia ROBINS [6683]
                2. Nellie ROBINS [6684]
                3. Ray ROBINS [6685]
                4. Sheila ROBINS [6686]
                5. Jean ROBINS [6687] (Abt 1924-1939)
                6. Leslie Charles ROBINS [6688] (Abt 1931-1936)
                7. Patricia ROBINS [6691]

Beulah Standard and Mallee and Wimmera Advertiser (Vic. : 1916 - 1918) Thursday 16 March 1916 Page 2
Brim is well represented in the new Mallee Battalion, ten having answered the call from that little town. They are : - Stanley A. Robins, Geo. A. Marshman, Clarence G. Taylor, Albert H. Church, Thos. A. Hood, John A. Hood, Jas. L. Doughney, Frank D. King, Warrack Long and Edgar Roy.

Warracknabeal Herald (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Tue 30 Oct 1917 Page 5

Mrs. G. Marshman, of Brim, received news recently that her brother Sergeant Stan. Robins, of "Willow Grove, Gippsland, and formerly of Brim, was wounded, and as nothing else was added, we may hope it is not serious. -

The Narracan Shire Advocate and Yallourn Brown Coal Mine, Walhalla and Thorpdale Lines Echo (Moe, Vic. : 1923 - 1943) Fri 20 Jun 1930 Page 1
Narracan Shire Council
S. A. Robins, Yarragon, stating that a few loads of gravel was required on the Moe river road leading to his place. A new bridge or culvert was also needed, as the old one collapsed last winter, and he had effected temporary repairs. - Works Overseer to report.

The Narracan Shire Advocate and Yallourn Brown Coal Mine, Walhalla and Thorpdale Lines Echo (Moe, Vic. : 1923 - 1943) Fri 18 Mar 1932 Page 3
Narracan Shire Council
S. A. Robins, Yarragon, drawing attention to the state, of the bridge and road at the Moe river, Yarragon, and asking that the engineer inspect same.- Refer to engineer.

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Mon 21 May 1951 Page 7 Advertising

STANLEY ALSTON ROBINS, Of Trafalgar, Bridge, Carpenter, deceased- After fourteen clear days Bertram Thomas Robins, of Erica, saw mill hand, and Sheila Irene Fowoll, of Narracan East, married woman, the executors appointed by the WILL of the deceased, dated the twenty fifth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, will APPLY to the Supreme Court for a GRANT Of PROBATE of the said will. Dated the eighteenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and flfty-one. M. DAVINE, Solicitor, Trafalgar.

picture Sue ROBINS [14500]

      Sex: F

         Father: Lindsay Austin ROBINS [6840] (1926-2009) 9 
         Mother: Miriam Catherine BOEHM [14498] 

Susan ROBINS [3538]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1870 - Pleasant Creek, Vic, Australia 7490
          Death: 20 Jan 1937 - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia ( at age 67) 7491
         Burial: 22 Jan 1937 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia

         Father: George ROBINS [1301] (1832-1879) 
         Mother: Susanne PASKE [1300] (1826-1901) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Edward FRANKLIN [3539] (Abt 1866 - 1 Jun 1925) 4092 
       Marriage: 1888 4104
                1. Archibald Vincent FRANKLIN  9 [6854] (1889-1955)
                2. Ivy Daphne FRANKLIN  9 [6855] (1890-1957)
                3. Lily Maud FRANKLIN  9 [6856] (1892-1964)
                4. Isabella Olive FRANKLIN  9 [6857] (1893-1966)
                5. Elsie Merle FRANKLIN  9 [6858] (1896-1975)
                6. George Edward James FRANKLIN  9 [6859] (1899-1965)
                7. William Robins FRANKLIN  9 [6860] (1907-1978)
                8. Susan Mona FRANKLIN  9 [6861] (1909-1977)

Hamilton Spectator (Vic. : 1870 - 1918) Thu 7 Jul 1910 Page 4 SALES OF HOTEL.

Messrs. T. H. Laidlaw and Co. report having made the following two sales of hotel businesses. On account of Miss Meyers the freehold of the well-known Club hotel-, at Hopetoun, this being a two-storey brick building, with extensive stabling, to Mr, w. Freemantle. For.Mr. Thos. Heenan, the lease, furniture, and goodwill of the same property to the same purchaser. The friends of Mr. Freemantle will be pleased to learn that he has secured a good sound investment, together with a splendid trade.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) View title info Sat 16 Nov 1912 Page 22 FIRE AT COUNTRY HOTEL.
HOPETOUN, Friday - a fire occurred at Franklin's Club Hotel Hopetoun, yesterday afternoon, with the result that 16 rooms, the wooden portion of the building, were completely destroyed. The fire brigade did splendid work in saving the two story brick portion adjoining. A very hot wind was raging. The building destroyed was one of the oldest in the town.

George Glare fell through the roof of the verandah, and was rendered unconscious for a time. Dr Campbell found that his spine and pelvis were injured.

Several firemen had narrow escapes. The building and contents were insured, but the amount is not ascertainable. The damage is estimated at about £1,500.

The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Fri 6 Mar 1914 Page 5 STABLES BURNT.
At two o'clock on Sunday morning the stables at Franklin's Club Hotel, Hopetoun, were burnt down, and four horses belonging to Messrs E. Franklin, R.Perring and Dr. Campbell were destroyed. Mr. Perring's horse ,was released, but bolted back into the burning building and perished.

Hopetoun Courier and Mallee Pioneer (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Fri 18 Dec 1914 Page 3 Licensing Court.
.............Susan Franklin, Club Hotel, Hopetoun, £210. ..............

Woomelang Sun and Lascelles and Ouyen Advocate (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Fri 5 Feb 1915 Page 2 Local and General.
The Club hotel at Hopetoun is out of luck apparently. It is not so very long ago since a fire wiped out all but the brick portion of the building; later the stabling, with a couple of horses, went in smoke, and now we have another blaze to record. About 2 a.m. last Saturday the shire capital was aroused by the clang of the firebell, and the Club hotel was the scene of action. One of the upstairs rooms was ablaze, but the firemen promptly got the danger over. As might be expected, water did some damage, but taken all together, the brigade proved just the thing. The cause of the outbreak is supposed to have been an electric iron from which the power had not been switched off. Not only damage to the house, but a waste of electric energy.

Hopetoun Courier and Mallee Pioneer (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Fri 24 Dec 1915 Page 3 Hotel Valuations at Hopetoun.
Hotel Valuations at Hopetoun.
t the Licensing Court, Warracknabeal,before Mr, K. Harrison, P.M., Mrs. Franklin, licensee of the Club Hotel, Hopetoun, sought to have the valuation of the property reduced to £190.

A similar application was made by Miss Brown, of the Commercial Hotel, Hopetoun, to have the assessment of the property reduced to £ 170.

Mr. Pitcher appeared for the licensees.

Inspector Riley opposed the applications, and at the outset raised two objections, first that the valuation must be determined at the annual sitting of the court which this year took place on December 1st, and that the necessary notice Under the Act had not been given, and, second, that similar application had previously been adjudicated upon by the court, and that if there was to be a re-hearing it must be before the magistrates who occupied the bench in the first instance.

Mr. Pitcher submitted that this was new business, which could be brought forward at an adjourned sitting of the court. The magistrate said there was difficulty in regard to the notice, but decided to hear the evidence.

Mr. Pitcher said that during the past year there had been a considerable falling off in business. This was shown in the declarations for compensations. The appellants were paying a licence fee of £50, which was as much as was paid by many hotels in large centres, and the amount was excessive. Another matter was that the hours of trading had been curtailed. Statements were submitted certifying that the Shire of Karkarooc valued the Club Hotel at £190,. and the Commercial Hotel at £170.
Edward Franklin, manager of the Club Hotel, said the last year had been a bad one for business, and the hotel had practically been run at a loss. The major part of the hotel was new, having been built two years ago, and owing to adverse conditions, the return had not been adequate for the outlay. He did not consider the property was worth more than £4000 at the present time.

Inspector Riley - If you were to lease the hotel what would be fair ingoing for five years.
Witness - It would not pay to lease the property at present owing to the effect of war-conditions and restrictions under the act. It would pay better to keep it than sacrifice it for five years.

What would be the rent of the hotel if let to-morrow?'- I don't think it would bring more than £4 a week.

Replying to further questions, the witness said he had been four years in the hotel, and had only paid a licence fee of £50 during the last two years, since the new buildings were erected. With the exception of the Woomelang Hotel, the whole of the valuations in the Corong district were under £200.

Inspector Riley mentioned that the shire had reduced the valuations of a number of Hotels in the district, but had left the assessment of the Lake Corrong Hotel Hopetoun at the same amount as last year, viz., £130.

The witness said he considered the hotels referred to wore previously overrated, and that the valuations were now about right, taking into account the depreciation in values.

The magistrate - Was last year anything like an average year in Hopetoun.

Witness - It was very much under the average ; not more than half.

Harry Brown gave evidence with regard to the Commercial Hotel, urging that the falling off in business justified a reduction of the valuation.

The magistrate decided to refuse the appeals. He upheld the inspector's objection that notice had not been given in time, and he found against, the appellants on the facts, remarking that, it was singular that the shire, while reducing the assessments of a number of hotels in the district, had left the valuation of the Lake Corrong Hotel unaltered.

Beulah Standard and Mallee and Wimmera Advertiser (Vic. : 1916 - 1918) Thu 10 Feb 1916 Page 2 Residential Blocks for Sale.
Residential Blocks for Sale.
Messrs Young Bros., under instructions from Mrs S Franklin, of Hopetoun, will offer on Friday, 25th February, at 1.30 p.m. sharp, 12 residential blocks in the progressive town of Beulah, each containing 1/4 acre, and situated opposite the State school. Plans can be inspected at Beulah or Warracknabeal offices.

The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tue 1 Jun 1920 Page 3 Advertising
For Sale
The Club Hotel
YOUNG BROS., HORSHAM (through their Warracknabeal branch), Have received instructions from
MRS. SUSAN FRANKLIN, owing to ill-health, to sell by Private Treaty the FREEHOLD of THE CLUB HOTEL, HOPETOUN, successfully conducted by her for several years.

THE CLUB HOTEL, erected on land 210 feet by 180 feet, situate on the corner of Austin and Lascelles streets, Hopetoun, is a two-storey building, substantially built of brick and wood, and steel lined throughout. There are 32 rooms in all, comprising 20 Single and Double Bedrooms, Parlors, Bar, two extra large Dining Rooms, Kitchen (fitted with large Andrew 's Stove), Pantry, Storeroom, two Bathrooms, one upstairs, Billiard Room, and detached Cordial House. The main buildings are divided front the large yard at the rear by a high galvanised iron fence.

The out-buildings consist of good Stabling and Loose Boxes for 30 horses, Chaffhouse, Buggy Shed, Motor shed for three cars, Laundry, Lumber Room, Cab Shed, and a well-built Groom's Room.

From the Balcony, 150 ft in length, splendid views of Lakes Lascelles and Corrong and surrounding district are obtained. Hopetoun being the Railway Terminus, the motor traffic between this town, Lascelles, Sea Lake and Rainbow is extensive, and the Club Hotel is well patronised by the travelling public.

Stock in trade at valuation. The house is lighted throughout with Electric Light (42 lights), and the present licensee has successfully conducted a thriving business for several years past, and has decided to retire there from for health reasons only.
Fuller information on application.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tue 11 Oct 1921 Page 12 LICENSES TRANSFERRED.
............. Club Hotel, Hopetoun - Susan Franklin to John J. Hennessy, ...................

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thu 21 Jan 1937 Page 1 Family Notices
FRANKLIN - On the 20th January, at private hospital Melbourne, Susan, widow of Edward Franklin of Hopetoun (V) and Narooma Alexandra avenue, South Yarra and loving mother of Arch, Ivy (Mrs E Scown) Lily, Isa (Mrs S Laidlaw), Merle, George, Will and Mona, aged 66 years

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Thursday 21 January 1937 Page 1

FRANKLIN.- The Friends of the late Mrs. SUSAN FRANKLIN are Informed that her funeral will leave the Anglican Church, Hopetoun, at 3 o'clock on FRIDAY AFTERNOON, the 22nd inst., for the Hopetoun Cemetery.
A. A. SLEIGHT PTY. LTD.. Melbourne, Cent. 410, in conjunction with A. E. PERRY, Hopetoun.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Friday 29 January 1937 page 16
NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria in its Probate Jurisdiction that PROBATE of the LAST WILL and TESTAMENT dated the eighteenth day of October 1935 of SUSAN FRANKLIN late of Narooma Alexandra avenue South Yarra In the said State widow deceased may be granted to Elsie Merle Byrne of "Narooma" aforesaid widow and Susan Mona Franklin of Prince Henry's Hospital St Kilda road Melbourne nurse, the executors named In and appointed by said will.
Dated this 28th day of January 1937

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 28 October 1937 Page 4
Susan Franklin, of Narooma, Alexandra avenue. South Yarra widow. who died on January 20. left by will dated October 18. 1935, real estate of a gross value of £174 and personal property of a gross value of £4,296 to her children.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 20 January 1938 Page 10
FRANKLIN. - In loving memory of our beloved mother. Susan Franklin, formerly of Hopetoun, who died at Coonara, St. Kilda road. Melbourne, on the 20th January, 1937.
(Inserted by Merle and Mona.)

picture Susan May ROBINS [6741]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1896 - Echuca, Vic, Australia 9
          Death: 1897 - Echuca, Vic, Australia ( at age 1) 9

         Father: Walter ROBINS [3525] (1859-1929) 
         Mother: Mary RITCHIE [3526] (1860-      ) 

Suzie ROBINS [14157]

      Sex: F

         Father: Kevin ROBINS [6729] 
         Mother: Rosemary HART [6733] 

Sydney Henry Victor ROBINS [3314]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 31 Dec 1888 - Woorak, Vic, Australia 7492
          Death: 5 Oct 1980 - Heidelberg, Vic, Australia ( at age 91) 7493

         Father: Henry ROBINS [1268] (1858-1930) 
         Mother: Sarah Jane COLE [1267] (1862-1946) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Janet Elizabeth LAMONT [3315] (21 Feb 1888 - 12 Apr 1973)
       Marriage: 30 Oct 1921 5712
                1. Harry ROBINS [6694]
                2. Henry Sydney ROBINS [8083]
                3. Phyllis Janet ROBINS  1589 [3316] (1924-2016)

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Sat 10 Feb 1923 Page 11 Family Notices

ROBINS (nee Janet Lamont).--On the 21st January, at St. Hilary's private hospital, Morwell, to Mr. and .Mrs. S. II. Robins, Willow Grove a son (stillborn). -

picture Sylvia Pearl Victoria ROBINS [1265]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 14 Sep 1891 - Gerang Gerung, Vic, Australia 7494,7495
          Death: 30 Jan 1985 - Yarraville, Vic, Australia ( at age 93) 7496,7497
      Cremation: 1 Feb 1985 - Springvale, Vic, Australia


1. Residence: 272 Somerville Road,, 1942-1984, Yarraville, Vic, Australia.

2. Obituary: Herald Sun Newspaper, 31 Jan 1985, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

         Father: Henry ROBINS [1268] (1858-1930) 
         Mother: Sarah Jane COLE [1267] (1862-1946) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Frederick Abel WILSON [1266] (4 Oct 1884 - 29 Jan 1964)
       Marriage: 26 Jun 1912 - Willow Grove, Vic, Australia 7498,7499
                1. Bessie Eva Lillian WILSON  7500 [3295] (1913-1953)
                2. Gladys Elsie WILSON [243] (1916-2006)
                3. Harry Allenby WILSON [3241] (1918-2013)
                4. Leila Myrtle WILSON [3244] (1921-1991)
                5. Ruby Jean WILSON [3248] (1923-1925)
                6. Doris Irene WILSON [3249] (1925-1995)
                7. Kenneth Frederick WILSON [3254] (1928-2018)
                8. Eric Leslie Gordon WILSON [3261] (1932-2018)

The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 3 Jul 1912 Page 3
Local and General News.
On Wednesday, 12th ult, Mr W. McKee (of the Two-Mile, Moe) was married to Miss David, of Coalville; whilst on Wednesday last Mr Fred. A. Wilson (Moe) and Miss Sylvia Robins (daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Robins, of Willow Grove) were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Pressure upon our space forbids the publication of detailed reports in this issue.

The Narracan Shire Advocate (Vic. : 1889 - 1923) Wed 10 Jul 1912 Page 1
A very pretty wedding was celebrated on Wednesday. 26th ult, at the Willow Grove Mechanics' Institute, when Mr Frederick A. Wilson (eldest son of Mr and Mrs Wilson, of " Mount Speed," Trafalgar) was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Sylvia Pearl Victoria Robins (second daughter of Mr and Mrs Robins, of Willow Grove).

The Rev. H. G. Trebilco [Methodist minister) was the officiating clergyman. The bride, who was dressed in ivory Japanese silk, trimmed with net, guipure insertion and tassels, and who also wore the orthodox wreath and veil and carried a handsome shower bouquet, was given away by her father.

Miss Robins and Miss Ivy Robins (sisters of the bride) officiated as bridesmaids. Miss Robins was dressed in a maize-coloured voile, over ivory silk, trimmed with ivory silk insertion, and fringe and girdle. She also carried a bouquet of pink roses, white marguerites and asparagus fern. Miss Ivy Robins wore a dress of ivory silk, trimmed with cream lace, and relieved with pale blue ribbon. The latter also carried a crook decorated with white and pale blue ribbon. " Mr Bert. Wilson (brother of the bridegroom) acted as best man. The hall was very taste-fully decorated by friends of the bride, ferns, laurels, ivy and mistletoe being used for the purpose. The ceremony over, about 30 guests sat down to a sumptuous repast, which was prepared in first-class style. The usual toast-list was disposed of. The Rev. Mr Trebiico, in proposing the toast of " The Bride and bridegroom," said that he had known the bride and bridegroom, for some time, and held a high opinion of them both. He wished them long life, happiness and prosperity. The bridegroom (on behalf of the bride and himself) thanked their many friends for their kind expressions and good wishes, also quaintly remarking that if it had not been for himself and his bride they would not be present. (The Chairman created some amusement by remarking that if it had not been for Mr and Mrs Robins, Mr Wilson would not have been there).

The bridegroom then proposed the toast of " The Bridesmaids," which was responded to (on the bridesmaids' behalf) by Mr Bert Wilson. Mr H. Lamont proposed "The Parent- " and mentioned that, he had known them for some considerable time. He could testify as to the very high esteem in which they were held by those with whom they were acquainted.

The Rev. Mr Trebilco, in supporting Mr Lamont's remarks, said he had known Mrs Robins and her family at Nhill, and paid a high tribute to her parents, whom he said were foremost in anything affecting the welfare of all. During his recent acquaintance with Mr and Mrs Robins, and Mr and Mrs Wilson, he had formed a very high opinion of them. Mr Robins, in thanking the speakers for their complimentary remarks, said that he had been fortunate in making many sterling friends in Willow Grove. He naturally felt sorry to lose his daughter, and hoped that the young couple would not regret the step they had taken.

The assistance rendered by Mrs Turnbull, Mrs H. Lamont and Miss Mavis Lamont was greatly appreciated by the parents of the bride.

At the invitation of Mr and Mrs Robins, over 100 friends assembled in the evening, when a Social was held in honor of the occasion. Dancing (interspersed with songs, recitations, and speeches) was the order of the evening. Messrs H. Magnusson [piano] and F. Turner (violin) supplied excellent music.

Mr Albert Harris [Trafalgar] filled the position of Master of Ceremonies in a very creditable manner, the energetic way in which he kept things moving adding greatly to the evening's enjoyment. Mr W. H. Barrage, junr. [on behalf of those present] thanked Mr and Mrs Robins for the very enjoyable evening they had had. In doing so, he wished the Bride and Bridegroom long life, health and happiness, saying that if they accepted Mr and Mrs Robins as their model they would not go far wrong. The speaker concluded by calling on those present to sing " For he's a jolly good fellow," which request was responded to right heartily.

Mr Wilson, in responding, thanked one and all for their very kind wishes, and said he hoped that before long some more of those present would be in the same pleasant position as himself- Mr Robins,in a few well chosen remarks, said that Mr Robins and himself were pleased to think that everyone had enjoyed themselves so much, and were delighted to see such a gathering. He also hoped that it would not be long before some of their young friends would find themselves in the same position as Mr Wilson . [Cheers].

Conspicuous among the many useful and ornamental presents was a handsome cruet, from the members of the Tangil Rifle Club, of which Mr Robins is captain; and a lamp, from the members of the Moe Rifle Club, of which Mr Wilson is a member.

During the evening. Miss D. McLaren sang very nicely "The Roses" and ''Oro Pro Nobis." Mr F. Wilson's song [" Loch Lomond"] was greatly appreciated- Mr J Franks, who is a decided acquisition to the district, was heard to advantage in "Thora," "True till Death," and "Asleep in the Deep." Mr Walter Rees sang, with his usual vim, "Once more good-bye, Nellie darling." Mr Burgess gave "Where the River Shannon flows " in his usual effective style.
Mr Harris's recitation, ''Old Walhalla," was splendidly received. Mr D. Espie's recitation, " A bush christening, " was loudly applauded. Mr Lee was heard to advantage in a humorous recitation, " I've been there before. " Mr F. Turner caused considerable amusement by his exceedingly humorous recitation, " The Rider and the horse."-Communicated.

Sylvia lived at 272 Somerville Road, Yarraville for more than 40 years.

Herald Sun Melbourne 31 January 1985
WILSON - on Jan 30 at Western Suburbs Nursing Home, Sylvia Pearl Victoria. Dearly beloved wife of the late Frederick, beloved mother of Bessie (dec), Gladys (Mrs Bonham of Garfield), Harry (of Yarram), Leila (Mrs Clarke of West Footscray), Ruby (dec), Doris (Mrs Kalwig of Kingsville), Ken (of Traralgon) and Eric (of Leongatha). In her 94th year. Mum and Dad reunited.

WILSON (Robins) - Sylvia. On Jan 30 aged 93 years. Loving wife of Fred (dec), loved Mum of Glad and Harold Bonham, Grandma of Nancye, Geoff, Lola and Charlie, Max and Melva, Val and Ray, great Grandma of 16, great great grandma of 4. We'll never forget you.

Dearly loved Mum of Dorrie and Bill Kalwig, loving Grandma of Rob, Sandra and Peter Tadday, great Grandma of Scott, Jason and Lisa. A part of us went with you Mum as you silently went to sleep. Part of you, you left for us in our hearts forever to keep.

Dearly loved Mum of Leila, Grandma of Peter, Trevor and Pam and great Grandma of Tony, Rod, Peter, Steven and Colin. A patient sufferer at rest.

Loving Grandma of Lola and Charlie, Nana of Karen and Geoff, Ian and Barbara, Mark, Tanya and Vicki, great Grandnan of Darren and Justin.

Wilson - Sylvia Pearl Victoria on Jan 30. The tears are in my eyes as we say our last goodbyes - Val and Ray. For you who left me lonely, for you who left me blue, for you who left me crying, this I dedicate to you. Great grandchildren Joanne and Craig.

WILSON - The funeral of the late Mrs Sylvia Pearl Victoria Wilson will leave our chapel, 7 Droop Street, Footscray on Friday (Feb 1) after a service commencing at 11.15 a.m. for the Springvale Crematorium, Princes Highway Springvale. No flowers by request donations in lieu to the Heart Foundation. Nelson Bros

She was cremated and her ashes were interred with her daughter Ruby at the Trafalgar Cemetery.

picture Thomas ROBINS [4206]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1772
    Christening: 5 Jul 1774 - Bath, Somerset, England
          Death: Bef 1841

Spouses and Children
1. *Elizabeth ROWLEY [4207] (1774 - Dec 1843) 7 
       Marriage: 25 Mar 1793 - Swindon, Wiltshire, England 7501
                1. Thomas ROBINS  7 [3520] (Abt 1796-1863)

from the Parish Register, page 74, no 293 - Thomas Robbins of the Parish of Wooten Bossett in the County of Wiltshire and Elizabeth Rowley of this Parish a Spinster were married in this church by Licence with the consent of her father this 25th day of March in the year one thousand seven hunderd and ninety three by me, E Goodenough Vicar. This marriage was solemnised between us, Thomass Robbins and Elizabeth Rolwy (Both signed their names) in the presence of Thomas Farmer Smith and Ann Rowley/Registar delivered into Court

picture Thomas ROBINS [3520]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1796 - Wooton Basset, Wiltshire, England
    Christening: 28 Aug 1796 - Wooton Basset, Wiltshire, England 7502
          Death: 1863 - , Somersetshire, England ( aged about 67)
         Burial: 24 Feb 1863 - Ash, Somerset, England 7503

         Father: Thomas ROBINS [4206] (Abt 1772-Bef 1841) 7 
         Mother: Elizabeth ROWLEY [4207] (1774-1843) 7 

Spouses and Children
1. *Eliza STEVENS [4205] (1808 - 12 Jan 1874) 7 
       Marriage: 27 Apr 1823 - Weston, Somerset, England 7504
                1. Emma ROBINS  7 [4208] (Cir 1827-1871)
                2. Mary Ann ROBINS  7 [4209] (Abt 1829-      )
                3. George ROBINS [1301] (1832-1879)
                4. Ellen Stevens ROBINS  7 [4210] (Cir 1833-1913)
                5. Edwin ROBINS  7 [4212] (Cir 1835-      )
                6. Eliza ROBINS  7 [4213] (Cir 1837-1897)
                7. Kate ROBINS  7 [4214] (Cir 1845-1857)

Thomas Robins is listed as a mason on the 1841, 1851 and 1861 census

picture Thomas ROBINS [3536]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1867 - Deep Lead, Vic, Australia 7505
          Death: 5 Apr 1945 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia ( at age 78) 7506
         Burial: Apr 1945 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia


1. Alt. Birth: 28 Aug 1868, Pleasant Creek, Vic, Australia.

2. Alt. Death: 4 Apr 1945, Hopetoun, Vic, Australia.

         Father: George ROBINS [1301] (1832-1879) 
         Mother: Susanne PASKE [1300] (1826-1901) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Elizabeth MEWBURN [3537] (1871 - 23 Aug 1924)
       Marriage: 1896 - , Victoria, Australia 6505
                1. Bessie May ROBINS  9 [6832] (1897-1979)
                2. Lillian Olive ROBINS  9 [6833] (1899-1900)
                3. Clarence Thomas ROBINS  9 [6834] (1900-1990)
                4. Florence ROBINS  9 [6835] (1907-1907)

1. Bessie May b. 1897-1979 (Cecil Leonard ROBERTS)
2. Lillian Olive b. 1898-1900
3. Clarence Thomas b. 1900 Hopetoun-1992 at Hopetoun (married Fanny Evelyn McFarlane)
4. Florence b. 1907-1907

picture Violet Avis Royal ROBINS [6677]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 5 Oct 1889 - Dimboola, Vic, Australia 9
          Death: 12 Mar 1952 - Lascelles, Vic, Australia ( at age 62) 9,7507
         Burial: Mar 1952 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia

         Father: William Patrick Pask ROBINS [3523] (1855-1894) 
         Mother: Mary Jane MEWBURN [3524] (1870-1897) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Harry OVERALL [6680] (1883 - Jun 1964) 9 
       Marriage: 1918 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia 9,6932

Marriage Events

1. Alt. Marriage: 25 Jul 1918, Hopetoun, Vic, Australia. Children: 1. Harry Vernon OVERALL [6681] (1920-1963)

Hopetoun Courier and Mallee Pioneer (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Fri 16 Aug 1918 Page 3
As briefly mentioned in a previous issue the marriage of Mr. Henry Overall and Miss Avie Robins took place on July 25, at the residence of the bride's step-father (Mr. Geo. Glare), the guests being relatives and intimate friends. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Vineer.

Afterwards at the wedding breakfast the customary toasts were honored. The bride, who was given away by her stepfather, was beautifully arrayed in ivory taffeta and crepe de chene, richly embroidered and finished with-silk stitchery.

The customary veil drawn over the hair and encircled with a bandeau of orange blossom completed a very pleasing attire. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss May Robins, who was very prettily attired in ivory crepe de chene, trimmed with silk lace and cable stitching and wore a gold pendant brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. Little Topsy Roberts, after the ceremony, placed a lucky horse shoe, trimmed with-satin streamers and orange blossom, on the arm of the bride. The bride's travelling dress was a brown costume with a nigger-brown hat and wore a set of black furs, the gift of the bridegroom.

The following is the list of presents:_
Bride to bridegroom, travelling rug; bridegroom to bride, set of furs ; bridegroom to bridesmaid, gold pendant brooch ; step-father of bride, household linen and cheque; Miss Glare, cheque ; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Praetz, pair of pictures ; Master Wesley Praetz, pair of vases; Mr. W. Robins, cheque: Miss May Robins, silver butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. Overall, family bible and wedding cake; Mr. F. Glare, cheque; Mr. W. Overall, travelling rug; Rev. Yineer, set of carvers ; Mr. and Mrs. T. and Mr C. Robins, cheque; Mr. and Mrs. J. Glare, cruet ; Miss P. Overall, silver butter knife ; Mr. C. Dart, pair silver vases; Miss Casey, silver serviette ring; Mr. W. Praetz, pair butter dishes ; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glare, jam spoon and butter knife ; Pastor and Mrs. Irvin, pair silver vases ; Mr. and Mrs. G. Casey, cheque; Miss Praetz, jam dish; Mr. N. Kelly, jelly spoon, bread fork and butter knife ; Miss S. Praetz, sugar basin; Mr. and Mrs. Whitebread, cheque; Mr. R. Fraser, ornaments; Mr. and Mrs. Snell, silver sugar basket and sifter; Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, silver mounted sweet dish ; Miss Vera, and Masters J. and D. Harrington, pair vases ; Mr. M. Lynch, cheque ; Mr. Johnson, cheque ; Mr. McIntyre, clock.

picture Vivian Roy Lindsay ROBINS [6759]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1895 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia 9,7508
          Death: 1941 - Nyah West, Vic, Australia ( at age 46) 9,7509

         Father: John Smith ROBINS [3529] (1862-1941) 
         Mother: Mary Jane NUNN [3530] (Abt 1864-1936) 

Walter ROBINS [3525]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1859 - Pleasant Creek, Vic, Australia 7510
          Death: 30 Aug 1929 - Sydney, NSW, Australia ( at age 70) 7511
         Burial: 31 Aug 1929 - Rookwood, NSW, Australia

         Father: George ROBINS [1301] (1832-1879) 
         Mother: Susanne PASKE [1300] (1826-1901) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Mary RITCHIE [3526] (1860 -       )
       Marriage: 1880 - , Victoria, Australia 7375
                1. Charles Reuben ROBINS [6735] (1881-1955)
                2. Annie ROBINS  9 [6736] (1883-1919)
                3. Henry Patrick ROBINS  9 [6737] (1885-1917)
                4. Walter Lomas ROBINS  9 [6738] (1886-      )
                5. Mary Kate ROBINS  9 [6739] (1888-1903)
                6. William George ROBINS  9 [6740] (1894-1971)
                7. Susan May ROBINS  9 [6741] (1896-1897)

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Sat 31 Aug 1929 Page 15 Family Notices
ROBINS-The Funeral of the late WALTER ROBINS (late of Victorian Railways) will leave the Private Mortuary Chapel of Motor Funerals Limited 30 City road city THIS AFTERNOON at 2 o clock for the Catholic Cemetery Rookwood By road per motor service (Section 9) MOTOR FUNERALS LIMITED
(The All Motor Service) Telephone M8277 30 City road city

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Mon 9 Sep 1929 Page 1 Family Notices
ROBINS - On the 30th August, Walter, the dearly beloved husband of Mary, loving father of Reuben, Annie, Mrs. Price (deceased) Harry (deceased), Walter; Laia (deceased), William, May (deceased), late of Victorian railways, aged 70 years. A patient sufferer gone to rest,
-inserted by his sorrowing wife and sons, Reuben, Walter and Will, 183 Grafton-street, Woollahra, Sydney.

picture Walter Clifford ROBINS [3438]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1903 - Moe, Vic, Australia 7512
          Death: 6 Jul 1982 - Moe, Vic, Australia ( at age 79) 7513

         Father: Henry ROBINS [1268] (1858-1930) 
         Mother: Sarah Jane COLE [1267] (1862-1946) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Thelma May CHINNOCK [3439] (24 Jun 1912 - 16 Mar 2004)
       Marriage: 1940 - , Victoria, Australia 2043
                1. Bryson Hedley ROBINS  9 [6727] (1941-2011)
                2. Jeanette Dorothy ROBINS [6728]
                3. Kevin ROBINS [6729]
                4. Beverley Anne ROBINS [6730]

The Narracan Shire Advocate and Yallourn Brown Coal Mine, Walhalla and Thorpdale Lines Echo (Moe, Vic. : 1923 - 1943) Fri 20 Sep 1940 Page 3
The marriage of Thelma, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Chinnock, of Ararat, to Walter, youngest son of Mrs. S. J. Robins, of Erica (formerly of Moe), was celebrated at the Church .of England, corner of Dandenong and Warrigal Roads, Oakleigh," on Saturday, September 7. Rev. Thomas Garr performed the ceremony.

Mr. Chinnock gave his daughter away. Her ivory satin frock had a lace yolk, and the long sleeves had pointed lace-tops. The bodice had satin buttons down the front, and the fully-flared skirt fell into a pointed train. The finger-tip length tulle veil was caught to the head with a wreath of orange blossom, and a bouquet of pink rhododendrons was carried.

The bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy Chinnock (sister of the bride, who made all the frocks), of Windsor, and Miss Dorothy Edwards, of Hawthorn (a friend of the bride), who wore similar frocks of eau-de-nil taffetta, with matching shoulder-length tulle veils. Each carried a bouquet of red rhododendrons, and wore the bridegroom's gift - pendants set with their respective birth-stones, pearl and amethyst.

Mr. Eric Gaul, of Yallourn, was best man, and Mr. Bert Robins (brother of the 'groom) was groomsman.

The reception, held in the Parish Hall, was presided over by Mr. Robbins ( a relative of the bride). The bride's * mother favored a navy costume, with matching accessories. Several telegrams were read, and the usual toasts honored. The beautiful two-tiered wedding-cake was made by the bride's brother, Frank.

When leading for the honeymoon, which was spent at Healesville, the bride wore a blue suit, with navy accessories. The bridegroom's gift to her was a navy, expanding suit-case, and hers to him a chrome wrist .watch.
Mr. and Mrs. Robins' future residence will be at Morgan's Mill, Erica. Many valuable presents were received.

picture Walter Lomas ROBINS [6738]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1886 - Taradale, Vic, Australia 9

         Father: Walter ROBINS [3525] (1859-1929) 
         Mother: Mary RITCHIE [3526] (1860-      ) 

possible death NSW

picture William ROBINS [12769]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1923
          Death: 12 Apr 1996 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia ( aged about 73)
         Burial: Apr 1996 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia

         Father: William George ROBINS [6678] (1894-1958) 
         Mother: Rose Alma SAUNDERS [6682] (1900-1986) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Helen Eliza JEFFERSON [12770]

1. Ian
2. Peter
3. Graeme
4. Brian

picture William George ROBINS [6740]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1894 - Echuca, Vic, Australia 9
          Death: 1971 - Newcastle, NSW, Australia ( at age 77) 7514

         Father: Walter ROBINS [3525] (1859-1929) 
         Mother: Mary RITCHIE [3526] (1860-      ) 

William George ROBINS [6678]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 31 Jan 1894 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia 9
          Death: 19 Nov 1958 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia ( at age 64) 9
         Burial: Nov 1958 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia

         Father: William Patrick Pask ROBINS [3523] (1855-1894) 
         Mother: Mary Jane MEWBURN [3524] (1870-1897) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Rose Alma SAUNDERS [6682] (Oct 1900 - 28 Jul 1986)
       Marriage: 1921 - , Victoria, Australia 7515
                1. William ROBINS [12769] (Abt 1923-1996)
                2. Ronald William ROBINS  6011 [9442] (Abt 1926-1978)
                3. Annette Elizabeth ROBINS  3688 [9443] (Abt 1927-      )

William Patrick Pask ROBINS [3523]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1855 - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 7516
          Death: 21 Sep 1894 - Hopetoun, Vic, Australia ( at age 39) 7517

         Father: George ROBINS [1301] (1832-1879) 
         Mother: Susanne PASKE [1300] (1826-1901) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Jane MEWBURN [3524] (1870 - 1897)
       Marriage: 1887
                1. Myrtle Olive ROBINS [6676] (1888-1955)
                2. Violet Avis Royal ROBINS [6677] (1889-1952)
                3. William George ROBINS [6678] (1894-1958)

Renee (1881 SA -1960) (possible child only mothers name is Frances Sampson )
Myrtle Olive (1888-1955) (m. Johann Alfred (Jack) PRAETZ)
Violet Avie Royal (1889-1952) (m. Henry Harry OVERALL)
William George (1894-1958) (m Rose Alma Saunders)

Table Talk (Melbourne, Vic. : 1885 - 1939) Friday 11 October 1895 page 16
Wills and Bequests
WILLIAM Parsk Robins, of Hopetoun, farmer, by his will dated September 21, 1894. and presented for probate by Mr. H. W. Oakley, of Hopetoun, solicitor, appointed his wife, Mary Jane Robins, sole executrix, and bequeathed to her the whole of his estate. Testator died September 21, 1894, and the estate is sworn at .£1111 personal; no real estate

picture Alice ROBINSON [11743]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 

Spouses and Children
1. *John FIELD [4239] (29 Mar 1724 -       ) 7 
       Marriage: 14 Jul 1743 3948

Catherine ROBINSON [12200]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1821
          Death: 10 Oct 1903 - Saint Kilda, Victoria, Australia ( aged about 82) 7518

Spouses and Children
1. *William EBBLEWHITE [9274] (       - Bef 1867)
                1. Mary Ann EBBLEWHITE  3660 [11863] (Abt 1847-1928)
                2. William Edward EBBLEWHITE [9276] (1849-1913)

The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946) Sat 17 Oct 1903 Page 59
The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Mon 12 Oct 1903 Page 1
Family Notices
Family Notices
EBBLEWHITE- On the 11th October, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. R. G. M'Cutcheon, "Tarella," Chapel-street, St. Kilda, Catherine Ebblewhite, formerly of Manchester, England, aged 82.

picture Daisy Margaret ROBINSON [7572]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1890 1317

Spouses and Children
1. *Thomas William WRIGHT [7564] (Jun Q 1880 - 1942)
       Marriage: 14 Oct 1911 - Maidenhead, Berkshire, England 1317
                1. Thomas William Oliver WRIGHT [7573] (1910-1944)
                2. Robert Owen Percy WRIGHT [7574] (1912-1914)
                3. Ronald Ralph WRIGHT [7575] (1927-2008)

Edward W ROBINSON [13600]

      Sex: M

Spouses and Children
1. *Minnie E S ELMER [13595] (Jun 1920 - Mar 1996)

Elizabeth Jane ROBINSON [3180]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 13 Jan 1883 - Labertouche, Vic, Australia

Spouses and Children
1. *Robert REMINGTON [3179] (27 Oct 1868 - 21 May 1920)
       Marriage: 16 May 1900 - Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia

Elsie Muriel ROBINSON [3233]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 24 Jan 1900 - Saint  Arnaud, Vic, Australia
          Death: 7 Feb 1996 -  ( at age 96)
         Burial: 12 Feb 1996 - Fawkner, Victoria, Australia 4782


1. Residence: 98 Severn Street, 1980, Yarraville, Vic, Australia.

Spouses and Children
1. *William Isaac Peter PETTMAN [1539] (1895 - 1953)
       Marriage: 28 Mar 1932 - Fitzroy, Vic, Australia

Gillian B ROBINSON [14009]

      Sex: F

Spouses and Children
1. *Peter J CHOWN [14006]

Iris Marion ROBINSON [13053]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 11 Feb 1929 - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
          Death: 23 Feb 2012 - Box Hill, Vic, Australia ( at age 83)

         Father: William Wilfred ROBINSON [13052] (1906-1978) 
         Mother: Eileen Elsie McMILLAN [998] (1907-      ) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Maurice Joseph LOWE [13054] (30 May 1930 - 9 Jan 2014)
                1. Maree LOWE [13055]

Jane A ROBINSON [13844]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1878

Spouses and Children
1. CROSSLEY [13845]

2. *Harry PLUM [13365] (21 Feb 1879 - Dec 1958)
       Marriage: 15 Apr 1922 - Keighley, Yorkshire, England

Joseph ROBINSON [13536]

      Sex: M

Spouses and Children
1. *Elizabeth ROGERS [13145] (1849 - 1926)
                1. Annie Robinson ROGERS EYTE  7519 [13413] (1868-1945)

Lesley Maud ROBINSON [12646]

      Sex: F

Spouses and Children
1. *Clive Murray Osborne McCUTCHEON [12645] (1911 - 1996)

Mary ROBINSON [6233]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 

Spouses and Children
1. *William ALEXANDER [6232] (       -       )
                1. Jessie Isabelle ALEXANDER [2164] (1904-1975)

Shirley ROBINSON [7985]

      Sex: F

Spouses and Children
1. *Clemente Leonardo STELLA [7882] (19 Apr 1932 - 5 Aug 2017)
                1. Susan Marie STELLA [7986]
                2. Christine Ann STELLA [7987]
                3. Peter Michael STELLA [7988]
                4. Lynley Isobel STELLA [7989]
                5. Rachel Shirley STELLA [7990]
                6. Lisa Catherine May STELLA [7991]

William Wilfred ROBINSON [13052]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1906 - Rutherglen, Vic, Australia
          Death: 1978 -  ( at age 72)

Spouses and Children
1. *Eileen Elsie McMILLAN [998] (1907 -       )
                1. Iris Marion ROBINSON [13053] (1929-2012)

Clive Henry ROBSON [7192]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 

Spouses and Children
1. *May HOLMAN [7191] (1905 - 1990)
       Marriage: 1925 - , Victoria, Australia 5129

Dale ROBSON [7141]

      Sex: M

Spouses and Children
1. *Bernadette PREST [7142]
                1. Kirstin ROBSON [7140]

Kirstin ROBSON [7140]

      Sex: F

         Father: Dale ROBSON [7141] 
         Mother: Bernadette PREST [7142] 

Spouses and Children
1. *Gavin Noel SLADE [1196]
                1. Lindsay SLADE [7143]
                2. Addison SLADE [7144]
                3. Patrick Dale SLADE [7145]

Laura ROBSON [5558]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1829
          Death: 3 Jan 1874 - , Durham, England ( at age 45) 73

Spouses and Children
1. *Henry Thomas ALLEN [5557] (1832 - 1886)
       Marriage: Abt 1860 73
                1. Henry ALLEN [5549] (1869-1945)

Eileen Gertrude ROCHE [9496]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1898
          Death: 1971 - Parkville, Vic, Australia ( aged about 73)

Spouses and Children
1. *Walter SWINDON [9485] (1887 - 1955)
       Marriage: 1916 - , Victoria, Australia 7520
                1. Jack SWINDON [9497] (      -1985)
                2. Peggy Marie SWINDON [9498] (1917-1918)

Elizabeth ROCHE [3358]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1871 - Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia 7521
          Death: 27 Feb 1946 - Lismore, NSW, Australia ( at age 75) 2097,7522
         Burial: in Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia

Spouses and Children
1. *William DAWES 3 [1831] (27 Aug 1883 - 26 Mar 1962)
       Marriage: 1906 - Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia 3429
                1. Mary Elizabeth DAWES [4973] (1907-1979)
                2. Edmond William DAWES [4975] (1908-1999)
                3. Vincent Patrick DAWES [4976] (1913-1982)
                4. Kevin Joseph DAWES [4977] (1915-1980)

Alice Christina RODDA [3906]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1898 - Yandoit, Vic, Australia 7523
          Death: 1973 - Maldon, Vic, Australia ( at age 75) 7524

         Father: John RODDA [3883] (1862-1926) 
         Mother: Margaret CUSACK [3882] (1862-1921) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Henry James Frederick TATT [3908] (1899 - 4 Aug 1965)
       Marriage: 1922 7525

Edwin John RODDA [4026]

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1908 - Newstead, Vic, Australia 7526
          Death: 19 Sep 1990 - , Victoria, Australia ( at age 82) 7527

         Father: John RODDA [3883] (1862-1926) 
         Mother: Margaret CUSACK [3882] (1862-1921) 

Spouses and Children
1. *Annie Adams SARTORI [11592] (21 Jan 1911 - 22 Oct 2004) 7527 
       Marriage: 1936 - , Victoria, Australia 7527

Elizabeth RODDA [7170]

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1809 - Gwinear, Cornwall, England
          Death: 1895 - Redruth, Cornwall, England ( at age 86)

Spouses and Children
1. *William HOLMAN [7169] (1805 - 1879)
       Marriage: 29 Apr 1828 - Gwinear, Cornwall, England 5136
                1. William HOLMAN [7201] (1835-1866)
                2. Edward HOLMAN [3945] (1841-1885)
                3. Thomas Henry HOLMAN  2406 [7199] (1849-1935)

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