Helena Maria BONHAM [6136]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Mar Q 1850 - Toxteth, Lancashire, England 1433 Christening: Death: Jun Q 1916 - Birkenhead, Cheshire, England ( at age 66) 1468 Burial:Events
1. Residence: 1851, Toxteth, Lancashire, England. living with Morgan, Frances (Bonhm) & Maria McDonnell, John & Matilda Bonham, Hannah Bonham & Margaret Bonham, and Anna Bonham and servant Sarah Johnson.
2. Residence: 2 Elm Road, 1901, Tranmere, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England. occupation, forewoman in drapery store. Matilda Bonham living with Maria H. Jenkins.
3. Residence: 1 Tower Hill, Higher, 1911, Tranmere, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England. Occupation forewoman drapery workroom.
Father: John BONHAM [3446] (1822- ) Mother: Matilda Scott HAMILTON [3447] (Abt 1829-Bef 1911)
Spouses and Children
1. *Alfred JENKINS [6146] ( - Bef 1891) 1433 Marriage: Dec 1881 - Toxteth, Lancashire, England 1433 Status:Hugh Hamilton BONHAM [6145]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1898 - Birkenhead, Cheshire, England 1433 Christening: Death: Burial:Events
1. Military: World War 1 service numbers VX44158. and 127051.
Father: John Arthur Scott Hamilton BONHAM [6151] (1856-1921) Mother: Sarah Lowe DENNIS [6152] (1867-1950) 93
Hugh served in World War 1 in the South Wales Borderers, Gloucestershire Regiment. His Regimental number was 40035, 38458. It is likely that Hugh travelled to Canada between 1919 and 1924.
James BONHAM [6137]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1853 - Toxteth, Lancashire, England 1433 Christening: Death: Jun Q 1864 - West Derby, Lancashire, England ( aged about 11) 93 Burial:
Father: John BONHAM [3446] (1822- ) Mother: Matilda Scott HAMILTON [3447] (Abt 1829-Bef 1911)James Albert John BONHAM [4246]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 14 Jan 1901 - Sydney, NSW, Australia 1469 Christening: Death: 24 Jun 1976 - Brisbane, Qld, Australia ( at age 75) 1470 Burial: in Brisbane, Qld, Australia 1471
Father: James John BONHAM [3391] (1863-1956) Mother: Mabel Emily LUCAS BLACK [4054] (1869-1956)
Spouses and Children
1. *Ivy SANDALL [4247] (23 Dec 1906 - 21 Dec 1987) Marriage: 1936 - Brisbane, Qld, Australia 1015,1472 Status: Children: 1. Mary BONHAM [4433]
The Daily Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1903 - 1926) Fri 14 Jan 1921 Page 5 Bound Over.
Bound Over.
James Albert John Bonham, aged 20 years, a labourer, who pleaded guilty before Mr H. L. Archdall, C.P.M., in the City Police Court, yesterday to having stolen a gold-mounted pipe, valued at £1 5s, the property of Jack Jesson, was bound over in the sum of £10, to come up for judgment if called upon within six months.
James John BONHAM [1276]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 20 Nov 1821 - Kingstown, County Dublin, Ireland Christening: Death: 12 Aug 1888 - Richmond, Victoria, Australia ( at age 66) 1473 Burial: 14 Aug 1888 - Booroondara, Vic, Australia 1474Events
1. Residence: 1841, Toxteth, Lancashire, England. occupation joiner.
Father: Edward BONHAM [1311] (Abt 1786-1859) Mother: Ann MOHALEM [1310] (Abt 1790- )
Spouses and Children
1. Anne McDONNELL [1312] (Abt 1826 - 25 Apr 1860) Marriage: 22 Feb 1846 - Southwark, Surrey, England 1475,1476 Status: Children: 1. Emily BONHAM [3387] (1852-1859) 2. Eliosa BONHAM [3388] (1854-1861) 3. James Norbert BONHAM [3389] (1856-1858) 2. *Mary Agnes JONES [1275] (1 Apr 1834 - 25 Nov 1899) Marriage: 6 Nov 1860 - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 1477,1478 Status: Children: 1. Mary Agnes Cecilia BONHAM [3390] (1861-1941) 2. James John BONHAM [3391] (1863-1956) 3. Anne Isabella BONHAM [3392] (1864-1944) 4. Margaret Angela BONHAM [3394] (1866-1922) 5. Edward Joseph BONHAM [3396] (1867-1942) 6. Teresa Ignatius BONHAM 1479 [3398] (1870-Bef 1941) 7. John Stanislaus BONHAM [1272] (1871-1955) 8. Francis Phillip BONHAM [3399] (1873-1943)
James Bonham married Anne McDonnell at the Belgian Chapel (RC), in the district of St George the Martyr, Southwark, Surrey, in 1846. Their address at the time was given as 65 Wickham Street, Southwark. They were both said to be full age. On the marriage certificate, James' father Edward, was said to be a carpenter, and Anne's father Michael, was said to be a gardener. Witnesses to the marriage were Rachel Reif (?) and John O'Connor.
The family arrived in South Australia on the "Ascendant" in 1849 and spent 20 months in South Australia before travelling to Victoria.
After Anne's death, James married Mary Agnes Jones. The witnesses to the marriage were Bridget Conway and John Bonham. It is assumed that John Bonham was James' brother John, I have been unable to find a death in England of John and it is possible that he died in Australia.
The Melbourne Argus, 30 September 1851
............ September, 29.-Blundell barque, 570 tons,
Charles Rennard commander, from London, via Adelaide, 24th, inst., in ballast. Passengers G E Adcock, wife and family, Thomas Baggs, and wife, A Ballantyne, wife and family, W Butt, wife and family, E Bance, wife and family, Ruth Bunn, William Bean, J Burvill, George Charlotte, and Lydia Cakebread, James Cockerell, William Coupland, James Clarke, Sarah Coleman, J W and C A and Anna Cockerell, S Franklin, W Fraser, Mary Fisher, E Fritton, W Gordon and wife, H Glenie, wife and child, W George and wife, Constance Goode, Harriette Gatehouse Augustus Gardner, Margaret Cray, and family, Jemima Grant, Wm Hobbs, Jessie and Mary Headie, B Head and wife, J Harrison, wife and family, John Hardiman wife and family, John Howden, wife and family, Louis Heady, Geor- giana Hewett, Josh Harwood, B Joy, wife and family, Sarah Jackson, John Knight and wife, Eliz Le Brun, H Legatt, H Minton and wife, W Millington, wife and family, Jos M'Donald, wife and family, Jas Norman, wife and family, Fanny Nicholls, Thos Oakford, wife and family, D Price, W. Pedlar, John Reid, wife and family, Charles Risely and wife, C Rossiter, Thomas Roberts, Charles Rowe and wife, T Luiheski and wife, R Shillitoe, wife and family, Sarah Sparrow, E Smith, James Sellar, John Townes, wife and family. Charles Tull, wife and family, E Thorn, Anne Tindselle, Harriette Tanner, James Whyte mid wife, Josh Whiting, wife and family, John Wilmott, wife and family, James Willoughby wife and family, W Wright, Harriette Warner, Sarah Walker, John and Eliza Young, William Wecking, wife and family. Passengers shipped at Adelaide- Mrs Walton, T Stainbry, James Bonham, M Bonham, T and S Brooke, M A Staples, E Healand, Ellen O'Marrz, Mrs Wilson, John Hodges, wife and family, A Anderson, wife and child, Robert Benson. Dalgety, Gere and Co., Agents........................
The Melbourne Argus 11 March 1853 page 1
MR. THOMAS BEADNALL.-There is a letter for you, at the Post-office, Bendigo. Please communicate with James Bonham, care of Mr. Elsie s, Great Brunswick Street Collingwood. 2402!)
The Melbourne Argus 15 February 1858 page 8 and 18 February 1858 page 8
TO WATER-CARTERS-TENDERS WANTED, WATER to new buildings. James Bonham Jolimont, FltzRoy-square-162
The Melbourne Argus 14 Jun 1858 page 8
PLASTERERS.-TENDERS WANTED, for PLASTERING a house. Labor only. Apply to James Bonham, Jolimont, Fitzroy-square. 60
TO FENCERS.-TENDERS WANTED, for FENCING. Apply James Bonham, Jolimont, south of Fitzroy-square. 40
The Argus Melbourne, Tuesday 24 August 1858 page 8 and Wednesday 25 August 1858 page 10
JOLIMONT-SQUARE - BUILDING ALLOTMENTS for SALE. Apply to James Bonham,on the ground ; or Wellington-street, Collingwood.
The Melbourne Argus 4 October 1858 page 7
Apply to James Bonham, Jolimont, south of Fitzroy-square.
Many such advertisements appear over a long period of time seeking, painters, glazers, blacksmiths, slaters, and many other trades including bellhangers and Includes an advertisement seeking painters to paint the roof of St Ignatius Church in Richmond. In 1882 he advertised for carpenters and joiners to work at the Ladies College in Kew,
Ann died in 1860 of consumption and James married the governess of his children, Mary Agnes Jones in 1860. They lived at 35 Catherine Street, Richmond when the children were born and James occupation was listed as government servant on their marriage certificate.
James Bonham was a builder who worked on The Toorak Presbyterian Church in 1873, the transept of the St Ignatius Catholic Church in Richmond between 1885-1888, the Hawthorn (Glenferrie Road) State school in 1877, and the Methodist Ladies College, 1882, among other Melbourne buildings. There is a photo of the entrance to the former Congregational Church in Black Street, Brighton. Designed by Charles Webb and built by James Bonham in 1875 on the NLA Website.
The Argus Melbourne Thursday 10 March 1870 page 5
In the case of Budd v. Bonham, heard yesterday at the County Court, the plaintiff sought to recover £49 19s for alleged negligence on the part of the defendant, whereby the plaintiff sustained a serious accident. Budd had been employed by the defendant to paint a portion of the interior of the new Roman Catholic Church at Richmond. Owing to some defect in one of the "putlocks" supporting the scaffolding on which the workmen were standing the platform gave way, and the plaintiff was precipitated from a considerable height to the ground, and was very severely injured. From evidence given, it would seem that when the scaffolding was in course of erection, one of the men engaged in the work pointed out to the defendant the defect in the "putlock" but he was directed to place it and lay another beside it. This was done, and for a time the scaffold was quite secure. It was evident however, that the sound putlock was removed by some one inadvertently, and thus occasioned the accident. Mr Quinlan appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr Duigan for the defendant. The latter submitted that there was no case to go to a jury for negligence, the plaintiff having, as was proved, taken all reasonable care and precaution in the erection of the scaffold. His Honour held that there was a case for the jury. After some discussion the further hearing of the suit was postponed until Friday morning.
The Illustrated Australian News for Home Readers (Melbourne) Monday 14 Jun 1875 page 83
..................The foundation stone of the Toorak Presbyterian Church was laid on May 24th, in the presence of a considerable number of people. Up to the present time the denomination have had no place of worship in that neighborhood, and in September, 1873, took the first step towards supplying the want. A suitable site could not be procured until November, 1874, when Mr. J. MacBain, M.L.A., purchased the site for £780 upon which the church is to be erected, and presented it to those who were forming the new congregation. A committee was then appointed, and subscriptions to the amount of £3000 have already been obtained towards the cost of erecting the church. The plot of ground secured is in a very eligible position on the Toorak-road, a short distance beyond the late vice-regal residence. Messrs. Reed and Barnes are the architects for the building, and have furnished a very handsome design, the style being early English, cruciform in plan, the nave being 72 feet by 28 feet, and the side aisles 6O feet wide, divided from the nave by piers, columns and arches. Accommodation is to be provided for 450 persons, and the total estimated cost is £5500. The portion now being built is the nave and side aisles as far as the transept. The tower will not at present be carried higher than the first story, 32 feet. This portion will afford sitting accommodation for 250 persons. The contract for these works has been taken by Mr. James Bonham for £2648. At the ceremony on the 24th May, the Rev.D.S. McEachran read a portion of Scripture, and a short address was given by the Rev. Dr. Cairns. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Macdonald; and Mr. Jas Kirkland, the secretary of the church committee, stated what steps had been taken, from the first meeting in September, 1873, to the present time, for the formation of a new church in Toorak, He also stated what documents were to be placed beneath the foundation stone. Mr. Thos. Bailey then presented a silver trowel to Mr. W.Boyles, M.L.A., who then proceeded to lay the foundation-stone and said he was sure all those present would wish that the church of which they were laying the foundation-stone would be the means of advancing the Christian cause, and he regretted that Mr. Jas. MacBain, who had so liberally given them the site, as well as a handsome subscription, for the new church, was absent. They were aware that Mr. MacBain had also undertaken to select a minister for the church, and he was sure all present would hope that a suitable gentle man might be selected, for if that were done a large congregation would be gathered in the church they were about to erect. He thanked those present for their attendance, and asked them all to join, in wishing prosperity to the Toorak Presbyterian Church. Dr. Bromby, on being called on, expressed his sympathy with the ceremony he had witnessed. The proceedings then terminated.
The Melbourne Argus 28 March 1876 page 1
LOST, CERTIFICATE of TITLE to James Bonham, Vol. 884, fol. 166,680, dated February 15, 1876. Reward on returning same to W. S. Woolcott, solicitor, 30 Queen Street, Melbourne.
The Melbourne Argus 17 May 1876 page 8
TRANSFER of LAND STATUTE.-Notice Is hereby given, that pursuant to the direction of the Commissioner of Titles in this behalf, it Is Intended, at the expiration of fourteen days from the insertion of this advertisement In the Melbourne "Argus" news paper, to issue to JAMES BONHAM, of Catherine street, Richmond, contractor, a special certificate of title to the land described below, the duplicate certificate having, as is alleged, been lost;-
Crown Allotment 40B, Section A, parish of Wannacue, county of Morning ton.
Assistant Registrar of Titles.
The Melbourne Argus Friday 19 Jan 1877 page 5
To The Correspondents
A pretty little structure, to be used as a state school, is in course of erection in the Manning-tree road, off Glenferrie .road, Hawthorn. It is a building of one story, and has a frontage to Manningtree-road of 83ft., and is expected to be completed and ready for occupation early in the month of March next It contains three schoolrooms, two measuring 50ft. x 20ft, and the other 30ft x 20ft, and a classroom 22ft x 20ft The height of the rooms from floor to ceiling is 19ft 6in. The ceilings are boarded and varnished, and provision has been made to secure proper ventilation. The ground on which the school stands is spacious, its dimensions being 396ft x 132ft, and from it there is an excellent view. The style of architecture of the building is Gothic, and its materials brick, with freestone and white brick facings. It is intended to give accommodation to 300 children. Mr. James Bonham is the contractor for the building, and the amount of his contract is £2,100.
The Melbourne Argus, Thursday 22 March 1877 page 5
To the Correspondent
The fourth annual distribution of prizes of the South Richmond School of Design was held at the Forester's-hall, Swan-Street, last evening. Judge Pohlman was in the chair. The report showed that there were 67 members on the roll, the average attendance being about 5O. The adoption of the report was moved by Mr, Bosisto, M.L A., and seconded by Mr. S, V. Winter, and agreed to. The prizes were then distributed, the principal prize-takers being Edward Dobbs, Alfred Robin, Mary Bonham, James Bonham, Alice Holland, Annie Sparing, Ernest Nutt, Ernest Allman, Samuel Brychall, Sarah Foubister, Arthur Scott, Theodore Dawey, Christopher Hansen, Septima Ballard, Herman Allman, Emily Allman, Samuel Mole, Julia Holland, and Henry Hutchinson.
The Argus Melbourne Saturday 10 April 1880 page 9
Law report
Supreme Court
Bonham (appellant) Brophy (respondent)
appeal from the County Court, Melbourne
Mr. M.A. MacDonnell for the appellant, Mr. Hodges for respondent.
The plaintiff, Hugh Francis Brophy, sued the defendant James Bonham for breach of an agreement by which the plaintiff was to build for the defendant a staircase upon certain premises occupied by the National Bank at Prahran, for £50. The plaintiff alleged that the defendant would not permit him to complete the contract. Plaintiff also sued for work and labour done and materials supplied. Evidence was given that the defendant was the contractor for the erection of a building for the National Bank at Prahran. The plaintiff made an offer to erect the staircase on certain terms that were not accepted, and he made another offer July 24 1879-"I hereby agree to prepare and erect a stairs at the National Bank, Prahran, finding all labour and materials except blackwood newell, rough brackets, and carriages and base mouldings; I also agree to lay landings, Mr. Bonham finding materials for same for £50 sterling." After the staircase had been partially built some disputes arose, and a correspondence extending over a couple of months took place. Eventually the defendant removed so much of the stairs as had been erected, alleging that they were not according to specification, and that the architect objected to them. At the trial evidence was tendered for the defendant to prove that plaintiff before his offer was accepted, verbally agreed to do the work to the satisfaction of the architect. This evidence was objected to and rejected. The judge gave a verdict for plaintiff for the amount of £49 19s, with costs, and the defendant appealed on the ground that the judge had improperly rejected the evidence tendered, to show the terms on which the plaintiff's offer had been accepted.
Mr MacDonnell, for the appellant, contended that the evidence was improperly rejected. As a rule, of course verbal evidence could not be received to vary a written contract, or if an offer made was accepted simpliciter, verbal evidence could not be allowed to introduce a new term into the offer. But here the evidence was offered to show the conditions on which the offer of a plaintiff was accepted. He Cited ..................... [various examples of previous cases].
Mr Hodges contended that the contract was contained in the plaintiff's proposal and that no verbal evidence should be adduced to alter it.
The COURT held that the evidence rejected was admissible. The plaintiff accepted the terms of the letter verbally. The defendant was at liberty to state what took place on the occasion of the contract being accepted; it was for the jury to say which side they believe.
The Argus Melbourne 17 June 1880 page 7
Law Report
Supreme Court
New Court House - Monday June 14
(Before his honour Mr. Justice Barry and Special Juries of six)
Brophy v. Bonham.
Mr Higinbotham and Mr. Hood for the plaintiff, Mr. Billing Q.C., and Mr MacDonnell for the defendant.
This is an action by James Bonham a carpenter, against H.F.Brophy, a contractor to recover the sum of £49 on a contract to erect a staircase, at the National Bank at Prahran. The defendant had a contract for building the bank, the work to be performed to the satisfaction of the architect. He entered into a sub-contract with Brophy to erect the staircase, and the plaintiff initialled all the items of the principal contract relating to the staircase, but did not initial that part of it relating to the work being done to the satisfaction of the architect. After Brophy had done the greater part of the work relating to the staircase, the architect objected to it, and Bonham had to comply with his requirements in relation to it. The plaintiff refused to make any alterations, and he contended that the work was done in accordance with the specifications. Plaintiff thereupon refused to pay him, and the sub-contract was stopped. The case was originally tried in the County Court, when a verdict was given for the plaintiff, but on appeal to the Supreme Court a new trial was ordered on the ground that certain evidence tendered for the defendant had been improperly rejected.
The jury, after deliberating about three quarters of an hour returned a verdict for the plaintiff, damages £25.
The Argus Melbourne Monday 16 July 1883 page 8
Casualties and offences
On Wednesday last, a man named Joseph Holmes, in the employ of Mr. Bonham, Contractor, Richmond, had a very narrow escape from serious if not fatal injury. He was doing some repairs to the machinery, when his clothes caught on the shaft, and he was hurled round and round. Fortunately his clothes gave way, and he fell to the ground unhurt, except for the severe shock and a few bruises and scratches.
The Melbourne Argus Tuesday 25 April 1885 page 10 and
The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil (Melbourne) Saturday 6 May 1882 page 135
Some time ago we gave an engraving of this institution. We now quote from The Argus the following interesting description of the building and the institution as a whole : Undoubtedly the finest educational establishment of its kind in Australia is the Methodist Ladies' College, now in course of erection at Hawthorn, and rapidly approaching completion. From an architectural point of view, the edifice is an extremely handsome one, but while its magnitude and completeness make it a handsome and substantial proof of the energy and liberality of the denomination through whose influence it has sprung into existence, the special object for which it was founded renders it still more worthy of notice. Some time ago the authorities of the Methodist denomination, finding that the institution already established by them for the education of ladies failed to meet the requirements of the body, decided to erect something worthy of being called a ladies' college. After mature consideration they wisely determined to keep pace with modern improvement, and indulge the tendency existing towards the spread of religious tolerance and a reciprocal spirit between the various denominations by establishing a college, not only for the education of ladies attached to their own denomination, but for those of all other sects who might desire to avail themselves of the special advantages they had decided to offer. Accordingly it was agreed that while in order to give a guarantee of the character and management of the institution its president should always be a Methodist clergyman, the system of education adopted should be scriptural and modern, but not denominational. The desire, in short, was to found in the interests of high-class Christian education an establishment which might provide for girls the benefits which the numerous collegiate schools of the colony offer to boys. The college is accordingly being built, fitted, and furnished, without regard to commercial principles, and solely with the desire of furthering the object held in view from the commencement. Another, and a very important feature in the college is an idea borrowed from similar institutions in America, viz., the establishment of a department for training girls, no only in the arts of refined domestic life, but qualifying them for the pursuits which are now opening up for the sex in so many different directions. The result of this new departure is an institution combining the discipline and work of a college with the genial atmosphere and comfort of a home. As regards the building and its surroundings, the site chosen for its erection is a gently sloping area, bounded on one side by the Glenferrie-road, and on the other by Parker-street. The building occupies a commanding position on the upper portion of the slope, and from the balcony in front a beautiful view is obtained of the whole of the picturesque suburb of Hawthorn, which appears doubly attractive as seen from this eminence. Away on the right the summits of the more lofty spires and towers of the metropolis catch the eye, together with the shipping at Sandridge and Williamstown, and a fine stretch of the waters of the bay right down to Arthur's Seat. The large space in front of the building will be laid out according to a design already chosen, and planted with ornamental flowers and shrubs, the situation affording ample scope for the talents of the landscape gardener. To the right of the building, and on the upper end of the grounds, a portion of land has been levelled and laid out in several lawns for tennis and croquet. The position is a very healthy one, affording excellent opportunities for a thorough system of drainage, and as far as health considerations are concerned could not be surpassed. The completed design of the building shows a handsome edifice, the estimated cost of construction of which is about £20.000. It is being built in sections, the left wing and principal tower not being included in the present structure, but these will subsequently be erected as required. When complete the building may be entered from two points, the present front entrance beneath the smaller tower and the main entrance at the larger tower on the left wing. This large tower will, when erected, contain the principal architectural points of beauty in the building. The college is well lighted by a number of large double windows in front and at either end. As regards the interior everything has been designed with a view to comfort and carried out in a complete manner. Immediately to the right on entering and passing through the reception hall, the president's suite of rooms is situated, these being in the front portion of the building, and faced on the opposite side by the music rooms. To the left of the present main entrance a door opens into the large schoolroom, a lofty, well ventilated and lighted chamber, the area being 45ft. s: 30ft. It is provided with the most modern improvements, a system of electric bells being the chief feature. The main schoolroom is connected with a suite of class rooms in the rear by doors opening into each, these, with the schoolroom, occupying the whole of the right wing. On the opposite side of the passage, running from the main entrance to the rear, and behind the president's apartments and the music rooms, a large open space is being converted into a conservatory, with a fountain in the centre. On the first floor and immediately above the schoolroom, the largest dormitory, a very handsome chamber of the same area as the room below, but ornamented by a handsome ecclesiastical roof instead of the ordinary ceiling, is situated. It is flanked by smaller dormitories and a fine suite of bathrooms fitted with handsome and valuable enamelled baths, these being a modern specialty. On the opposite wing the private apartments of the teaching staff of the college are fixed. The second floor, or dormitory story, consists of part of the smaller tower and an abutment to right of the entrance, and has been converted into a double suite of dormitories, from the windows of which a magnificent view is obtained for many miles in a southerly direction. This floor has also a complete system of bathrooms. The scholars' entrance to the portion of the building already described is by an asphalted pathway fronting the recreation grounds and dining-.hall. What may be called the domestic part of the establishment is a wooden building at the rear of the left wing, and invisible from the front. The main feature of this part of the institution is the spacious dining-hall, 40ft. x 25ft., at one end of which the college library, the gift of a number of gentlemen interested in the welfare of the institution, is placed. This portion of the building also contains the storeroom, kitchen, pantries, and other similar apartments, which, though less interesting than the main portion of the building, all serve to show the elaborate manner in which everything connected with the establishment has been carried out. In order to render the institution independent of the failure or deterioration in quality of the Yan Yean water, provision has been made for storing all the water coming from the roof of the building. The play-ground is shut out from view of the road, and also the yards at the back, by high picket fences, the grounds being enclosed by a similar structure. The cost of the portion of the building now being erected is £12,000, including the fittings and furniture, the latter being supplied by Messrs. Robertson and Moffat, who are carrying out their portion of the work in a very complete and elaborate style, while the main portion of the building is being pushed forward by the contractor, Mr. James Bonham, who has likewise performed his duties in a thorough manner. The Rev. W. H. Fitchett, B.A., the president of the college, has also worked energetically in hastening forward the completion of the building, and on the 1st of May students were formally enrolled, as on this date the second term for the year commenced. The opening of the college could have been conveniently postponed until a later date, but the necessities of tuition demanded that the building should be brought into immediate use, a large number of pupils having already entered at the college. The formal opening of the college will take place some time during the winter.
The Argus, Melbourne Monday 27 April 1885 page 9
........................ Up to the present time the sum of £1,175 9s 9d has been collected towards the cost of the extension of the church. Mr W. W. Wardell (of Messrs Wardell and Vernon) is architect, and the first contract for the foundations is let to Mr. Bonham, of Richmond.
The Melbourne Argus Tuesday 19 January 1886 page 7
Trade Society meetings
A largely attended meeting of masons was held at the Trades Hall last evening regarding the adoption of the increase in wages by the employers. It was announced that nearly the whole of the masters had conceded the demands of the operatives for 1s 4d per hour, ............................... The only master who was reported to have refused to give his employees the extra money was Mr. Bonham, St Ignatius' Church, Richmond............................
At the time of his death, James Bonham's occupation was given as Contractor. He had considerable assets at the time of his death the Probate documents estimate his assets as being worth £9,343.0.0 including land and personal assets. Persons entitled to a distribution of the Estate were Mary Agnes Bonham (widow) and children James John Joseph Bonham, Annie Isabella Bonham, Margaret Angela Bonham, Edward Joseph Bonham, Teresa Bonham, John Stanislaus Bonham and Frances Philip Bonham.
The solicitors who handled the estate were Duffy and William
The Melbourne Argus Monday 13 August 1888 page 1
BONHAM - on the 12th inst. at his residence, Catherine street Richmond, James J. Bonham, builder, aged 68 years R.I.P.
The Melbourne Argus, Friday 16 August 1888, page 12
IN THE ESTATE of JAMES JOHN BONHAM, late of Catherine Street, Richmond, in the Colony of Victoria, Deceased, Intestate.-All persons having CLAIMS against the estate of the abovenamed deceased are requested to SEND in PARTICULARS of same to Mary Agnes Bonham, to the care of Messrs. Duffy and Wilkinson,of ???Chancery-lane, Melbourne, solicitors for the said Mary Agnes Bonham, on or before Wednesday, the 22nd of August inst.
The Argus Melbourne Friday 26 October 1888 page 17
Equity Court
Thursday, Oct 25
First Nisi Prius Court
Before His Honour Mr, Justice A'Beckett.
Probates and letters of administration
Letters of administration were granted in the Estates of James John Bonham, £9,343 on the Motion of Mr Power:..................
The Argus Melbourne Tuesday 4 December 1888 page 10
Judicial and Law Notices
Statutory Notice to Creditors - James John Bonham . Deceased - pursuant to the provisions of the Statute of Trusts, 1864, notice is hereby given that all persons having any CLAIMS against the estate of James John Bonham, late of Catherine street, Richmond, in the colony of Victoria, contractor, deceased, intestate, letters of administration of whose estate were granted by the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria, in its Probate jurisdiction, to the National Trustees, Executors, and Agency Company of Australasia Limited, of number 117 Collins Street West, Melbourne, in the colony of Victoria (the said company having been duly authorised pursuant to Section 4 of the act of Parliament of Victoria Number 988, to take out letters of administration by Mary Agnes Bonham of Catherine Street Richmond aforesaid, the widow and person entitled by law to administer the estate of the said deceased. are hereby required to send in particulars of such claims to the said National Trustees, Executors, and Agency Company of Australasia Limited, at the office of the said company, number 117 Collins Street West, Melbourne, on or before the eighteenth day of December 1888. And notice is hereby given that after that day the said company will proceed to distribute the assets of the said James John Bonham, deceased, amongst the persons entitled thereof, having regard only to the claims of which it then shall have had notice; and the said company will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claims it shall not then have had notice.
Dated this 3rd day of December 1888
Duffy and Wilkinson, 69 Chancery Land Melbourne, solicitors for the said company.
A large advertisement appeared in the Melbourne Argus on Thursday 21 February 1889 on page 2 advising of a sale on Wednesday February 27th at 11 o'clock in the Estate of the Late James J Bonham selling land having a frontage to Gardiner Street back to Murphy street, together with plant equipment and buildings. This list is very detailed and includes timber, stone, stone cutting tools, and ironmongery, drays and horses and many other items. The advertisement states that after the sale of the main lots, the plant used in building the additions to St Ignatius' Church, Church Street Richmond and which can be inspected on the ground, would also be sold.
The Argus Melbourne Thursday 28 February 1889 page 9
Commercial Intelligence
Messrs. Gemmell, Tuckett, and Co. report having this day sold by auction, under instructions from the National Trustees, Executors, and Agency Company of Australasia Limited, the stock-in-trade and spare plant in the estate of the late J.J. Bonham, builder, Richmond. Satisfactory prices were realised.
The Melbourne Argus Tuesday 12 August 1889 page 1
In Memoriam
BONHAM - of your charity pray for the repose of the soul of James J. Bonham.
The Melbourne Argus, Wednesday 12 August 1891 page 1
In Memoriam
BONHAM.-In your charity pray for the repose of the SOUL of James John Bonham, who died 12th August, 1888.
The Argus Melbourne Saturday 10 October 1891 page 2
Sales by Auction
Wednesday, October 14
On the premises
at Eleven O'Clock
(North Side of the Bridge-Road)
To machinists, timber merchants, contractors and others.
GEMMELL,TUCKETT, and Co., 359 and 361 Collins Street, have received instructions from the NATIONAL TRUSTEES, EXECUTORS, and AGENCY COMPANY OF AUSTRALIA LIMITED, as administrators in the estate of James J. Bonham, contractor, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, as above,
All those pieces of land being Crown Allotments 6,7,9,10,11, of section 34p., at Richmond Parish of Jika Jika, county of Bourke, allotments 6,76,10 and 11 having a frontage of 288ft. 10 in. to
by a depth of 92ft. 4in. along
Lots 10 and 11 have a depth of 138ft. 7in. back to lot 9, which allotment has a frontage of 61ft. 4in. to
by an irregular depth of 126ft. 8in and 99ft. 7in.,
together with
Sawmill, Large Joinery shop, Storeroom,
Office and Stables
erected thereon.
The building consists of brick, stone, and wood with iron roof.
Ground Floor, 80ft x 43ft.
First Floor, 80ft x 28ft and 28ft by 20ft
The Machinery and plant are of the very best description,
consisting of
Horizontal steam engine, 12 h.p. nominal boiler, by Johnson & Co.
Chimney stack and boiler bed, brickwork
Belting, pullies, shafting
Saw-benches and trollies
Break-down frames, gang frames
Gang saws, frame saws, circular saws
Emery-machines, jig-saw benches, carpenters' benches
Travellers (patent block and chain)
Mortising-machines, moulding-machines
Sticking-machine, tennoning-machine
Turning lathe, augers, moulding cutters, mortise chisels, vice and drill, timber racks, large traveller
Large building, comprising mill floor, joiners' shops, storeroom, &c., built of brick and wood, and mostly roofed with G.C.iron.
Timber racks, travelling crane, stabling, and overhead hoisting gear.
The whole forming a most complete plant either for a contractor or timber merchant.
The whole of the above property and plant will be offered in one lot, and in case of no sale being effected the machinery and plant will be sold in lots to suit purchasers.
Terms and full particulars can be obtained from auctioneers.
The Melbourne Argus, 8 June 1892 page 2
At Two Clock On the Premises
Gardner street, Bridge road, RICHMOND
Estate of Late James Bonham, Esq
By Order of the National Trustees,executors, and
Agency Company limited
To Builders and Others
The whole of the extensive workshops, outbuildings, fences, balance of machinery, building material, &c .comprising two storied workshop chimney stack over 60ft high and engine bed 10 h p engine jig saw bench, vice bench, boring machines, drills grindstone, shafting blocks, stone, and miscellaneous material
No Reserve
The Bonham house at 17 Elm Street Richmond was built in 1872. The Yarra City Council recently undertook a heritage survey of the property which is available on line at the following address :-vhd.heritage.vic.gov.au/reports/report_place/88702
or search from the Victorian Heritage Database on http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
According to the back of a family photograph, Jim took a party of "government men" into the outback searching for Lasseters gold mine, this was most likely James John Bonham Jnr.
Family lore states that the sisters were nicknamed Annie, Nanny Cissy, and Tissy.
James John BONHAM [3391]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 14 Jan 1863 - Collingwood, VIC, Australia 1480 Christening: 15 Feb 1863 - East Melbourne, Vic, Australia Death: 24 Jun 1956 - , Queensland, Australia ( at age 93) 1481,1482 Burial:
Father: James John BONHAM [1276] (1821-1888) Mother: Mary Agnes JONES [1275] (1834-1899)
Spouses and Children
1. *Mabel Emily LUCAS BLACK [4054] (21 Jun 1869 - 26 Jul 1956) Marriage: 17 Jun 1914 - , Queensland, Australia 1483 Status: Children: 1. Arthur Julian BONHAM 1442 [4435] (1897-1971) 2. James Albert John BONHAM 1015 [4246] (1901-1976)
Handwritten notes of births passed down to myself on old diary pages dated 1888 state the following:-
Birth records
James John Bonham born Wednesday January 14 1863 at 10.10pm.
Baptized Sunday February 15 1863 at St Patricks Cathedral. Mr Fitzgerald being God Father and Mrs Fitzgerald being God Mother by proxy for Miss Jessie Jones Aunt of the child.
Jim Bonham had a patent on a dry battery. There is a photo of this apparatus, though the quality of the photo is poor. He also took a group of "government men" in search of Lassisters Reef (of which there are also photos), but the dates of these 2 events are not known.
James Norbert BONHAM [3389]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 15 Dec 1856 - Castlemaine, Vic, Australia 1484 Christening: 18 Jan 1857 Death: 18 Apr 1858 - Castlemaine, Vic, Australia ( at age 1) 1485 Burial: 21 Apr 1858 - Melbourne East, Vic, Australia
Father: James John BONHAM [1276] (1821-1888) Mother: Anne McDONNELL [1312] (Abt 1826-1860)
Handwritten notes of births passed down to myself which are probably pages torn from a family bible headed
The Children of James and Anne Bonham
James Norbet Bonham born at Forest Creek Monday December 15th 1856 at 8 1/2 am.
Baptized January 18th 1857 by Revd Dr Geoghan V.G. Williamstown James and Eloisa Pawlett being sponsors. Died April 18th 1858 of teething and congestion of the brain. Buried in the public Cemetery Melbourne April 21st 1858 age 16 months. The registers of these children can be seen at the Registrar Generals Office Melbourne.
Registered in the office at Castlemaine on Saturday January 24th 1857 a copy of which register can be seen at the Registrar Gen Office Melbourne Emily and Eleneza??? [Eloisa] were Registered it he Office Brunswick Street, Collingwood, Victoria
John BONHAM [3446]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1822 - , , Ireland Christening: 28 Apr 1822 - Kingstown, County Dublin, Ireland 1486 Death: Burial:Events
1. Residence: 1841, Toxteth, Lancashire, England. Occupation given as carpenter.
2. Residence: 27A James Place, 1851, Toxteth, Lancashire, England. Occupation shipwright.
Father: Edward BONHAM [1311] (Abt 1786-1859) Mother: Ann MOHALEM [1310] (Abt 1790- )
Spouses and Children
1. *Matilda Scott HAMILTON [3447] (Abt 1829 - Bef 1911) Marriage: 14 Nov 1847 - Toxteth, Lancashire, England 1433 Status: Children: 1. Helena Maria BONHAM [6136] (1850-1916) 2. James BONHAM [6137] (Abt 1853-1864) 3. John Arthur Scott Hamilton BONHAM [6151] (1856-1921) 4. Edith Matilda BONHAM [6139] (Abt 1859-1862)
I have been unable to find the whereabouts of John and Matilda in the 1861 Census and John in the 1871 and 1881 Census of England. In the 1881 census Matilda says she is the wife of a shipwright, but in the 1891 census she says she is a widow, so presumably John died somewhere between 1881 and 1891, however, I have not been able to find a death that corresponds.
The witness on the marriage of James John Bonham to Mary Agnes Jones in Melbourne in 1860 was John Bonham. It is possible that this is the same John Bonham. As most of the siblings came to Australia, I assume that John may have done so. I have been unable to find a death in England for John Bonham, despite the fact that John's wife calls herself a widow in 1891 census. I have found the death of a John in Melbourne in 1918, with parents and wife names unknown, however the age given on the death certificate would have made that John born approximately 1840. The death certificate states that John Bonham's address was 33 Barry Street, Carlton at the time of his death. Further research will be required to ascertain if this the correct John Bonham.
Another possibility is a John Bonham,
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tuesday 14 November 1916 page 6 <http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/page/393186
An old pioneer, Mr John Bonham -who landed in Victoria in 1854, died at Drysdale on Friday night
I have not been able to find a corresponding death in either the Victorian online death index, or on Ancestry.com.au.
I have obtained the death certificate of a John Bonham who died at Wentworth NSW in 1886. This John Bonham is said to have been 67 at his death, therefore born c. 1819. Unfortunately it gives no information on parents, or marriage. His occupation is given as farm labourer. Aug 2015
John Arthur Scott Hamilton BONHAM [6151]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Sep Q 1856 - Liverpool, Lancashire, England 93,1433 Christening: Death: 1921 - Birkenhead, Cheshire, England ( at age 65) 1433 Burial:Events
1. Residence: 160 Church Road, 1891, Tranmere, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England. occupation is given as clerk. Also living at this address is Sarah L Bonham, wife, Edith Bonham daughter 1, Matilda 56 mother widow and Helena Jenkins 36 sister widow.
2. Residence: 2 Elm Road, 1901, Tranmere, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England. Occupation ship builder timekeeper.
3. Residence: 1 Tower Hill Higher, 1911, Tranmere, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England. Boarding with his sister Helena Jenkins.
Occupation farm produce agent married for 21 years, 1 children born alive, 6 children still living.4. Residence: 1 Tower Hill, Higher, 1911, Tranmere, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England. Occupation farm produce agent married for 21 years, 1 children born alive, 6 children still living.
Father: John BONHAM [3446] (1822- ) Mother: Matilda Scott HAMILTON [3447] (Abt 1829-Bef 1911)
Spouses and Children
1. *Sarah Lowe DENNIS [6152] (Dec Q 1867 - Jun Q 1950) 93 Marriage: 1889 - Birkenhead, Cheshire, England 1433 Status: Children: 1. Edith Angela BONHAM [6141] (1890-1976) 2. Edward BONHAM [6142] (1891-1965) 3. George Francis BONHAM [6143] (1893-1971) 4. Adrian BONHAM [6155] (1895-1915) 5. Hugh Hamilton BONHAM [6145] (1898- ) 6. Marjorie BONHAM [6157] (Abt 1903- )
On the 8th of July 1878, Arthur Hamilton Bonham stood trial for embezzlement by a clerk but was found not guilty.
At the 1911, John was staying with his sister Helena. He is said to have been married for 21 years with 6 children living and 1 deceased.
John Stanislaus BONHAM [1272]
Sex: MAKA: John Stanislaus Clement BONHAM
Individual Information
Birth Date: 13 Nov 1871 - Richmond, Victoria, Australia 1487 Christening: 26 Nov 1871 - Richmond, Victoria, Australia Death: 21 Aug 1955 - Bribie Island, QLD, Australia ( at age 83) 1488,1489 Cremation: 23 Aug 1955 - Brisbane, Qld, AustraliaEvents
1. Residence: 340 Swan Street, 1914, Richmond, Victoria, Australia. His wife Kathleen is also registered at this address however, she had died the previous year. His occupation was labourer.
2. Residence: 185 Stawell Street, 1919, Richmond, Victoria, Australia. occupation - labourer.
3. Residence: 1924, Campbellfield, Vic, Australia. Occupation - builders labourer.
4. Residence: Nicholas & Watson Streets, 1931, Broadmeadows, Vic, Australia. Occupation - builders labourer.
5. Residence: 1936-1937, Inglewood, Vic, Australia. Occupation - miner.
6. Residence: 1942, Garfield, Vic, Australia. Occupation - nil.
7. Residence: 21 Hanover Street, 1949, Oakleigh, Vic, Australia. occupation - nil.
8. Residence: Fifth Avenue, 1954, Bribie Island, QLD, Australia.
Father: James John BONHAM [1276] (1821-1888) Mother: Mary Agnes JONES [1275] (1834-1899)
Spouses and Children
1. Kathleen Ellen DECIS ROGERSON [1323] (Abt 1875 - 14 Jan 1913) Marriage: 11 Aug 1906 - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 1490,1491 Status: 2. *Catherine Mary SLATER [1271] (16 Oct 1887 - 10 Jun 1976) Marriage: 4 Jul 1914 - Brunswick, Vic, Australia 1492 Status:
Handwritten notes of births passed down to myself on old diary (handwritten on back says pages from John's Diary) pages dated 1888/1889 state the following:-
Birth records
John Stanislaus Bonham was born at 35 Catherine Street Richmond, November 13 1871 at 10.55pm.
Baptized at St Ignatius Church Richmond on November 25, 1871. Mr Fitzgerald and Jessie Jones being God Father and God Mother (The latter being Aunt of the child)
A family story that has been handed down is that John was in Western Australia at the time of his mothers death. A message was sent to him and he began his journey home, but his motorcycle broke down and he suffered from heat exhaustion. He was found unconscious and was hospitalised, but was unable to return home before his mothers funeral took place. His sister was living in western Australia around the time of their mother's death.
John's occupation was carpenter.
His first wife Kathleen Rogerson drowned in the Maribyrniong River. An inquest was held into her death.
There are photos of John & Catherine who had a gold mine at Inglewood Victoria, but I have no information on dates. On the rear of the photo Catherine has written "our mine at Inglewood when flooded. John & Catherine Bonham."
John applied for a patent for "improvements in pumps" in 1902. At the time of this application his address was given as 79 Rowena Parade Richmond and his occupation was given as miner.
John was cremated in Brisbane.
Lola BONHAM [2109]
Sex: F
Father: Harold William Slater BONHAM [244] (1912-2002) 1460,1461,1462 Mother: Gladys Elsie WILSON [243] (1916-2006)
Spouses and Children
1. *Donald Francis LUNDBERG [2119] (3 May 1938 - 29 Apr 2015) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Karen Lynette LUNDBERG [2121] 2. Ian Donald LUNDBERG [2122] 3. Mark Andrew LUNDBERG [2123] (1963-2009) 4. Tanya Ann LUNDBERG [2124] 5. Private 2. Charles Smith McCULLOCH [2120]Margaret BONHAM [6135]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1813 - , , Ireland 1493 Christening: 27 Jun 1813 - Kingstown, County Dublin, Ireland 1494 Death: Sep 1892 - Birkenhead, Cheshire, England ( aged about 79) 1495 Burial:Events
1. Alt. Birth: 1813, Kingstown, County Dublin, Ireland.
2. Residence: 1841, Toxteth, Lancashire, England. Occupation servant.
Father: Edward BONHAM [1311] (Abt 1786-1859) Mother: Ann MOHALEM [1310] (Abt 1790- )Margaret Angela BONHAM [3394]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 6 Jan 1866 - Richmond, Victoria, Australia 1496 Christening: 11 Feb 1866 - Richmond, Victoria, Australia Death: 23 Oct 1922 - Richmond, Victoria, Australia ( at age 56) 1497 Burial:Events
1. Residence: 119 Swan Street, 1909, Richmond, Victoria, Australia. occupation Confectioner, husband Joseph Thomas of independent means living at the same address.
2. Residence: 172 Swan Street, 1914, Richmond, Victoria, Australia. occupation home duties, no mention of husband.
3. Residence: 121 Swan Street, 1919, Richmond, Victoria, Australia.
Father: James John BONHAM [1276] (1821-1888) Mother: Mary Agnes JONES [1275] (1834-1899)
Spouses and Children
1. *Joseph Thomas DUFFY [3395] (Abt 1863 - 30 May 1936) Marriage: 18 Dec 1896 - Richmond, Victoria, Australia 1498,1499 Status: Children: 1. Joseph James DUFFY [4060] (1901-1978) 2. Mary Agnes Bonham DUFFY [4061] (1905-1995)
Handwritten notes of births passed down to myself on old diary (handwritten on back says pages from John's Diary) pages dated 1888/1889 state the following:-
Birth records
Margaret Angela Bonham born at 35 Catherine Street Richmond, January 6 1866 at 12.30am.
Baptized at St James Church RIchmond Sunday February 11 1866 Mr Fitzgerald an Mrs Fitzgerald being sponsors.
Married at St Ignatius Church Richmond. The witnesses on the marriage certificate were Frank Bonham and Margaret Frances McDonnell.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Sat 2 Jan 1897 Page 1 Family Notices
DUFFY - BONHAM. - On the 18th December at St Ignatius R. C. Church, Richmond, by the Rev. James Kennedy, S.J., Joseph Thomas Duffy, youngest son of the late James Duffy, of Ballarat to Margaret Angela, third daughter of the late James Bonham, of Richmond, Victoria. No cards
The Argus Melbourne Saturday 11 May 1901 page 9
DUFFY (nee Bonham)-On the 3rd May, at Leigh Creek, Pine Avenue, Mildura, the wife of Joseph T Duffy of National Bank of Australia-a son.
The Argus Melbourne Saturday 11 February 1905 page 9
DUFFY (nee Bonham) on the 5th February, at "Leigh Creek" Pine Avenue, Mildura, the wife of Joseph T Duffy, of National Bank of Australia - a daughter.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957 Saturday 4 November 1922 Page 17
DUFFY. On the 23rd October, at 131 Swan street, Richmond, Margaret Angela, daughter of the late James and Agnes Bonham, Richmond, and mother of Joe and Agnes. R.I.P.
Advocate (Melbourne, Vic. : 1868 - 1954) Thu 2 Nov 1922 Page 25 Family Notices
DUFFY. - Of your charity pray for the repose of the soul of Margaret Angela Duffy, third daughter of the late James and Mary Agnes Bonham, of Richmond, and mother of Joe and Agnes, who died on 23rd Oct., 1922.
Marjorie BONHAM [6157]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1903 - , Cheshire, England 93 Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: John Arthur Scott Hamilton BONHAM [6151] (1856-1921) Mother: Sarah Lowe DENNIS [6152] (1867-1950) 93Mary BONHAM [4433]
Sex: F
Father: James Albert John BONHAM [4246] (1901-1976) 1015 Mother: Ivy SANDALL [4247] (1906-1987)
Spouses and Children
1. *O'BRIEN [4434]Mary Agnes Cecilia BONHAM [3390]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 17 Aug 1861 - Collingwood, VIC, Australia 1500 Christening: 22 Dec 1861 - East Melbourne, Vic, Australia Death: 1941 - Malvern, Vic, Australia ( at age 80) 1501 Burial:Events
1. Obituary: The Argus Newspaper, 1941, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Father: James John BONHAM [1276] (1821-1888) Mother: Mary Agnes JONES [1275] (1834-1899)
Handwritten notes of births passed down to myself on old diary pages dated 1888 state the following:-
Birth records
Mary Agnes Bonham was born at Collingwood on Saturday August 17. 1861 at 5.30pm.
Baptized Sunday December 22 1861 at St Patricks Cathedral, Mr Fitzgerald being God Father by Proxy for Mr John Bonham Mrs Fitzgerald being God Mother.
The Argus Wednesday 15 Jan 1941
Bonham - On January 13, at private hospital East Malvern, Mary Agnes, late of Richmond, beloved sister of James, Anne (Mrs Hehir), Margaret, Angela, Mrs Duffy (deceased), Edward, Teresa Ignatius (deceased), John and Francis - Requiescat in Pace (Interred privately at Booroondara Cemetery)
Mary Theresa BONHAM [4057]
Sex: FAKA: Mollie BONHAM
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1895 - Moe, Vic, Australia 1502 Christening: Death: 20 May 1941 - Fitzroy, Vic, Australia ( at age 46) 1503,1504 Burial: 21 May 1941 - Springvale Crematorium, Springvale, Victoria, Australia 1504
Father: Edward Joseph BONHAM [3396] (1867-1942) Mother: Mary Josephine McDONNELL [3397] (1868-1943)
Spouses and Children
1. *Austral Frederick WILLIAMS [4058] (1897 - 1981) Marriage: 4 Jan 1930 - Carlton North, Victoria 1505,1506 Status: Children: 1. Mary WILLIAMS [5761]
Witnesses to Mary and Austal's marriage were Joseph Geraghty and Agnes Bonham
The Argus Wednesday 23 May 1941
Williams - On May 20 Mary (Mollie), loved daughter of Edward and Mary Bonham (Dandenong Road, Oakleigh) sister of Agnes and Nance Bonham, and niece of Mrs D E Hehir (East Malvern) - Requiescat in pace (privately interred.)
Maxwell Robert BONHAM [2108]
Sex: M
Father: Harold William Slater BONHAM [244] (1912-2002) 1460,1461,1462 Mother: Gladys Elsie WILSON [243] (1916-2006)
Spouses and Children
1. *Melva Lillian LAWLER [2111] Children: 1. Michael Raymond BONHAM [2112] 2. Brian William BONHAM [2113] 3. Denise Ann BONHAM [2114] 4. David John BONHAM [2115]Megan Louise BONHAM [2117]
Sex: F
Father: Michael Raymond BONHAM [2112] Mother: Manda BOZIC [2116]Michael Raymond BONHAM [2112]
Sex: M
Father: Maxwell Robert BONHAM [2108] Mother: Melva Lillian LAWLER [2111]
Spouses and Children
1. *Manda BOZIC [2116] Children: 1. Megan Louise BONHAM [2117]Nancye June BONHAM [185]
Sex: F
Father: Harold William Slater BONHAM [244] (1912-2002) 1460,1461,1462 Mother: Gladys Elsie WILSON [243] (1916-2006)
Spouses and Children
1. *Douglas Geoffrey Francis BLACKWELL [186] (18 May 1933 - 10 Nov 2024) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Coral Janine BLACKWELL [2] 2. Douglas Harold Maxwell BLACKWELL [1326] (1960-1988) 3. Charmaine Louise BLACKWELL [1327] 4. Linda Diane BLACKWELL [1330] 5. Naomi Jeanette BLACKWELL [1336]Patricia Margaret BONHAM [6156]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 8 Jun 1927 - Birkenhead, Cheshire, England 93 Christening: Death: Feb 1996 - South Cheshire, Cheshire, England ( at age 68) Burial:
Father: George Francis BONHAM [6143] (1893-1971) Mother: Margaret F LATTA [6154] ( - ) 93
Spouses and Children
1. *Matthew Kennedy WHITE [6160] (30 Dec 1928 - 3 Feb 1974) 93 Marriage: Mar 1954 - Wirral, Cheshire, England Status:Peter BONHAM [6150]
Sex: M
Father: Edward BONHAM [6142] (1891-1965) Mother: Mary CHESTERS [6147] (1892- ) 93Teresa Ignatius BONHAM [3398]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 5 Mar 1870 - Richmond, Victoria, Australia Christening: 13 Mar 1870 - Richmond, Victoria, Australia Death: Bef 1941 Burial:
Father: James John BONHAM [1276] (1821-1888) Mother: Mary Agnes JONES [1275] (1834-1899)
Handwritten notes of births passed down to myself on old diary (handwritten on back says pages from John's Diary) pages dated 1888/1889 state the following:-
Birth records
Teresa Ignatius Bonham was born at 35 Catherine St Richmond March 5 1870 at 5.30am.
Baptized at St Ignatius Church Richmond Sunday March 13 1870 Mr and Mrs Fitzgerald being God Father and God Mother
The Argus Melbourne Friday 26 June 1885 page 3
St Ignatius' schools, Richmond
The midwinter demonstration of large primary schools attached to St. Ignatius' Roman Catholic Church, Richmond, was witnessed last night by a crowded audience, composed of the friends and relatives to the children. Every part of the boys' schoolroom was occupied. The Very Rev. A Sturzo, superior-general of the Jesuits of Australasia, presided, and the Rev. J Mulhall, S.J. pastor in charge of the Richmond district was also present. A lengthy programme, illustrating the musical elocutionary, and dramatic ability of the children, was carried out under the direction of the Rev. J. Kennedy, S.J. Subjoined is the list of prizes, which were presented to the successful children at the midwinter examinations by the chairman:-
Drawing- First, Teresa Bonham;.......................
Teresa is mentioned in her parents Probate documents, but no further information can be found about her.
The Kruse sisters remember being told by their grandmother that one of the sisters died young of breast cancer, and they believe that this was Teresa. I have been unable to find birth or death for her, but she is mentioned in her mother's probate documents in December 1899, and also received a disbursement of £75 from her mother's Estate in December 1900.
Teresa Ignatius is mentioned as deceased in the death notice of her sister Mary Agnes in 1941, but a death for her has not been found to date.
This is a possible related article, but unproven.
The Inverell Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954) Monday 11 June 1934 Page 8
Sister Bonham Farewelled
Last Wednesday evening the senior Fellowship at St, Andrew's, celebrated their first anniversary at a birthday tea. The happy function took place in an appropriate setting, in the kindergarten room of the Memorial Hall, where the good things were spread, and sixteen members including Rev. Emlyn James sat down to do them justice. The birthday cake, on which was placed one candle was made by Miss Chisholm and cut by Sister Bonham.
Following this, the Sunday School teachers co-operated with the Fellow ship members to entertain the Women's Missionary Association at a social evening, probably one of the most successful held in the School hall. A short session of community singing commenced the proceedings after which a number of lively games and contests were heartily entered into by all. The coldness of the evening was not noticed through participation in the various novelties. Before supper was served, occasion was taken to save words of farewell to Sister Bonham, a teacher of the Sunday school for four years and a member of the Fellowship since its in inception. Mr A. C. Baillie, superintendent of St. Andrew's S.S., in handing a cheque as a parting gift from the members of both organisations, expressed the regret of all at the departure of one so capable, enthusiastic and devoted as Sister Bonham, She efficiently carried out her labours of love he said and was held in affectionate regard by pupils, teachers and Fellowship members. Their very best wishes were extended with the hope that the future held much good and happiness in store.
Rev. Emlyn James also added words of appreciation for loyal service rendered by their guest, and handed her a book as a further expression of their high esteem. Sister Bonham in responding, thanked all for sentiments expressed, as well as for their gifts. The singing of "Auld Lang Syne" brought a most enjoyable evening to a close.
The Inverell Times (NSW : 1899 - 1907, 1909 - 1954) View title info Fri 22 Feb 1935 Page 9
The Fellowship Association, in the course of its report, stated: During this year we have 'lengthened our cords and strengthened our stakes.'
Early in the year we applied success fully for affiliation with the Union of New South Wales. A Junior Girls' Circle has been formed, and, led by Miss Taylor, holds a meeting each Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. During the evening of our first birthday tea Sister Bonham was presented with a cheque as a farewell gift from the Sunday school and Fellowship Association. She had taken a keen interest in both of these organisations, and is missed very much. A badge dedication service made a memorable day of 7th November. Miss Taylor gave a splendid talk on 'The Badge,' and what it means. Mr. Les. Campbell chose and road a suitable passage from Scripture. Mr. Price, the Director of the Welfare of Youth, gave a very inspiring address. Twenty members from the junior and senior circles were presented with badges. Our weekly meetings are a source of true fellowship.
We have studied the subjects given in the 'Witness,' our fellowship paper. Mr. James gives us a few guiding thoughts about each subject, after which various members render prepared assignments, then general discussion is invited. We all come away with a feeling of uplift. Our thanks are due to our worthy leader for his great help.
The report of St. Andrew's Sunday school referred to improved attendances and evidence of deeper interest.
A record year in offerings was recorded.
Reference was made to the loss of Sister Bonham, a most loyal and enthusiastic teacher and leader of the junior
department, she having volunteered for the Australian Inland Mission.
Valerie Joy BONHAM [2110]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 14 Nov 1945 - Warragul, Victoria, Australia Christening: Death: 4 Jun 2015 - Ringwood, Vic, Australia ( at age 69) Burial: 15 Jun 2015 - Lilydale, Vic, Australia 1507Events
1. Occupation: Royal Australian Navy, 1963 to 1965. R85644.
2. Obituary: Herald Sun newpaper, 10 Jun 2015, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Father: Harold William Slater BONHAM [244] (1912-2002) 1460,1461,1462 Mother: Gladys Elsie WILSON [243] (1916-2006)
Spouses and Children
1. *Ray Arthur John DUNSTONE [2129] Children: 1. Craig Michael DUNSTONE [2130] 2. Joanne Lee DUNSTONE [2131]
Val served in the Royal Australian Navy from 21 May 1963- Feb 65 until her marriage to Ray. Her service number was R85644 She was initially based at HMAS Cerberus but was later transferred to Sydney. She had a severe reaction to an immunisation and was unable to undertake overseas ship board activities due to her reaction at the time.
DUNSTONE (nee Bonham). Valerie Joy (Val) Passed away peacefully on Thursday June 4, 2015 at Maroondah Hospital aged 69 years. Loved and loving wife of Ray (Mick). Much loved mother of Craig and Joanne, mother-in- law to Rosalie and Stephen, loved Grandma of Michael, Sarah, April, Daphne and step Grandma to Gale and Amanda. Forever in our hearts
Published in Herald Sun on 10/06/2015
DUNSTONE. Valerie Joy. Loved sister and sister-in-law of Max and Melva. Loved aunt of Michael, Brian, Denise and David and their families. At Peace
Published in Herald Sun on 10/06/2015
DUNSTONE (nee Bonham). Valerie Joy (Val) Passed away peacefully on Thursday June 4, 2015 at Maroondah Hospital aged 69 years. Loved and loving wife of Ray (Mick). Much loved mother of Craig and Joanne, mother-in- law to Rosalie and Stephen, loved Grandma of Michael, Sara, April, Daphne and step Grandma to Gail and Amanda. Forever in our hearts
Published in Herald Sun on 12/06/2015
DUNSTONE (nee Bonham). A Service to Celebrate the Life of Valerie Joy Dunstone (Val) of Mooroolbark will be held on MONDAY (June 15, 2015) at 11.00 a. m. in the William Matthews Funeral Home, 45 Cavhill Rd, Lillydale. CREMATION
Published in Herald Sun on 10/06/2015
Jacqui BOON [8719]
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. *Douglas John SCOWN [8713] Children: 1. India SCOWN [8720] 2. Scarlett SCOWN [8721]Jennifer Joy BOON [3833]
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. *Paul Stephen CRELLIN [3822] Children: 1. Luke George CRELLIN 1508 [3834] (1988-2023) 2. Kane Stephen CRELLIN [3835]John BOOT [3496]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1822 Christening: Death: 1848 - Basford, Nottinghamshire, England ( aged about 26) Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Peggy GODBER [3493] (Abt 1822 - 12 Jan 1896) 50,87 Marriage: 1843 87 Status: Children: 1. Sarah BOOT [9036] (Abt 1843-1879)Rosamond Nowell BOOT [9860]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 14 Apr 1862 - Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England 1509,1510 Christening: Death: Oct 1939 - Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England ( at age 77) Burial:
Father: William NOWELL [12743] (Abt 1844-1881) Mother: Sarah BOOT [9036] (Abt 1843-1879)
Spouses and Children
1. *John GODSON [9861] (1851 - ) 1511 Marriage: Status:
marriage 1 to John Godson 1851- 1897
Mary Godson 1880-1952
Sarah Godson 1881-
Elizabeth A Godson 1886-1951
Frank Godson 1887-1915
Jonathan Godson 1889-1946
Samuel Godson 1890-1892
William Godson 1892-
Marriage 2 to Christopher White 1861-1935
Nellie White 1892-1962
Annie White 1900-1979
Gershom White 1902- 1929
Rosamond White 1906-1934
Sarah BOOT [9036]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1843 - Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England Christening: Death: 1879 - Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England ( aged about 36) Burial: 2 Jul 1879 - Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England
Father: John BOOT [3496] (Abt 1822-1848) 87 Mother: Peggy GODBER [3493] (Abt 1822-1896) 50,87
Spouses and Children
1. *William NOWELL [12743] (Abt 1844 - 1881) Marriage: 1866 - Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England Status: Children: 1. Rosamond Nowell BOOT 1509 [9860] (1862-1939) 2. Jane Boot NOWELL [12744] (1864-1934) 3. Elizabeth NOWELL [12749] (1866-1881) 4. Francis NOWELL [12745] (1868-1952) 5. Sarah NOWELL [12746] (1871-1929) 6. William NOWELL [12747] (1874-1920)Christopher John BOOTH [1199]
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Fiona Kim FERGUSON [1198] Children: 1. Kristylee BOOTH [1471] 2. Riley John BOOTH [1995]Colin Michael BOOTH [5679]
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Linda Kathleen GILBEE [262]Elizabeth A BOOTH [12535]
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. *Lyle ABBOTT [12528] Children: 1. ABBOTT [12536]Hannah BOOTH [1344]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1771 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England Christening: 26 May 1771 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England 1512,1513 Death: 10 Aug 1845 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England ( at age 74) 1514 Burial:
Father: William BOOTH [1350] (1735-1831) Mother: Lydia WEBSTER [1349] (1737-1816) 1515
Spouses and Children
1. *Robert GODBER [1345] (Abt 1759 - 1 Oct 1820) Marriage: 16 Mar 1794 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England 1516,1517 Status: Children: 1. Sarah GODBER [3585] (1794- ) 2. Anthony GODBER [3586] (1796-1881) 3. Job GODBER [1343] (1798-1890) 4. Jeremiah GODBER [3587] (1800-1869) 5. George GODBER [3588] (1802-1881) 6. Hannah GODBER [3589] (1804- ) 7. Deborah GODBER [3590] (1806- ) 8. Jane GODBER [3591] (1808-1887) 9. Joseph GODBER 1518 [10910] (1811- )Kristylee BOOTH [1471]
Sex: F
Father: Christopher John BOOTH [1199] Mother: Fiona Kim FERGUSON [1198]Riley John BOOTH [1995]
Sex: M
Father: Christopher John BOOTH [1199] Mother: Fiona Kim FERGUSON [1198]Violet Maud Sledge BOOTH [4447]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1897 - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Christening: Death: 1979 - Footscray, Vic, Australia ( at age 82) Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Henry KALWIG [3283] (1887 - 1954) Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Ethel May KALWIG [5340] (1916-2005) 2. Stanley John Henry KALWIG [5343] (1920-2009) 3. William Leslie George KALWIG [3250] (1921-1993) 4. Walter Leo KALWIG [5344] (1923-1924) 5. Albert Edwin KALWIG [5345] (1924-1956) 6. Leonard KALWIG [3281] (Abt 1925-2021) 7. Merle Dorothy KALWIG [5339] (1928-2012)William BOOTH [1350]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1735 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England 994 Christening: 17 Mar 1735 - , Derbyshire, England 994 Death: 4 Jan 1831 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England ( at age 96) 994 Burial: 8 Jan 1831 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England 994
Father: William BOOTH [11667] (1686-1775) 994 Mother: Mary BINGHAM [11668] (1687-1762) 994
Spouses and Children
1. *Lydia WEBSTER [1349] (Mar 1737 - Apr 1816) 1515 Marriage: 1 Dec 1762 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England 1520 Status: Children: 1. Hannah BOOTH [1344] (1771-1845)William BOOTH [11667]
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 1686 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England 994 Christening: 10 Apr 1689 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England 994 Death: Mar 1775 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England ( at age 89) 994 Burial: 3 Mar 1775 - Pentrich, Derbyshire, England 994
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary BINGHAM [11668] (4 Jul 1687 - 1762) 994 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. William BOOTH [1350] (1735-1831)Margaret BORLAND [12409]
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: 1903 - , , Scotland Burial:
Spouses and Children
1. *Joseph HARDIE [5480] (8 Apr 1853 - 7 Jan 1940) 1522 Marriage: 1876 - Kilmarnock, Ayr, Scotland 1523 Status:Dominic Luke BOSHER [12813]
Sex: M
Father: Philip R BOSHER [12814] Mother: Ann M STAYNINGS [12815]
Spouses and Children
1. *Kristy-Lee Margaret JONES [978] Children: 1. Edward Luke BOSHER [14374]Edward Luke BOSHER [14374]
Sex: M
Father: Dominic Luke BOSHER [12813] Mother: Kristy-Lee Margaret JONES [978]Philip R BOSHER [12814]
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Ann M STAYNINGS [12815] Children: 1. Dominic Luke BOSHER [12813]Kieran Michael BOSSY [4513]
Sex: M
Father: Shaun Richard Ivan BOSSY [4512] Mother: Erin Simone WESTON [4507]Liam Jonty BOSSY [4514]
Sex: M
Father: Shaun Richard Ivan BOSSY [4512] Mother: Erin Simone WESTON [4507]
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